ruveyn wrote:
Dark_Lord_2008 wrote:
Howard Camping has just changed the date to October 21, 2011. This guy totally lacks credibility.
Not so. He said Rapture on May 21 End on Oct 21. From the git go.
There was no Rapture on May 21. This guy is a total nut case and a fraud. How can anyone take him seriously? There is no such thing as a Rapture. TV evangelists are dangerous people selling a poisoned version of religion to the masses solely to line their own pockets. TV evangelists are more immoral, corrupt and are complete hypocrites of the holier and though lifestyle they preach to the masses.
October 21 will come and go without anything unusual happening. Rapture will never happen. It is just a mad religious guy trying to predict the end of the world that will never happen. Camping makes a lot of money out of selling this Rapture nonsense to the uneducated fools who believe in it.
Mayan calendar end date: 20 Dec 2012 or 21 Dec 2012 will come and go without anything happening. The world will go on, no man can predict the end of times. Every predicted End of Times date will come and pass without anything significant occurring. Doomsday prophets are always wrong. Good for entertainment value but too bad for the uneducated sheep who follow these religious lunatics.
TV evangelists are just cult leaders and religious fundamentalists selling their own interpretations of the Bible to brainwash uneducated sheep and making a lot of money out of it in the process.