She was found "Not Guilty" by a jury of her peers. "Innocent" means that she didn't do it. "Not Guilty" means that the prosecution failed to prove its case against her beyond a reasonable doubt.
Your distinction is a nice one--but it is also legally wrong.
She does not need to be found innocent. She is innocent. Each and every person in the United States is innocent, until such time as a court of competent jurisdiction convicts them on the basis of a case proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
People are not required to prove themselves innocent, and no decision of a jury can be interpreted as a determination of innocence.

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I do not watch TV. Just from the media reports on AOL, I thought she was not guilty, but someone else was. As I recall, the disapperance was not reported for a while.
Everyone I know would report a missing two year old in less than an hour.
Accidental death would be reported, so something happened, and she was told to shut up and lie. She did, and got convicted of lying.
Someone is still dead, and the investigation continues.
Charging someone with murder is a way of getting them to tell what they know to clear themselves. It did not work.
It is possible she knew nothing. She may not have known till the body was discovered.
The fact that she was out partying with friends points to her not knowing. Her life went on, normal behavior. I do not think she knows what happened. She and the child were living with her parents.
The Mexican babysitter is a story she was given, to cover up.
She could have well been told they sold the child, to a good home. She stuck to the story till the body was discovered, and she was charged with murder one. At that point there is nothing to do but defend.
If the body had not been discovered, no one would have been charged.
Then a cover of, kidnap for ransom, and and she would die if we contacted the authorities, would hold up.
The case goes on. Someone is guilty.
Sure, the jury let her off, but I will always believe she's guilty.
And who gave her the story about the Mexican maid? Her father? I believe she callously slandered her father. I think she went out partying afterwards because she considered herself to be free from responsibility toward a child, so she could be a party girl again. If anything, she suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder (I've been taken advantage of by a former girl friend with this condition, and I'm not sympathetic toward those who have it), and very likely would be diagnosed as sociopathic if she were ever on a psychologist's couch.
She's free only because the prosecution were so certain that they had had a slam-dunk case, and invariably left enough doubt open, because of their own hubris.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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The prosecution overreached and they got their head handed to them. Good. How dare they try to seek a death penalty when they could not even prove the cause of death? That's the way prosecutors are. They get drunk with power and pile on the charges even when they do not have the underlying evidence.. Instead of trying Casey Anthony for manslaughter or criminally negligent homicide--where they probably could have got a conviction-- they are so full of themselves they go for capital murder one even though there is no proof how the child died. I have no doubt that Casey was the cause of her baby's death, although I have no idea whether or not it was premeditated or inadvertent. However, you don't put a person on trial for murder without the proof to back you up. If she got away with it, its do to the prosecutors' hubris.
Sure, the jury let her off, but I will always believe she's guilty.
In the grand scheme of things neither your beliefs nor mine add up to a pile of sh*t.
Indeed, the only opinion that matters is the opinion of the jury.
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?
Sure, the jury let her off, but I will always believe she's guilty.
In the grand scheme of things neither your beliefs nor mine add up to a pile of sh*t.
Indeed, the only opinion that matters is the opinion of the jury.
Bingo. Smart lad.

WRONG! She was found "Not Guilty" by a jury of her peers. "Innocent" means that she didn't do it. "Not Guilty" means that the prosecution failed to prove its case against her beyond a reasonable doubt.
Your distinction is a nice one--but it is also legally wrong. She does not need to be found innocent. She is innocent. Each and every person in the United States is innocent, until such time as a court of competent jurisdiction convicts them on the basis of a case proved beyond a reasonable doubt.
Each defendent is only presumed innocent until proven guilty. This presumption is the basis for the need for the prosecution to prove its claims - and in a capital murder case, this proof must be beyond a reasonable doubt.
The Presumption of Innocence, sometimes referred by the "Latin Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat" (the principle that one is considered innocent until proven guilty), is a legal right of the accused in a criminal trial, recognised in many nations. The burden of proof is thus on the prosecution, which has to collect and present enough compelling evidence to convince the trier of fact, who is restrained and ordered by law to consider only actual evidence and testimony that is legally admissible, and in most cases lawfully obtained, that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In case of remaining doubts, the accused is to be acquitted. This presumption is seen to stem from the Latin legal principle that "Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat" (the burden of proof rests on who asserts, not on who denies).
THIS is why no one needs to prove his or her innocence, but only needs to demonstrate where the prosecution's case is deficient.

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I'm from Canada and I find the way the Americans obsessed with this whole nightmare unbelievably stupid. Camping outside the courthouse: you'd think it was a big sale or a sports event, But no, it's about a LITTLE girl who was MURDERED. Does anyone besides me find that sick? I don't get it at all, this is what "normal" people are freaking out over and I'M THE ONE WHO'S GOT A "DISORDER" THAT MAKES YOU HAVE "ODD OR UNUSUAL OBSESSIONS"! !!
I also bet if the little girl wasn't white or physically attractive or the "alleged" killer was male they would not have cared much at all. Children get kidnapped, abused, molested and murdered every day, but it doesn't end up media hype. And it's obvious to me that the only way for a suspected killer to get sentenced, other than confessing, is to find a photograph of them murdering their victim, with a hand-written message on the back in the victim's blood saying, "I killed (victim's name), signed (killer's name).
Sorry if my dark humor offended you, but really the whole American Justice system is a joke. It always has been a joke, and it's a bigger joke than ever. Ha. HA.

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I also bet if the little girl wasn't white or physically attractive or the "alleged" killer was male they would not have cared much at all. Children get kidnapped, abused, molested and murdered every day, but it doesn't end up media hype. And it's obvious to me that the only way for a suspected killer to get sentenced, other than confessing, is to find a photograph of them murdering their victim, with a hand-written message on the back in the victim's blood saying, "I killed (victim's name), signed (killer's name).
Sorry if my dark humor offended you, but really the whole American Justice system is a joke. It always has been a joke, and it's a bigger joke than ever. Ha. HA.

You haven't really shown the American justice system to be a joke at all. You've only shown that western media is quick to exploit people in order to play on the emotions of their audiences. We love gossip and scandal. If we didn't, if we weren't so quick to scapegoat someone, if we weren't so thirsty for blood, the news outlets would have to find some other way of keeping their ratings up.
How do we really know that the death wasn't really accidental, that Casey panicked, and she's just a stupid young woman who made ugly decisions? Surely she's learned her lesson, but at a cost few of us can really imagine.
And maybe it really was murder and the state simply failed to prove its case. But if you were accused of a crime, would you not want to be treated fairly? Guilty or not, everyone gets a fair shot.
Rather than hating on the administration of justice, consider those who enjoy being scandalized by cases like this and the media who feeds their blood lust. We really aren't much better than spectators at ancient Roman gladiator contests.
I'm taking a Forensic Anthropology class this semester and we've been following the evidence in this case. The prosecution had very little to work on really when it comes to hard evidence (which is needed for a 1st degree murder conviction)...all they had to work with was logical assumptions and conjecture.
The remains and evidence found on the site only point that this little girl was not physically abused to the point of it causing bone injuries; that the remains had been in the swamp for months and that the duct tape on her head was only sold in Ohio (thus linking it to the the family's household) and that it was placed over the child's mouth and nose.
The evidence does not point in any way or form as to how she died or who did it. All it points to is that the child died and the tape was either put on her after death or it was the cause of death and that her body was transported to the playhouse for less than a day, on the trunk of the car with the blanket and plastic bags for a couple of days and then dumped on the swamp down the road from where she lived.
Anything besides that is conjecture. You cannot convict someone to the needle based on conjecture (at least in Florida).
I was surprised though that Casey was not charged for wrongful death and child neglect... or criminally negligent manslaughter. The kid died under her care and she covered it up... that cannot be denied or refuted in any way. For that she should be tossed in prison for a very long time imo.
I don't think she is innocent.. but I do not know either if she did it all on her own or if it was the result of some other situation.
The only item that links the murder to the Anthony family is the duct tape. It is a brand found and sold only in Ohio where the family moved from so that means that the murderer is one of the Anthony's or someone who was very familiar with their home (since most people keep duct tape in their garage).
Personally, I don't believe that Casey killed the kid on purpose despite her behavior and what the prosecution said in closing arguments is very true: nobody would cover up an accidental death by making it look like murder.
So that opens two scenarios in my opinion:
1- It is known Casey was into drug parties and lots of alcohol. Chloroform is a recreational drug that does the same effects as alcohol without the hangover and it is also used to make harder drugs... so, Casey and some other person were doing this at home and somehow the kid died (I doubt it was intentional) and knowing they would be charged with murder they disposed of the body the way they did and why all the lies. The flaw in this is the tape itself: I doubt Casey or this 2nd person would go to the garage and find the duct tape to put on the kid's body (unless that tape had been inside the home and easily accessible...but then again who keeps a 4 +year old duct tape in their kitchen?). Casey's father testified in his deposition that he kept his duct tape in the garage and in a location that was required you to look for it if you needed it (aka a stranger would not have been able to spot it quickly in the garage).
2- Casey's father is involved. Probably same scenario as #1 except he found the kid dead and Casey drugged up and the child abuse charges are true. Thats a powerful motivation to turn an accidental death into a murder scene. This is a possible scenario because the man has decades of murder investigation experience and it is -very- unusual for a body to be kept in the trunk of a car for 10 or so days and then dumped. This does not make sense unless you consider that if the kid died from drug overdose& if the kid had been abused by Casey's father then the evidence is all in the flesh. Only then would it make a ton of sense to purposely hide the body until the flesh is gone.
What's interesting is that all forensic textbooks describe that it takes about 10 days for a body to fully decompose in FL like weather. Also the car was kept near a garbage dumpster to hide the smell... and a corpse will start stinking after just 3 days in FL so I doubt Casey was involved in dumping the body because if she had, it would not have been in the car after the 3rd day nor would the car had been hidden near a dumpster. I would think only someone who has seen bodies found near garbage dumpsters would know off the top of his head that the smell is muffled there... guess who fits that profile.
In this scenario it would be Casey's best interest to avoid murder conviction (drugs+dead kid=easy murder conviction) by lying (which she did best apparently) and misleading while her father would avoid conviction of abuse by disposing of the body after the incriminating flesh was gone.
A lot of things point as Casey's dad imo: The duct tape (it was his house and I would say only a man in his house would beeline for the duct tape in the garage), the knowledge of the timing needed for decomposition, knowledge of how to hide the smell, knowledge of the criminal/forensic investigation procedures and what the legal system can and cannot prove with given evidence. The man's only mistakes in this scenario was to use his own duct tape... I doubt it crossed his mind that his duct tape was of a brand found only in Ohio... and not realizing his daughter would snap under the stress and party her brain out (denial of reality).... or that her pathological lying would bring so much media attention to the case.
In any case, I doubt the case is dropped. Casey could not be found guilty of murder but you can bet that the investigators will keep at it until there is justice for this child.
Unfortunately, unless new evidence is discovered - that is, evidence that has not already been presented in court - there is very little likelihood of even re-opening the case fur further investigation.
Even more unfortunate, it looks as if the prosecution had ample evidence to pursue a child-neglect / negligent-homicide charge, but decided to go for the maximum charge and the maximum penalty instead, thus trying to prosecute charges that the available evidence would not and could not support.
Is it an election year in Florida, or something?

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given all the evidence that ppl on this thread presented, I smell media hype. Dont think for an minute that the courts and the media dont dance together once in a while to take up airtime and distract folks from what is really going on. A state prosicuter knows that going for the highest penalty in order to convict someone on iffy evidence will result in the jury letting them off the hook. They know this. If they really wanted to win the case, they would have charged for lesser charges which they were probably guilty of. Sooo why did they do it?? Media hype. Now it is going to be in the media alot longer than if she was found guilty cuz now the media has to b***h about it forever and a day to deliberate what went "wrong" with the case.
But when you see smoke in the media, the fire is somewhere else.
I bet if you review all all the bills and the budget battles that have been going on since the story has been splashed all over the media, you will find the real reason why the hype. Anytime there is something taking up alot of airtime that is not really relelant to the people at large, there is some shading dealings on the hill that will effect alot of people. But if they can get folks so obessed about a pretty dead child, they wont think to look at what their leaders are doing.
All art is a kind of confession, more or less oblique. All artists, if they are to survive, are forced, at last, to tell the whole story; to vomit the anguish up.
-James Baldwin
I can't believe she got away with that. 30 days not reporting your child missing? Partying. No care in the world. Death smell in her car? Fictitious nanny to claim kidnapped your child? Duct tape on the mouth. The defense claimed the child died while drowning and the family covered it up. Okay so why would they need duct tape on the child's mouth if that were the case?
If someone else murdered her child like the father of the child or the child drowned..I highly doubt she would have been partying but in a state of shock at least.