why do "rednecks" refuse to eat healthy?

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04 Nov 2011, 9:59 pm

mushroo wrote:
"Rednecks" were eating free-range meat, supporting local agriculture, and preserving heirloom breeds for centuries before it became popular with the Whole Foods crowd.

Aye, there's the hilarity in this thread. :)

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04 Nov 2011, 10:13 pm

Q: Why do police have such a hard time solving redneck murders?

A: They don't have dental records and their DNA is all the same.

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05 Nov 2011, 5:26 am

Fnord wrote:
"Rednecks" are not restricted to the South or Appalachia. We're everywhere that people actually enjoy putting in 12 to 16 hours of manual labor each day, where neighbors support each other like kinfolk, where relatives will take you in even if you're on parole, where self-sufficiency and supporting one's children are the hallmarks of a mature adult, where service to one's country earns you head-of-the-line privileges at the church potluck, where flying the American flag is something you want to do, where "gun control" means hitting your target with the first shot, where solving problems is more important than complaining about them, where Election Day and opening day of deer season are given the same reverence as Thanksgiving and Christmas, where a man's word is as good as cash, and where brand names like "Levi", "Black & Decker", and "Chevrolet" have more value than "Gucci", "Cuisinart", and "Porche".

My Dad had been born in rural eastern Washington in 1921 - that is, the Old West had hardly ended by the time he had come into the world. The fact is though, my Dad and his family had originally lived in the Columbia basin area of Lincoln county, surrounded by Russian German farmers (as his family were), ranchers and cowboys, as well as the occasional former horse thieves and rustlers. Then, for reasons why I had never asked my Dad about (he has since passed away), his family had packed up and moved to what might be described as Washington state's hillbilly country further north in the state. With the experience of living among a bunch of crackers and rednecks who can perhaps be best described as closed minded and bigoted. Half the girls in his high school class had never graduated due to getting into the family way, despite feeling that their country morality was superior to everyone else'. And the ecstatic pentecostal worship of the locals was so irritating that he and his parents had to go all the way to Spokane for proper Lutheran worship. Needless to say, when my Dad left for an industrial job in Spokane, with a few exceptions of having to stay with his parents after his father had had a debilitating stroke, he never looked back at that back water s**thole. And I suppose my Dad's prejudice has colored my perception of countrified life.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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05 Nov 2011, 5:54 am

Gedrene wrote:
femme wrote:
ValentineWiggin wrote:
You do know you're describing the vast majority of Westerners, and not just "rednecks", right?
That being mindful of health when you eat puts you in a tiny statistical group?

I agree me and my brother where born in North Carolina Joker is 100% country but by no means is he a redneck btw? The term redneck started out as a insult to Irish people me and my brother Joker are Irish.
Irish and Jewish?

Why not? Robert Briscoe, a Jew, was Lord Mayor of Dublin.

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05 Nov 2011, 6:06 am

Gedrene wrote:
femme wrote:
ValentineWiggin wrote:
You do know you're describing the vast majority of Westerners, and not just "rednecks", right?
That being mindful of health when you eat puts you in a tiny statistical group?

I agree me and my brother where born in North Carolina Joker is 100% country but by no means is he a redneck btw? The term redneck started out as a insult to Irish people me and my brother Joker are Irish.
Irish and Jewish?

[Irish joke]

But are you a protestant jew or a catholic jew?

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05 Nov 2011, 6:47 am

DC wrote:
Gedrene wrote:
femme wrote:
ValentineWiggin wrote:
You do know you're describing the vast majority of Westerners, and not just "rednecks", right?
That being mindful of health when you eat puts you in a tiny statistical group?

I agree me and my brother where born in North Carolina Joker is 100% country but by no means is he a redneck btw? The term redneck started out as a insult to Irish people me and my brother Joker are Irish.
Irish and Jewish?

[Irish joke]

But are you a protestant jew or a catholic jew?

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05 Nov 2011, 11:08 am

I thought the term "redneck" applied to people who worked so much outside when it's sunny that their neck would turn red from all the work or sun. =/

Also, been eating Mueslix cereals for quite a while here, never had any milk-related problems. Just don't drink orange juice afterwards though. Creates the odd base-acid reaction in your stomach.


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05 Nov 2011, 11:58 am

phil777 wrote:
I thought the term "redneck" applied to people who worked so much outside when it's sunny that their neck would turn red from all the work or sun.

thats what I thought too. I never knew it was a derogitory word for Irish
I am Irish/Native American

Why did they call the Irish, rednecks?


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05 Nov 2011, 6:32 pm

jojobean wrote:
phil777 wrote:
I thought the term "redneck" applied to people who worked so much outside when it's sunny that their neck would turn red from all the work or sun.

thats what I thought too. I never knew it was a derogitory word for Irish
I am Irish/Native American

Why did they call the Irish, rednecks?


The English called the Irish rednecks because in the summer the back of their necks would turn red due to the fact that most Irish people are ginger and turn really red in the summer then go back to being pale white Joker is a ginger with red hair and pale white skin also the Irish immigrants that came to America where called rednecks for being potato farmers an poor.

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06 Nov 2011, 6:15 pm

femme wrote:
jojobean wrote:
phil777 wrote:
I thought the term "redneck" applied to people who worked so much outside when it's sunny that their neck would turn red from all the work or sun.

thats what I thought too. I never knew it was a derogitory word for Irish
I am Irish/Native American

Why did they call the Irish, rednecks?


The English called the Irish rednecks because in the summer the back of their necks would turn red due to the fact that most Irish people are ginger and turn really red in the summer then go back to being pale white Joker is a ginger with red hair and pale white skin also the Irish immigrants that came to America where called rednecks for being potato farmers an poor.

My skin turns a copper-ish color with sun exposure...probably the native american in me.
My dad tans well like me, while his brother burns to a crisp.

However, I gave up intentional tanning 16 years ago, I still get alittle dark in the summer. But if I get dark enough, ppl start speaking spanish to me :lol:

It is interesting though, most of the Irish that imigrated to the US were fair-skinned, but native Irish (before English occupation) had a darker olive complexion with black or blackish-brown hair, some have sapphire blue eyes and are called black Irish. Bono of U2 is black Irish.

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06 Nov 2011, 6:18 pm

Because they don't like being spoken down to by upper-middle class metropolitan authoritarian media pipsqueaks. And to be honest I can't blame them.


There you go.


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06 Nov 2011, 6:22 pm

Tequila wrote:
Because they don't like being spoken down to by upper-middle class metropolitan authoritarian media pipsqueaks. And to be honest I can't blame them.


There you go.

Damn it! I haven't had lunch yet, and that pic's gotten me hungry!

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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07 Nov 2011, 7:03 pm

More educated people eat healthy.

Less educated people eat unhealthy.

Where rednecks fall is up for debate. ;)

BTW, in the US the term redneck came out of Appalachia in early 1900s. The coal miners there were on strike against the Mega Super Rich coal industry. (The large corporations of today are peanuts compared to the monopolistic conglomerates of early 1900s.) The coal industry hired armed Pinkerton's private detectives to force the miners to go back to work. The miners would have none of that so they armed themselves too and met force with force. To distinguish themselves they wore a red bandana around their necks. Hence a redneck.


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07 Nov 2011, 7:44 pm

Dilbert wrote:
More educated people eat healthy.

Less educated people eat unhealthy.

Where rednecks fall is up for debate. ;)

BTW, in the US the term redneck came out of Appalachia in early 1900s. The coal miners there were on strike against the Mega Super Rich coal industry. (The large corporations of today are peanuts compared to the monopolistic conglomerates of early 1900s.) The coal industry hired armed Pinkerton's private detectives to force the miners to go back to work. The miners would have none of that so they armed themselves too and met force with force. To distinguish themselves they wore a red bandana around their necks. Hence a redneck.

Unfortunately, many rednecks of today have bought into the anti-union propaganda of the right.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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07 Nov 2011, 9:32 pm


Coming originally from the deep south ( Georgia ) and as most all my friends ( not that I have many ) are rednecks, I have a unique perspective.

To them it is an association with liberals. As such they choose not to eat "liberal food."

There is also one other cause that I have noted as to why "Rednecks" generally have chosen less healthy culinary options; this cause being that junk food and unhealthy food are cheaper and many can't afford better food even if it wasn't "liberal food."

The fact is unhealthy food is cheaper, much much much cheaper generally and is often in the "comfort food" category. Plus "blue collar" folks often are ( after a lonnnnng day's work ) just too tired to go make something healthy to eat and just grab a burger and fries instead. Yes, less educated people often just grab the burger and fries, but many are just too tired to eat well, or should I say, to eat healthy, even if they know what is healthy.

I eat healthy much of the time, but I still love junk food. I get extremely cranky without chocolate and if that chocolate withdraw should rear it's ugly head, watch out! :D :wink: