If Texas were to secede from the union, here's what its laws could actually look like:
- Stiff mandatory minimum sentences for all kinds of "crimes" including marijuana smoking - possibly even another attempt to ban alcohol
- The age of consent is raised to 21, most people start having sex at the age of 13, 10% of people are registered as sex offenders, and 99% of registered sex offenders in the state are registered for having sex with 18-20 year old boyfriends/girlfriends when they were 21-25.
- All prison is privatized and for-profit, and there is even more speculative prison building than there is now. Prison is motivated completely by getting more "business" (prisoners.)
- The kind of "laissez-faire" for corporations they had at the close of the 19th century
- Corporations are considered ABOVE people representation-wise
- Zero laws regarding how much one person, or a group of people, or a corporation, can give to polititicians or even flat-out say is contigent on voting for/against a particular bill. Basically, full-on legalized bribery.
- Zero gun laws. Anyone can just walk right into a gun shop and buy an AK-47 in 5 minutes. Then they'll wonder why there are so many shootings with those weapons...
- Abortion is illegal, even in cases of rape and incest. Both rape and incest will be rampant, but prosecutors will be more interested in getting the statutory, loving "rapists" to pump up their conviction numbers, thereby making actual rape all but legal.
- Employers can freely discriminate based on any disability, sexual orientation, gender and even race, and stores can refuse service to anyone for any or no reason. They'll be socialized into doing so even when it COSTS them money.
Here's what the majority of people could actually be like:
- Almost no moral compass - their "moral compass" will consist of blindly obeying the Bible, literally, and whatever laws they pass in the interest of huge corporations. Basically Asperger's-like rigid rule following, minus whether the rules actually make any sense.
- People will accept 50% unemployment, 0.1% of the people making 90% of the money and being fired for no reason (and branded for life with it) as "just the way it is." They'll even vote for it to continue!
- People will get behind tougher and tougher criminal statutes, not even realizing that they themselves routinely commit the "crimes" and could be next to go to prison.
- Racism, sexism and heterosexism are all socially acceptable.
- And worst of all, they'll have zero tolerance for anyone who learns at all differently than "most people" learn!! They'll see intelligence as one-dimensional.
That's about the extreme end of what I think could actually happen... I'm not claiming that Romney or even the current governor of Texas wants all that, but this could actually become politically possible there if Texas were its own country, free from the influence of the other 49 states... not to mention those a bit more sane are likely to "vote with their feet" and move to the remaining 49 united states of America.
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