ruveyn wrote:
I agree. In a civilized order there should be means to see that everyone has a chance to earn their bread peacefully and productively. However this need is not a warrant to bestow benefits gotten by taxation on shiftless bums. Everybody, who can earn their bread, should earn their bread. Only those who cannot earn their bread because of disability brought on by nature or accident should be given a free ride by the rest of us. Why? It is social insurance. Each and every one of us is one unlucky event away from being blind or crippled.
What of the person who is disabled by their own misadventure? Does it make a difference whether the activity that brought on the disability is legal or not? The person permanently disabled from employment still needs to eat, whether he caused his own injuries or not.
And what of the person who is willing to work, but who no one is willing to hire? Does it make a difference whether this is because there is no work to offer him as opposed to his own shortcomings?
It is rather easy to demonize the "welfare cheat" and the "culture of dependency." But what does the world look like when we implement policies to crack down on those? The reality, demonstrated time and again, is that property crime goes up.