I wrote a column for CNN: Leave autism out of mass shootings

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24 Dec 2012, 1:12 pm

^ Why don't you write a script and send it to the producers of "CSI"?

They're always looking for good fiction.


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24 Dec 2012, 1:27 pm

TheygoMew wrote:
They should be ashamed of themselves because all they are doing is showing that they are prejudice and hateful against autistics.

Could you please explain this then, and how it supports your statement?

Link http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2012/12/19/ ... k-shooter/

[Newtown Medical Examiner] Carver says Asperger’s is not associated with violent behavior. He says he’s not considering it as a reason for Lanza’s rampage on Friday.

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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24 Dec 2012, 2:21 pm

That's great! Between your column and the Sanje Gupta video, that page provides an awesome resource to send people to who might have questions about this tragedy and the misconceptions about autism surrounding it. I've bookmarked it for just that reason. Thank you, Alex.


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24 Dec 2012, 2:30 pm

answeraspergers wrote:
...I believe that people eventually become their labels...

I can peel a label off as fast as someone can stick it on.


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24 Dec 2012, 2:59 pm

TheygoMew wrote:
..Something tells me, Adam was framed. These thugs likely shot his mom. Adam was doing computer repairs and maybe that hard drive either was Adam with some evidence against someone else or it was someone else's hard drive with some incriminating evidence. Why would a suicidal/homicidal man whom was likely starved for attention and affection destroy his own thoughts? Wouldn't he want to be heard?

Something about this story doesn't add up.

Other than that. Bravo for standing up for the autistic community. They tried to claim James Holmes was autistic too. They should be ashamed of themselves because all they are doing is showing that they are prejudice and hateful against autistics.

Total fiction. And rather crazy.


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25 Dec 2012, 12:23 am

School shooting police radio. I dunno, is this fabricated?

As around 30:20 possible suspect vehicle 872-Yeo

Christopher A. Rodia, August 6 1969.



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25 Dec 2012, 8:13 am

TheygoMew wrote:
I dunno,

Exactly. You don't. And neither do we. Why construct something that isn't there, out of something so ambiguous? Seems like such a waste of time and energy to me.

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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25 Dec 2012, 2:32 pm

I dunno,

There were reports of a second shooter, the shooter was masked, no other mass killer was, his brothers ID was placed there, leading to his brother being picked up real fast as the second shooter.

The last picture of Adam has the look of a junkie.

Rodia's car was used, did Adam drive?

All this crazy stuff is what police sort through every day,

The Rodia family seem to all be facing long times in jail, were the main drug suppliers for an upscale community, and were not very good at it.

Are Adams finger prints on the weapon that killed him? Did the bullet enter at an angle possible for self inflicted?

Why are you trying to say it is open and shut, when the investigation is just starting?

How is Rodia connected, what happened to the hard drive, and those things can be recovered.

Rodia's car could explain DNA collected at the school. We just want to know where Rodia was, why he loaned out his car, what the connection was, and why the second shooter report.

This crime scene is going to get the full treatment, second by second, step by step, a full reconstruction using everything the State, the FBI can do.

Do you think they learned by watching CSI?

So Adam fixed computers, looked strung out, the town connection's car shows up at the shooting, his brother's ID, a second shooter was reported, the brother was picked up, as the second shooter.

Am I spouting a bunch of crazy fiction when everybody knows it was that autistic ret*d did it?

What is your connection with Rodia?

How is it that you know what happened?

Tell me, did Adam go pick up the car, or did Rodia drop it off?

Does Rodia often loan out his car? How did Adam get to the car, or how did Rodia get home?

Did Rodia visit Adam's home? How often?

Was the mother killed by one of her own guns?

She was in bed, then shot three times in the head. was this her usual life?

What will the Toxicology reports on Adam and his mother show? Drug use?

There are a lot of story holes to be filled in, second by second, over a period of at least a week, perhaps months.

There is only one known Felon involved, at least his car, and that is worth looking into, as the locals were about to put him in a cage for a long time.

That sounds like a motive to me.

As for Adam acting because he was going to be commited, that takes experts, court hearings, and none of that happened, or was even started. Adam just lived at home and fixed computers. It seems he is claimed to be a driver, that he did go out alone, and there is nothing that says he had legal problems. He was not a danger to himself or others, just a nerd.

Perhaps Mr. Rodia is just a kindly neighborhood Felon facing Life, who was trying to help some nerd.

Perhaps the mother was going to turn him in for selling heroin to her son?

She was known for writing checks to people in need, have you looked over her bank records?

The Police do not know what happened, and will not until a full investigation is complete.

So why not call them up, tell them they are a bunch of CSI wantabes, and they should just quit wasting time and money?

How long and how well do you know the Rodia family?

What factual and expert knowledge do you have?

Where were you on the day of the shooting?

This does not fit Adam's known lifetime pattern of behavior.

Why does it bother you that we want to compile Mr. Rodia's lifetime pattern of behavior?

The brother was proven to not be the second shooter, that leaves an open question.

The route is known, what do survalence cameras show?

A lot of lives were lost, we own nothing less than the full and complete truth coming out.

If you know the truth please drop by the Police Station and share it, we would like to clear this matter up.


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25 Dec 2012, 2:49 pm

who is this rodia charactor.i have never heard that name before.is there creditable evidence of a second gunman.

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25 Dec 2012, 3:07 pm

Inventor wrote:
I dunno,

There were reports of a second shooter, the shooter was masked, no other mass killer was, his brothers ID was placed there, leading to his brother being picked up real fast as the second shooter.

The last picture of Adam has the look of a junkie.

Rodia's car was used, did Adam drive?

All this crazy stuff is what police sort through every day,

The Rodia family seem to all be facing long times in jail, were the main drug suppliers for an upscale community, and were not very good at it.

Are Adams finger prints on the weapon that killed him? Did the bullet enter at an angle possible for self inflicted?

Why are you trying to say it is open and shut, when the investigation is just starting?

How is Rodia connected, what happened to the hard drive, and those things can be recovered.

Rodia's car could explain DNA collected at the school. We just want to know where Rodia was, why he loaned out his car, what the connection was, and why the second shooter report.

This crime scene is going to get the full treatment, second by second, step by step, a full reconstruction using everything the State, the FBI can do.

Do you think they learned by watching CSI?

So Adam fixed computers, looked strung out, the town connection's car shows up at the shooting, his brother's ID, a second shooter was reported, the brother was picked up, as the second shooter.

Am I spouting a bunch of crazy fiction when everybody knows it was that autistic ret*d did it?

What is your connection with Rodia?

How is it that you know what happened?

Tell me, did Adam go pick up the car, or did Rodia drop it off?

Does Rodia often loan out his car? How did Adam get to the car, or how did Rodia get home?

Did Rodia visit Adam's home? How often?

Was the mother killed by one of her own guns?

She was in bed, then shot three times in the head. was this her usual life?

What will the Toxicology reports on Adam and his mother show? Drug use?

There are a lot of story holes to be filled in, second by second, over a period of at least a week, perhaps months.

There is only one known Felon involved, at least his car, and that is worth looking into, as the locals were about to put him in a cage for a long time.

That sounds like a motive to me.

As for Adam acting because he was going to be commited, that takes experts, court hearings, and none of that happened, or was even started. Adam just lived at home and fixed computers. It seems he is claimed to be a driver, that he did go out alone, and there is nothing that says he had legal problems. He was not a danger to himself or others, just a nerd.

Perhaps Mr. Rodia is just a kindly neighborhood Felon facing Life, who was trying to help some nerd.

Perhaps the mother was going to turn him in for selling heroin to her son?

She was known for writing checks to people in need, have you looked over her bank records?

The Police do not know what happened, and will not until a full investigation is complete.

So why not call them up, tell them they are a bunch of CSI wantabes, and they should just quit wasting time and money?

How long and how well do you know the Rodia family?

What factual and expert knowledge do you have?

Where were you on the day of the shooting?

This does not fit Adam's known lifetime pattern of behavior.

Why does it bother you that we want to compile Mr. Rodia's lifetime pattern of behavior?

The brother was proven to not be the second shooter, that leaves an open question.

The route is known, what do survalence cameras show?

A lot of lives were lost, we own nothing less than the full and complete truth coming out.

If you know the truth please drop by the Police Station and share it, we would like to clear this matter up.


I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...


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25 Dec 2012, 3:44 pm

I think the reason why the poor don't do these things so much is actually what some describe as the culture of low expectations... people who accept that the deck is stacked against them and to gain a measure of pride within their own communities tend to be happier. However, these people are condemned for that and it is said that this proves that they are to blame for their poverty. Well, would they prefer to be shot?


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25 Dec 2012, 6:35 pm

alex wrote:

Editor's note: Alex Plank is the founder of WrongPlanet.net, an online community for people to discuss autism.
(CNN) -- After the horrific shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, a parade of self-appointed experts tried to insinuate that people with autism are prone to inexplicable acts of violence because they lack the ability for empathy and social connection. This is because the shooter, Adam Lanza, had been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism.
These speculations are needless, untrue and hurtful.

If the take-home message ends up being "So you had really better not bully us", then the insinuation might end up working to our advantage.


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25 Dec 2012, 6:36 pm

ArrantPariah wrote:

If the take-home message ends up being "So you had really better not bully us", then the insinuation might end up working to our advantage.

I hope that's not the message people take from this!

I'm Alex Plank, the founder of Wrong Planet. Follow me (Alex Plank) on Blue Sky: https://bsky.app/profile/alexplank.bsky.social


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25 Dec 2012, 6:47 pm

alex wrote:
ArrantPariah wrote:

If the take-home message ends up being "So you had really better not bully us", then the insinuation might end up working to our advantage.

I hope that's not the message people take from this!

I was joking with an acquaintance that if the public perceives autistic people as dangerous, it might not be all bad. My joke was that if I couldn't get respect or understanding, at least they would fear me, and I'd take that. Of course in real life there could be all kinds of unpleasant consequences (concentration camps? gas chambers?). OTOH I am reminded of this:


"When you ride over sharps, you get flats!"--The Bicycling Guitarist, May 13, 2008


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25 Dec 2012, 6:52 pm

alex wrote:
ArrantPariah wrote:

If the take-home message ends up being "So you had really better not bully us", then the insinuation might end up working to our advantage.

I hope that's not the message people take from this!

I wouldn't worry about it seeing that they never took the message before, given that numerous past school shooters had been bullied. In fact, bullying got worse AFTER the Columbine shootings (especially if you were considered a goth or someone who wore a lot of black).

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25 Dec 2012, 7:07 pm

Good grief Arrant. I hope you're just being facetious. :scratch:

Seriously people. Is that what we really want? For people to feel like we are just like the people who bullied us?

You really want to be seen to be like them? I'm not like them, and have no desire to be viewed like that.

I'm not likely to be around much longer. As before when I first signed up here years ago, I'm finding that after a long hiatus, and after only a few days back on here, I'm spending way too much time here again already. So I'm requesting my account be locked, banned or whatever. It's just time. Until then, well, I dunno...