larsenjw92286 wrote:
What makes you think he doesn't care about people?
He only cares about "his" people. Anyone who is not the same race, religion or belief system he goes after them in a most vile way. He uses his power in Hollywood to create films that instigate feuding between peoples. His movies persuade people who are ignorant of other cultures and beliefs to hate people who are different. You say but they are ignorant. That's the whole point! A huge portion of the WASP population in America is clueless about other cultures. Its only the younger generation who has ventured forth in large numbers to forge friendships with people of assorted races and religions. The older generation for the most part is still very ethno-ignorant and prejudice.
Do you know what it is like to sit in the lunchroom at work and everyone at the table you are sitting at is talking after seeing the Passion movie about how EVIL Jews are and that Jews killed Jesus? (So did all however many millions of us that have ever existed ALL kill Jesus? Highly unlikely.) Maybe they should have checked to see if anyone was Jewish at the table before they said that.
I have also sat among people who put down Native Americans not knowing I am of Native decent. I don't sit at work and say all Roman Catholics or white people are evil. Because they're not. There is good and bad people in all races, religions, countries, ages, genders, etc. Almost every group of people at some point has had at least one practice that was horrific. Humankind is rife with cruelty and slaughter of innocents.