janicka wrote:
Belifs aside, where do the Chaldeans fit in the internal politics of Iraq. I know that Saddam had Aziz in his cabinet, but when the current government (if you want to call it that) was being formed, the competing interests of the Shia, Sunni, and Kurds were discussed, but I didn't hear a damned thing about the Chaldeans (aside from the current persecution they suffer from the fundamentalist Shia Muslim nutters, like you've already mentioned).
Well although the Chaldeans are 100 percent Iraqi in customs and cuisine etc with of course a few differences which are not o strange as every village and town has its own differences and cuisines - lol maybe the West should split it up into many different village states in a sort of reverse of the beginings of civilization which started in that part of the world - they nevertheless are a population of 1 million and dropping so they are quite happy to live co existantly with their fellow countrymen who are of course Muslim. The Christians have great respect for the Muslims, they are our brothers and sisters.
This is why President Saddam regarded and trusted the Christians because he knows they are not a threat in a way that the present Shia bunch are - the Dawa party people. The Dawa is pretty much alike to the Uks fascist National front...
Probably Dawa lot and Sadr's poor and uneducated lot account for a minority of Shia i must say.
Most Iraqis be they Sunni, Kurd, Shia, or Christian support attacks against occupation forces.
Make mine a super frapalapi with double cream lots of Aspartame choc chip cookies a lump of lard and make it a big one
Last edited by manalitwist on 15 Apr 2007, 9:35 am, edited 3 times in total.