Alliekit wrote:
I know what you mean its just like trumps fans screaming "FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS, FAKE NEWS..."
Like the fake news that Trump had a bust of Martin Luther King Jr removed from the White House, being the latest fake news story.
Alliekit wrote:
I'm just sitting here finding it hilarious that trump cares so much about something to unimportant that his team chose to lie or present 'alternative' facts to protect his ego.
What you should be asking is why the media cared so much about it to make such an issue of it in the first place. His team didn't lie that's another sensationalist remark. Tom Barrack's statement to the president and whatever staff was with him was unintentionally misleading. Did you bother to watch his interview discussing the matter on Meet the Press, or would you rather just say stuff that you think sounds good, instead of getting the facts?
Alliekit wrote:
Also if it was just 'misscommunication' then why were random suggested numbers plucked put of thin air?
Why don't you find out like I did before commenting on it?
Alliekit wrote:
The truth of the matter is that aside from the media no one actually cares about the size of the crowd because it doesn't mean anything. Instead of ignoring of dismissing the issue they scrambled to try and 'fix' it instead of remaining calm and presenting honest reports.
So if it appears the media is lying about something it should just go ignored? But as I stated somewhere else, Sean Spicer did go overboard. Then he came back and redressed the issue. In other words he admitted to screwing up. Screwing up doesn't equal lying.
Alliekit wrote:
My main issue is that for a man who claims he hates 'fake news' shouldn't be a hypocritic and should report the truth.
He responded that what the media published was contrary to what he was told by what should have been a reliable source.
Alliekit wrote:
But go ahead and dismiss it as 'sensationalism'

If the shoe fits