Google Dude's Rant
I thought this was an interesting article, mostly because her experience was similar to mine. Then men around me were learning to program for fun in their spare time. I didn't want to. I realised that there is no way I could be as good as them because I really didn't want to or enjoy it enough to be bothered.
I enjoyed 9-5 programming much more than I do an admin job. Admin is boring, but I want a job, not a career that is going to drain all of my time and you can't be a programmer and just work 9-5. You've got to be more dedicated and I wasn't interested enough to do that. I just like it more than admin. So I've gone back to admin because I can go home at night and do things that I actually enjoy without feeling guilty that I'm not putting enough effort into my job.
"Dog-eat-dog" philosophies never make any sense, logical or otherwise.
Please elaborate, I'm interested.
I think that we are all too harsh on each other in this world. That keeps on perpetuating because people think, "well, I'm just going to give as good as I get." and it just goes on and on and on.
I often stop and realise what good friends I've actually got. They are not cool, they're not popular, but they are caring and they are interesting and I enjoy spending time with them. I don't understand these guys who want to shout about what makes the world unfair or what makes people nasty and shallow.
I'd rather spend my time seeking out kindred spirits and enjoying them and just leaving the shallow people I don't get on with to live their lives.
One or two things irk me. Say when my friends get hurt, I will b***h quite publicly about that. I especially don't like the way society treats single people and I think that most people who know me are getting sick of my rants. So I do have concerns.
I can understand the need for justice, but when only seeing a snippet of people's lives through what they write on the internet, it looks like this anger consumes their thoughts (like Google guy) and that makes me sad. There are good things to be enjoyed in life. Being obsessed with looking up studies and writing memos and on forums about how screwed up people are encourages negative thoughts in one's own head and I don't think that's healthy.
So he got fired for telling the truth.
There is nothing - absolutely nothing - wrong with what he wrote, and much of it is patently obvious to anyone with a functioning brain, which apparently those idiots at Google don't have.
Here's a quote from that article I linked.
He framed his position badly. He could have made the same points in a much more engaging manner, but instead he set out to attack. He just comes over confrontational and bitter and that attitude doesn't foster a positive work environment.
It's like a dog with its hackles up baring its teeth at you.
So he got fired for telling the truth.
There is nothing - absolutely nothing - wrong with what he wrote, and much of it is patently obvious to anyone with a functioning brain, which apparently those idiots at Google don't have.
Here's a quote from that article I linked.
He framed his position badly. He could have made the same points in a much more engaging manner, but instead he set out to attack. He just comes over confrontational and bitter and that attitude doesn't foster a positive work environment.
It's like a dog with its hackles up baring its teeth at you.
I didn't get the impression that his intent was to attack. I think he just thought he was being logical, but he suffers from the same situational myopia that has plagues humans for decades, which makes it difficult for one to fully understand the experiences and perspectives of groups of which they are not a part of.
It was not uncommon in the 19th century and early 20th century to find papers on the "primitive man", meaning people who lived in tribal societies, often in Africa or the Amazon, and scientists of the day, who were almost entirely European men, would inevitably conclude these naked tribal people were inferior to white Europeans and this would seem like a logical an obvious conclusion to them because European ideas of superiority were based on technology. So they concluded these technologically less advanced individuals who ran around naked were also less intelligent, less moral, and had less complex societies than Europeans. Of course that isn't actually true. A conversation with your average person from a tribal society would reveal they are just as intelligent and their society is just a complex as "civilized" societies. That even though they wear fewer clothes, they have concepts of modesty...there are appropriate and inappropriate ways to act in their society, and they are not the barbaric savages that just run nilly willy around the jungle that these scientists had pegged them as.
In one instance, I think in the mid 20th century after the dropping of the atomic bombs, one tribesman from possibly an Amazonian tribe, on seeing footage of this, remarked to an anthropologist that the white man calls his people barbaric because they are head hunters, but he knows who he kills, and only kills who he knows, but "civilized" people kill indiscriminately and it was actually they who were barbaric.

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Fired Google Engineer Says It’s ‘Likely’ He Is On The Autism Spectrum
“Hello James. I have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and I recognised a lot of myself in your interviews,” Reddit user “TheKingsRaven” said. “I was curious if you’ve ever been diagnosed with ASD/Autism/Asperger's [sic] yourself? Sorry if this is too personal.”
Damore appeared to have no qualms with the question, answering in a straightforward, apparently honest way.
“I am likely on the spectrum,” Damore said, “because my thinking is very pattern oriented and I didn’t start talking until much later than normal.”
Another Redditer then asked if people with ASD innately have problems with leadership, drive for success, or ideas in general.
“I’m not sure, I haven’t read enough [on] autism and those on the spectrum can be very different than the most extreme,” Damore responded. “I personally have problems with leadership and don’t have as high a drive for success as others.”
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

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Don’t Look Now, But Alt-Right Demonstrations Are Scheduled for Nine Cities Next Weekend
The “march” will be directed at Google facilities in Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Los Angeles, New York, Pittsburgh, Seattle, and Washington, D.C., in addition to the company’s headquarters, GooglePlex, in Mountain View, California.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

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Double post - Delete
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
Last edited by ASPartOfMe on 15 Aug 2017, 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The “march” will be directed at Google facilities in Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Los Angeles, New York, Pittsburgh, Seattle, and Washington, D.C., in addition to the company’s headquarters, GooglePlex, in Mountain View, California.
I wonder what a Venn diagram of MRA/PUA misogynists and white supremacists would look like. I have a feeling there would be a lot of overlap. It certainly seems so from the sort of guys who showed up in Charlottesville. I think the white supremacist/nationalist movement is intentionally trying to recruit guys who hate women because they often have other issues that make them vulnerable to propaganda (like social isolation and mental health and anger issues) like ISIS does. They seem to recruit the same sort of guys (hateful loners) in the same way (online).
Another way of looking at it is young men are looking for a cause. There is a void in their lives. Wouldn't it be good if we could encourage them to take up something purposeful that helps the community. Not sure how or what could be set up, but society has become too fragmented and some vulnerable people are slipping through the cracks.
We need to care about each other and nip the disenchanted feelings in the bud before they fester and turn to hate.
We need to care about each other and nip the disenchanted feelings in the bud before they fester and turn to hate.
I have to admit that I struggle to empathize with people who turn their anger and mental health issues into violence and hatred directed at others because that is not at all how I coped with my own anger and mental health issues; if I was violent I was violent to myself and hateful to myself, I directed it inwards because that is my nature. It is difficult for me to sympathize with violent men.
We need to care about each other and nip the disenchanted feelings in the bud before they fester and turn to hate.
My void comes from being born into the most mentally unstable and backwards culture on the planet, not being allowed to develop as a person, being discouraged from finding out what my passions were or expanding my knowledge, having a sick ideology (mainstream Christianity) shoved down my throat, and not fulfilling unfair expectations such as being able to take violence directed me, fighting it off, suppressing my emotions when it comes to getting a job, resisting frying my brain for college despite how it was also called "fancy book learnin'", and knowing how to get a girlfriend.
We need to care about each other and nip the disenchanted feelings in the bud before they fester and turn to hate.
My void comes from being born into the most mentally unstable and backwards culture on the planet, not being allowed to develop as a person, being discouraged from finding out what my passions were or expanding my knowledge, having a sick ideology (mainstream Christianity) shoved down my throat, and not fulfilling unfair expectations such as being able to take violence directed me, fighting it off, suppressing my emotions when it comes to getting a job, resisting frying my brain for college despite how it was also called "fancy book learnin'", and knowing how to get a girlfriend.
Please try not to become bitter. There are other people like you out there. It's just a bit difficult to find them.
We need to care about each other and nip the disenchanted feelings in the bud before they fester and turn to hate.
My void comes from being born into the most mentally unstable and backwards culture on the planet, not being allowed to develop as a person, being discouraged from finding out what my passions were or expanding my knowledge, having a sick ideology (mainstream Christianity) shoved down my throat, and not fulfilling unfair expectations such as being able to take violence directed me, fighting it off, suppressing my emotions when it comes to getting a job, resisting frying my brain for college despite how it was also called "fancy book learnin'", and knowing how to get a girlfriend.
Please try not to become bitter. There are other people like you out there. It's just a bit difficult to find them.
I don't think I've become that way yet.
What exactly would bitter be?
I get messages that I am a loser for not having a college degree at my age (29), working ten years part time, and for not having atleast a long term partner.
Last edited by Marknis on 16 Aug 2017, 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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