graceksjp wrote:
That makes literally no sense lmao
The Sun could never work that way. For one, because all the planets revolve around the sun, not the other way around. Also because ya know its a giant ball of extremely hot plasma burning many miles away. In the flat earth theory, is the sun still a star? How do the other planets work? Or the solar system in general? Why are all other planets spherical? Does the earth no longer rotate?
Also, please explain GRAVITY on a flat earth. Cause last I checked I wasnt being pulled sideways
About gravity, and why stuff falls toward Earth.
They teach you about how there is this mysterious force called "gravity" that pulls stuff to earth, and how a falling object not only falls but accerates at the rate of 9.8 meters (or 32 feet) per second as it falls toward Earth.
In reality there is no such thing as "gravity".
What is actually happening is that this entire flat disk earth we are on is itself constantly accelerating UP ward, at 32 feet per second squared. So when an apple falls from the tree it actually remains stationary. Its the surface of the earth that's moving upward at an accelerating rate that causes the Earth to smack the apple on its ass. But to you, the observer on the Earth, it just looks like the apple is falling because you are on the earth accelerating upward with it.
And modern flat earthers don't buy into all of this new fangled Copernicus and Galileo jive about the sun being the center of the solar system.
Its just as obvious that the Earth is the center of the Universe as it is that the Earth is flat. The planets, like the stars, are just little pinholes of light in that great dome over our heads called "the firmament".