magz wrote:
Twilightprincess wrote:
Most don’t get that testing done in the first place because it does come with a very small risk of pregnancy loss. People whose families are predisposed to various ailments are more likely to go through with it. I had blood drawn to test for various genetic problems, but my results were fairly low risk, so the doctor wouldn’t have recommended anything further unless I had wanted it.
I wouldn’t have chosen to have further testing done because I was going to keep the baby regardless of what the results would’ve been. Abortion was not for me, personally, but I’m not against other women choosing that option.
I wouldn’t have considered DS a big deal but that’s probably due to my upbringing.
I didn't do the testing for exactly the same reason.
But it would be extremely hard to raise a child with Down syndrome, especially for my husband. We both cope with life using our intellect first and we would have no idea what to do with a child who couldn't.
Young children don’t use their intellect, either, but we still love them.
It’s sort of like having a child that reaches a specific age and then stays there for the rest of his or her life.
My male friend with Down Syndrome was like a 10-12 year old. We had lots of fun playing hide-and-go seek and tag together when I was little. He was always ready for fun.
My female friend with DS was like a 5 or 6 year old. We had lots of tea parties together. She also liked drawing and coloring pictures of hearts. A girly girl!
This really is not that relevant to our current discussion...
It’s hard for parents to still have children to take care of when they are aging themselves and people with DS tend to have lots of health issues as well. But my friends have (and had
) a very strong and positive impact on their community.
Once again, I believe abortion is a person’s choice and right, but it just wouldn’t have been for me. I might have considered it if I had had a child with an illness that causes a lot of daily physical pain, though... It’s awful to see a child in pain.
“Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.” — Satan and TwilightPrincess