What about my right to NOT be proselytized? I just want to be left alone!
You have no such right. Have some tolerance for other peoples beliefs.
If people just lived their religion instead of foisting it onto the rest of us, Christianity might not have such a bad reputation.
Evangelizing is part of being a Christian. There's no such thing as a Christian who keeps their religion to themselves. A Christian is someone who follows Christ. If Christ Jesus says, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation (Mark 16:15, NIV)" and someone refuses to listen because of man's laws or because they don't want to offend someone, then they are not a Christian. If the law gave you a right to not be proselytized then the law would discriminate against all Christians which is unconstitutional as well as intolerant and hateful.
Saint Paul was thrown in prison a few times and almost stoned to death, yet he kept on preaching to follow Christ and also because of his love for others, not wanting anyone to burn in Hell for an eternity. There is no way anyone who loves his neighbor will sit back as he follows the path to Hell without warning him in advance. That would be like letting a friend be consumed by a drug addiction without lifting a finger to help him. Christians proselytize out of love. No Christian wants you to go to Hell.