Voices of autism 'silenced' by charity-NTSpeaks.org another
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Joined: 1 Nov 2008
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If anything is going to change, WE have to do it. You have all shown your desire to topple Autism Speaks' propoganda. So let's take another step.
Step 2: Action
We must further the suggested ideas by implementing them. Because I can guarantee you that nobody is as passionate about something you say than you yourself are. So, I believe that we should all donate money to a respectable, reputable, and trusted member of the autistic community, perhaps someone from WP. Of course not everyone can financialy do this, but who knows? Maybe enough money can be gathered to start an organization of our own. I mean, do you think that all of a sudden, one day, someone found $1,000,000,000 lying on the street and decided to create an organisation called Autism Speaks the same day? No. It started as an idea. We have the idea, and possibly means of getting funds. "What about support from the neuro-diverse population?" you may ask. Well, if you hadn't noticed, this topic is posted on a website called wrongplanet.net. There are thousands of members who would be more than eager to give their support provided the chance. You do the math.
And believe me, it's not as impossible or unlikely as it sounds. In fact, WP and other similar sites, if combined, could most likely accomplish the task of starting a new official organization with ease. I would know, as I'm a member of a charity organization (sort of charity, it's really basically a corporation on a small scale, like a group of people) called the Woodlawn High Band Boosters Organization. It is an official organization, meaning it's recognized officialy by the government. It doesn't even take many people to start something big. Both Apple and Windows started out as two guys working in a garage (or basement in one case). Now they are huge.
I know that you probably are reading this and are thinking, "Man, this guy is so naive," or "Yeah right, like we could actually do that." But I swear to you, it can be done, but it never will be done until someone makes the first attempt.
I love the idea. One thing we all can do is use facebooks vote for a cause and put our vote to something other then austim speaks thats saddly made the top 32 cut. I've also been posting why even with a austic child I will never give them a penny. I'm not bashing or even naming then directly in most of my posts just stating a few fact on why your money would be far better used somewere else. I'm hoping this will keep me from being sued but I'm looking forward to the letter from the numbnuts they imploy to scary little girls.
From what I've gathered, the president of the Autism Self Advocacy Network would probably be more than happy to help in this matter, if someone were able to inform them of our intentions.
while this does not really go against any of wrong planet's rules, I think this is close enough to be dangerous territory, the line between trying to disband an organization and insulting it might not be clear to all who participate, nor is it a very meaningful boundary, as they do represent the same sentiments, I would very much like to participate, however I do not personally believe wrong planet to be the proper place for such an endeavor, should you find somewhere more suitable to do so please contact me, however I would rather not have this site be engaged in any such disputes, should you disagree I will not dispute it, however I will not join in
I by no means wish ill for anyone, I merely want AS to change its ways, and it obviously won't until someone makes it clear that the majority that are willing to speak for their wishes should get them. I also am not talking about destroying them either. I do, however, think that once they see 'competition', and realize that the represented are starting to represent themselves, they will be forced to acknowledge our views, needs, and wants. To be honest, I don't know of a more appropriate place, although I understand your concern. I would never affiliate any negative material with WP. And since you did raise such a valid point, I'll move the thread to a more fitting section.
Here's a link to a hopefully more fitting environment, if you wish to continue this little rant of mine =P
Click Here Please (No, really, do it!)
I won't give up. I can't give up. Death is not the end for me.
Does nobody else find it remotely disturbing that people here who dislike Autism Speaks are openly advocating torture and execution, eugenics (ie the abortion of an Autism Speaks Supporters children), illegal Denial of Service of their facilities and a raft of other nastiness?
The fact that Autism Speaks does not represent all of our views, and that not all of us agree with its aims does not make the organisation evil, nor does it make all of those who support or donate it worthy of such terrible treatment. I certainly do not agree with someone who supports it being ordered to "abort your kids, and file a DNR order on yourself, and shoot yourself with a gun." ... but by applying the same standard, I can call for this attacker to be summarily executed?
Such childishness and irresponsible threatening only supports the beliefs of those who consider autism to be a detrimental thing, and supports the notion that the world would be better off without it. Such ill-thought-out militancy does us more damage than hundreds of well-meaning people who simply lack the in-depth knowledge to help well.
Yes we have a right to speak for ourselves, but lets not use it as a right to act like morons eh?
Plenty of people support Autism charities in a genuine attempt to help those with autism. The BEST way to deal with this is to show them exatly what Autism is, and what they can do that is actually beneficial to the Autistic community, whatever that might happen to be.
Autism Speaks does not speak for me, but neither do militant fools.
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
that you can't take part" [Mario Savo, 1964]
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There's a name for that type of reasoning, I think, when used as a kind of fallacious argument.
Don't know what it is right now. My stepdaughter has judged college debates, I'll have to see if she knows.
Let's apply it to :
If there was a cure for Autism it would already exist.
If there was a cure for breast cancer it would already exist.
It there was a way to prevent birth defects it would already exist.
It there were a way to end world hunger it would already exist.
"Every time you don't follow your inner guidance,
you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness."
- Shakti Gawain
The fact that Autism Speaks does not represent all of our views, and that not all of us agree with its aims does not make the organisation evil, nor does it make all of those who support or donate it worthy of such terrible treatment. I certainly do not agree with someone who supports it being ordered to "abort your kids, and file a DNR order on yourself, and shoot yourself with a gun." ... but by applying the same standard, I can call for this attacker to be summarily executed?
Such childishness and irresponsible threatening only supports the beliefs of those who consider autism to be a detrimental thing, and supports the notion that the world would be better off without it. Such ill-thought-out militancy does us more damage than hundreds of well-meaning people who simply lack the in-depth knowledge to help well.
Yes we have a right to speak for ourselves, but lets not use it as a right to act like morons eh?
Plenty of people support Autism charities in a genuine attempt to help those with autism. The BEST way to deal with this is to show them exatly what Autism is, and what they can do that is actually beneficial to the Autistic community, whatever that might happen to be.
Autism Speaks does not speak for me, but neither do militant fools.
I'm going to be the first one to apologize for propagating that mentality here. As you've probably already realized by now, I am a poor reality-challenged anime-obsessed S.O.B who thinks that he's the Lelouch Vi Britannia of the "autistic resistance." I may not be the only militant fool on this board, but I do take full responsibility for that mentality in general, as well as for everyone here who advocates it. Rebellion may have helped Japan win against Britannia, but it won't help our situation at all.
As far as non-violent opposition, we need to discredit them somehow. Unfortunately, most parents of autistic children are so desparate to fix their "broken child" that they'll turn to anything they think will work. Some of these "treatments" are nothing more than BS designed to make their creator rich; however, the desperation experienced by these parents blinds them to this fact. They use their children as guinea pigs and lab rats, going from faked treatment to faked treatment in the hopes that eventually something will work; meanwhile it's the children themselves that are suffering. I am sure that most "experts" in the field have never seen a Ph.D in their lives. There are those that have, however, that see them every day hanging on their office wall; it is these people, these DOCUMENTED, CERTIFIED EXPERTS that we need to enlist. The more people with "official standing" that support our cause, the better off we will be. Why? Because the more experts that support our cause, the less there are to support Autism Speaks and it's affiliates. We need to get the real experts to spread the word. Furthermore, we need to get the word to parents that autism is not a death sentence. Most parents hear the word and think "my precious whatever will never grow up and be able to cope with life." THIS IS BS, PEOPLE! We have our share of troubles, but we are not helpless! It's been proven, time and again, that those with autism can grow up and live normal lives with the right treatment at the earliest possible stage. However, it's Jenny McCarthy and her group that is proliferating the misinformation that speaks to the contrary. We need to spread the word to parents. They need to open their eyes, stop blaming themselves, be proactive, and for God's sake don't listen to anyone that doesn't have "Ph.D" or higher tacked to the end of their last name (McCarthy included). Autism Speaks draws strength from the despair of parents with autistic children. By spreading a message of hope, backed by statistical data and cold, hard EVIDENCE, we can cast down that despair, without which Autism Speaks has no credibility.
Anyways, that was rather long, and this thread is somewhat decayed, I apologize. But try to remember it. I know it's out of character for a militant fool like yours truly, but it was from the heart, so commit it to yours.
"Yeah, so this one time, I tried playing poker with tarot cards... got a full house, and about four people died." ~ Unknown comedian
Happy New Year from WP's resident fortune-teller! May the cards be ever in your favor.
As a child I was diagnosed Aspergers and drugged for many years, until new symptoms developed as a result of the drugs and psychiatric abuse, leading to a diagnosis of schizotypal at 13 and then schizoaffective at 17, and then permanent disability due to pathology induced by neuroleptics.
During my years of research I've come across many works suggesting that there is a major money making scam here run by Big Pharma.
Currently, big pharma is the third largest industry in the whole world.
Forced drugging of those deemed "mentally diseased" is extremely common, by courts and caregivers.
The switch from any mild disorder, mental or neurological, psychological or biological, is a matter of clinical impression.
It may or may not have anything to do with this. I don't know and cant bother devoting any time to it right now.
I hear what you are saying. Pumping drugs to people born with neurodevelopmental conditon, is a bit like adding petrol or "gas"into electric cars.
personally I am nothing against medical assistance for my physical issues originated from long denied (by people e.g. medics etc) neurodevelopmental condition by birth. (I have neurological syndrome which grew worse as I grew older)
anyway, I hear your upset, pain and anger. believe me, doctors aren't God whilst some of them pretend to be one and yes they should stop dishing out potent drugs/neuroleptics irresponsibly and unethically, as they do at the drop of a hat.
Yes particularly psychiatry, it behaves as if pharma owns it or at least dictate it with its huge influence. about time patients spoke out more.
x x x
f**k 'EM!
I don't know much about that organization, but I am just curious, what is so bad about it? I have heard people with asperger's say they don't want a cure (Yahoo answers). There's large group of people who seem to be anti-cure/pro-different. I am curious if that is why you guys don't like that site, because they say they are looking for a cure, which may make autism seem negative. I see that the site says Autism spectrum, so it is referring to asperger's as well, but what about the people with severe autism? Why do people not want a cure if it can help those who can't even talk and other severe symptoms?
Cure in this case means "removing" or "getting rid of" autism. There are lots of ways you can help an autistic without having to "remove" autism.
Autism Speaks claims to speak for autistics, but there are no autistics in thier organization in management positions. How can they claim to speak for someone without consulting the person?
Someone in Autism Speaks said that they want "a world where autism is a word for the history books". This means that they want a world where there are no autistic people (since autism is inseparable from the person).
They posted negative (and untrue) videos ("Autism every day" "I am autsim").
Very little of the money goes to helping autistics. Most goes to the salaries (unreasonably high salaries for a "charity"), and to research.
*pulls out black notebook and pen* Would you prefer hanging, burning at the stake, lethal injection or death by firing squad? *whisper* If you really want them to suffer, I can do burning for half price!
i can also do execution by straps. which would slowly squeeze them till they die
for a limited time only we can have them covered in lemon juice and send them into a pit of anacondas, or we could place a bomb inside thier stomach and send them to a "very important autism speaks meeting " with all of the most senior members there *these execution services are for autistics only any other sentietns such as neuro typicals, dolphins, gorrillas, and otters are not permitted to use this service, results may vary*[/quote']
How about squirting them with lemon juice and then forcing them into a bathtub with Tabasco sauce and broken glass?
Glad to see after reading this thread that we were able to get back to that fair spirited militancy
After all, the inquisition was about killing off people who showed indication of neuro-difference (epileptics, Schitzophrinics, autistics etc.) Fair is Fair right? - about time we got around to evening the score. Over the last 1000 years the NT`s have been killing us off, marginalizing us to the fringes of society, now drugging and experimenting on us while refusing to employ or include us in their society. NT`s have killed milllions - Why shouldn`t we toture a few? Would the NT`s think differently if they were the ones being tortured and killed? Now a days they aren`t allowed to just kill us off so they make our lives so miserable that we just go do it for them and off ourselves.
Any Aspie considering suicide please target a few random NT`s first before you go.
If we were to target them with a crowbar to the head, by creating more people with brain dysfunction we could increase our funding group, then more services will be available to people with brain dysfunction - create greater equality by bashing their heads in - simple but so fullfilling!
So I think this is like the second or third case I've read of an autistic person who tried to make a website that's meant to parody Autism Speaks only to be sued or whatnot.
So instead of trying to insult or laugh at Autism Speaks, has anyone actually considered just being serious?
I mean just make a site called DontTrustAutismSpeaks or something? And be real and informative about the cons of their organization (with real sources/facts to back us up)? I know we autistic people like humor and insults but I think getting on the more serious and more informative side of things would create a better statement...and then recommend sites like this that have a more open view on the matter.
My two cents.
Well, if it's a choice between being sued for copyright infringement and being sued for libel, I'd go with ignorance's statement and put up a serious anti-Autism Speaks site. It's much harder for them to prove libel. Besides, they would have to prove that the statements are false to get a libel ruling, which would probably merit an investigation into the inner workings of their organization. Imagine the shock and awe when it turns out we were telling the truth all along.
"Yeah, so this one time, I tried playing poker with tarot cards... got a full house, and about four people died." ~ Unknown comedian
Happy New Year from WP's resident fortune-teller! May the cards be ever in your favor.
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