Thank you, aspergian_mutant, for stating your position in a reasonable voice. I hope we all can continue this discussion in the same calm voice.
worst yet the child will want to be like their parents and decide the gay life is for them as well before knowing what normal is in the nature of human relationships (within reason).
I'm pretty sure studies have been done that show this is not the case. Children in gay families tend to experient with gay sex more often then children in straight families but ultimately are gay, bi, or whatever in about the same % as the population as a whole. Even if they did turn out gay in a larger % I don't see how that is bad.
I am always afraid the parents (if its the same sex child) will abuse the child,
Are you suggesting that hetro family should split when the children hit puberty? The male children go with the father and the female children go with the mother? Would this not be the logical flip side of this concern?