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09 May 2008, 1:19 pm

I'm not anti Jewish or anti Semitic, even, and why on earth would I deny the holocaust? Again, I'm anti-Zionism. As are plenty of Jews. Once again, don't confuse the two.

We are a fever, we are a fever, we ain't born typical...


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09 May 2008, 1:20 pm

I personally feel that Israel deserves a state. The Palestinians, what have they done except create tasty falafel and hummus sandwich?

Israel, despite being born from the bloods of its land, has extended a hand of peace to its neighbors. What has happened since? War. I would not support the Arab states who wish to destroy Israel because their nations are corrupt and worst than anything their sympathizers will say about Israel. To hell with Saudi Arabia, to hell with Yemen, to hell with even Jordan who has peace treaty with Israel. Many of these countries do not allow citizens of Israelites to visit their land, or if a person is known to have visited Israel.

To hell with the Arab lands that wish to destroy Israel. They do not know peace unless a tyrant rules over them.


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09 May 2008, 1:33 pm

Birthday Wishes topic

:flower: :study: :thumright: :thumleft:

Happy 60th, and many more. :D

Radiant Aspergian
Awe-Tistic Whirlwind

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09 May 2008, 1:36 pm

Happy 60th, Israel! Live long and prosper. :flower: :hail:


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09 May 2008, 1:56 pm

The Quran might have been pure and uncorrupted when Mohammed first wrote it, but how can anyone be sure that in all the time since, each copy has been an exact replica of the original text?

"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
that you can't take part" [Mario Savo, 1964]


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09 May 2008, 2:21 pm

Same goes for the Torah and the Bible. Political dabblings in religion is inevitable. This just speaks to human nature.


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09 May 2008, 2:52 pm


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09 May 2008, 3:44 pm

Ah, The History of Religion.

Genesis is from Gilgamesh, written down some 3500 years before the Bible. Noah, the flood, the ark, and surely a story old before being written down.

Ten Commandments are from the Egyptian Book of the Dead, 125 Chapter. Not as Thou shall not, but the soul seeking to be worthy of the after life, speaking, I have not done these things. They too are old.

The main work, is from the Ras Shamran Text, Job, and others, and Ras Shamran was a Temple of Baal, Sun God. He brought Haddad, the storm God, who brought rain withing fifteen miles of the coast, called then and now, Baal Lands.

Since it never rained in Egypt, except near the coast, inland had another view, for a god who brought rain would be useless. So They went Solar, with mixed river gods.

First born children were given to Baal. So Abraham is called to kill a son. He kills a ram instead. He converted, Sabian I think. It was an inland group, so no storm god, but a strong sense of community and moral behavior. Their means of prayer were very like Islam.

This is the root of both faiths. The main difference is, Judism was tribal, only their god for their group.

They had a varaity before, but Monotheism was new and hot during their stay in Egypt. It only lasted a generation there. They took on the gods of others, and created a propritary tribal god.

It is really all Geology. This dates from 1543 BC, Mount Thera, the Isle of Santorni, blew up. Some say ten times Krakatoa, sending a wave that was 600 foot high when it hit the Baal Lands, and ending the dominate religion. Lands to the east and north were covered in two to three meters of ash, Greece, Turkey, Syria. This causes the destruction of Mycenia, Crete, who were the big sea powers of the day.

According to the Bible, they were in the delta, and when the army went to aid flooded people, they looted the place. The Exodus had a point, the army was coming back. Moses had killed their employment advisor, and the rest followed the same path. They would have had to go far up river, lugging stolen goods, and turned left to cross the Red Sea, but due east was the main trade route, which lead to Mount Siani, and the hills back of the coast. It was right there, and dry land.

Mount Thera erupted for a while after the blast, a pillar of smoke by day, and fire by night, it was hard to miss. According to the Bible they pretended to be friendly, traded at the local towns, and one day killed everyone, except virgin girls, took all the metal, and fled into the hills. This worked a few times, but the people of the coast got wise, an when they came, slaughtered them. Such Philistiens!

Egypt was having it's own problems, the Sea People came, and took the delta. Egypt did not object long, for the sea people also joined the coast people, and revived the power of Baal.

The sea was blocked with floating stones. Pumice, Syria had been an olive grove for about 6000 years, and was whipped out, business took a big writeoff, and the coast people shifted west, and founded Carthage. They started new olive groves in Iberia. They were still the only sea power, and hence controlled trade. The Bible mentions their grain ships were 300 cubits long.

Nothing much happens for 800 years, the sea people control trade on the Red Sea too. Greece rises, falls, Rome rises, Christianity rises, Israael trys to overthrow Rome, it does not work out, Western Rome falls, taking everyone down with it.

After the dust settles, in the old Roman Provence of Arabia Felix, comes Muhammed. In his world are fragment of worlds fallen. Greek, Roman, Jews, Sabians, and he is not literate, but the old stories are told. He is a man, just out to make a living.

From what I can gather, it was a while ago, he is not a follower of anything. He is involved in trade, and sees the good and bad in men. He spends a lot of time alone, traveling across the desert, and as there is nothing out there, He concludes that their is one rational force in the universe, and it is unknowable by man. It can not be bought, sold, and yet it controls all.

This leaves man with two choices only. Inventing false paths, gods, religions, and claiming to bribe the one, with first born children, or prayers, make idols, sell magic charms, and to cheat and deceive the one, or to accept things as they are, and Submit.

He is in a world where the works of men, the might of Rome, had fallen to dust. Yet the world went on.

He ponders, and hears a voice. Still a scary thing. It gives him something to remember and recite. He does, he may have just been in the sun too long, he would humor his mind playing tricks, till he found shade, water, food, and all would be better.

He did find these things, but the voice returned. He was told to recite to others, and he did. Many thought he was a poet, it runs strong in Arabic, and they listen well. In a short time he became a performer of sorts, yet the content of his speech was profound, meaningful, and others recited his words as wisdom.

Now comes a hard time for Muhammed, he thinks he is losing it. He is called by the voice, and trys to resist, but no luck. he stands against himself, submit, or a false path. He is still a simple man, so bit at a time, back to reciting to friends, picking up some enemies, who think he should have a permit, of recite their stories, and his friends get the same, but stick with him.

Now come voices that shock Muhammad, the values of moral behavior between men is one thing, but women, widows, orphans, to be cared for and treated kindly, given rights to be enforced? He tries to argue with the voice, "You do not understand, these are Arabs, and the voice says, would you like to make some idols of wood and clay?

Muhammad submits, even though he is fairly sure he will be laughed at or killed. A few laugh, scorn, some do think of killing him, but a lot repeat his words, and find meaning. It does lead to some fighting, loss, driven out, then the two view of life are compared, in the hearts of good people, and they side with Muhammed. He returns in victory, and declares peace on those who had just tried to kill him.

He is still just Muhammad, one of the people. He does not become King, do miracals, and the rest of his life is of little importance, He is the man Muhammad.

Upon his death his companions gather. They liked him, but as The Messenger, he brought them something of merit, so they gather, hire a scribe, Jewish I am told, and they recite what he has taught. when all agree, the verse is written, till the whole of the Quran is written, and those who were with him in llfe all agree, those were the words he spoke. All copies of this person and that, who spoke as best they could are destroyed.

Not one word of the Quran has been changed, Muhammed The Messenger was a true Prophet, as judged by what he said coming to pass, just as prophets before him were judged.

There is no God but God, the ways of God are beyond your understanding, but not beyond your sight, mind, heart. There is one power that directs all things, and it is the only thing worth submitting to.

Some will chose the community of belivers, the Ulmah, and others will chose the path to the lake of fire. You cannot save them from God, but you can join them.

The choice is yours.

Prayer is a way for men to remind themselves who they are, it does not influence God.

Those who submit to what they cannot understand, with a good heart and clean hands, have the best possible deal.

There are teachers and prayer leaders, but no priests. All pray in the same mosque. All are equal before God.

Muhammed said, Study the ways of God, learn them, and then give that knowledge to the people. This caused great developmenmt in Science and Mathematics. The people included those of other faiths.

Iblis misleads some into thinking they are above God, have a deal, are saved, but that is just one of the paths to the lake of fire.

It was well summed up by an Algerian I know, in Algeria Atheists are Islamic. It does not matter if there is a God, if you live a life where if you were wrong about that, you could still stand to be judged on your meriits.

Muhammed's system of caring for widows, orphans, the poor, sick, was copied. In Germany in 1870, something called Social Security, run by the state. 1933 in the USA.

Islam unites people. It is a culture more than what we call religion. It covers all of life.


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09 May 2008, 3:58 pm

Inventor wrote:

Islam unites people. It is a culture more than what we call religion. It covers all of life.

Islam surely unites the people against Israel. How blessed was that day when Allah turned them into apes and swine!


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09 May 2008, 4:26 pm

I can't speak to all of history, nor can anyone here.

There is one mountain, yet with many different roads leading up to summit. That's how I view it.


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09 May 2008, 5:25 pm

The only way the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians will end is if both sides get over the past and start being reasonable. The Israelis need to dismantle the settlements and the Palestinians need to accept that their demand for a "right of return" will never happen.

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09 May 2008, 5:43 pm

[ ... bnazi.html

I know that anti-Israelites just love conspiracy theories, khazar origins, and holocaust denial. That link's something for them to read [i]quote[/i]

Hey Oscuria
That was a pretty good attempt at dis-information tactics.
Sandwiching "khazar origins" between conspiracy theories and holocaust denial.
It asociaties khazar origins with conspiracy theories and holocaust denial.
Guilt by association.Nicely done.Very smooth.
I am very impressed.
Did you learn that all by your self, or did you read a book on it ?

It allows you to call modern "israeli's" the same people as the ancient Israelites but not really set up a chain of logic to support that conclusion.
And anyone who disagrees is a conspiracy nut and holocaust denier,with all the negative associations that those labels provide.

I read the article and found nothing to dispute the DNA article I posted on page 1 of this topic.

Heres a link for you to read

They say that 52 percent of Levites of Ashkenazi origin have a particular genetic signature that originated in Central Asia, although it is also found less frequently in the Middle East. The ancestor who introduced it into the Ashkenazi Levites could perhaps have been from the Khazars, a Turkic tribe whose king converted to Judaism in the eighth or ninth century, the researchers suggest.

Their reasoning is that the signature, a set of DNA variations known as R1a1, is common in the region north of Georgia that was once occupied by the Khazar kingdom


But there you go,that's those whcky conspiracy freaks infiltrating genetic research labs.What's the New York Times doing reporting stuff like that,
I thought it was such a mainstream paper,I didn't realise it was a propaganda arm of the KKK and other assorted 'haters'.

Honestly, could you back up your reasoning on how anit-isreali state is the same as anti-Israelite ?
I'd be interested in knowing your chain of thought,even if I consider it to be fallacious.

Believe me I am extremely pro-Israelite,but towards people of central asian origin I am just politely nuetral.


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09 May 2008, 6:02 pm

Chris5374 wrote:

So if 52% supposedly carry a turkic gene, what of the 48%?

from the article:

Dr. Shaye Cohen, professor of Hebrew literature and philosophy at Harvard University, said he could see no problem with outsiders being converted to the Jewish community. He said he considered it less probable, however, that outsiders would become Levites, let alone founding members of the Levite community in Europe. The connection with the Khazars is ''all hypothesis,'' he said.

If the patrilineal descent of the two priestly castes had indeed been followed as tradition describes, then all Cohanim should be descended from Aaron, the brother of Moses, and all Levites from Levi, the third son of the patriarch Jacob. Dr. Hammer and Dr. Skorecki found that more than half the Cohanim, in both the Ashkenazi and Sephardi communities, did indeed carry the same genetic signature on their Y chromosome. Their ancestor lived some 3,000 years ago, based on genetic calculations, and may indeed have been Aaron, Dr. Skorecki said.

It still has a sizable community which has the 3000 year old gene. Besides, who cares?

Israel is here. Israel will remain. Only the animals would want to remove that which has been given to the Israelis. What would these beasts do in such a territory? What have they done in theirs?


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09 May 2008, 6:11 pm

sag_good_bad_guy wrote:
Any nation, and/or person, that does not support Israel will
be destroyed. Sorry! But that is what the Bible says.


Does it?
My Bible says The Kingdom of God will be taken away from the Jews and given to a nation producting its fruits.
It also has parables of Jesus who says those invited, (The Jews), didnt turn up, (to the marriage of the Lamb), so paople of the nations, (gentiles), should be invited instead.

Maybe you are confusing the Jews with what the Bible calls Spiritual Israel, as opossed to fleshly Israel, those with a circumcision of the heart rather than a circumcision of the flesh.

As for the Jews deserving a home land, well, who really are the Jews, that is, who really are the fleshly descendants of Abraham?
Those Russian converts who are claiming the land is thiers because they converted to a religion?

More likely the real Jews, and the remnants of the lost ten tribes of Israel are the Palestinians, the people that have allways lived in the area, before the fake Jews started thier Holocaust against them!


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09 May 2008, 6:30 pm

You are pro-Palestine, then? Why would a Briton have any stake in this whatsoever?


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09 May 2008, 6:40 pm

oscuria wrote:
Chris5374 wrote:

So if 52% supposedly carry a turkic gene, what of the 48%?

from the article:

Dr. Shaye Cohen, professor of Hebrew literature and philosophy at Harvard University, said he could see no problem with outsiders being converted to the Jewish community. He said he considered it less probable, however, that outsiders would become Levites, let alone founding members of the Levite community in Europe. The connection with the Khazars is ''all hypothesis,'' he said.

If the patrilineal descent of the two priestly castes had indeed been followed as tradition describes, then all Cohanim should be descended from Aaron, the brother of Moses, and all Levites from Levi, the third son of the patriarch Jacob. Dr. Hammer and Dr. Skorecki found that more than half the Cohanim, in both the Ashkenazi and Sephardi communities, did indeed carry the same genetic signature on their Y chromosome. Their ancestor lived some 3,000 years ago, based on genetic calculations, and may indeed have been Aaron, Dr. Skorecki said.

It still has a sizable community which has the 3000 year old gene. Besides, who cares?

Israel is here. Israel will remain. Only the animals would want to remove that which has been given to the Israelis. What would these beasts do in such a territory? What have they done in theirs?

Animals Beasts ?
Just out of curiosty and maybe someone let me know,
How long would I or anyone else last on this forum if they
called any other people group then Palestinians "Animals" and "Beasts"
What if I referred to Negroes in that way ?
Would I get away with it.
I have a strong dislike of multi-culturalism but even I give
HUMAN BEINGS the dignity of being higher then animals.
Maybe lay of the racism
I will give an explaination for the benefit of other readers,not yourself who appears very bigoted.

The jewish claim to land in the middle east is from a promise God gave to Abraham in the Old Testament,that his seed would inherit a particular section of ground in the middle east.
If the israeli's are not seed of Abraham then why was it so important for them to inhabit that particular piece of land ?

It would seem more reasonable that they recieve a part of say Germany in compensation for crimes against them,commiteed largely by Germans.
If the people inhabiting the israeli state are not the seed of Abraham,then what exactly is their claim in that area ?
By what right do they occupy it ?

To rest on a UN mandate alone is dangerous ground.
Any sensible person with a love of freedom can see that,
for if on the basis of

"Somewhere, at some time, someone, did something bad, to someone that you don't know, and we feel sorry for them so we voted to let them have a big slice of your country"
Then what is the reason the UN can't vote to give say
Ontario in Canada or say Ohio in the USA to the Tibetans.
Or maybe New York,maybe the Zulu's, could be given New Hampshire ?

Maybe Australia could organise a vote to give native americans Zimbabwe ? Why not ?
There's a precedant, that's if the israeli's claim to the middle eastern terriotory is based on force of arms and a UN vote alone,and not decent from the Israelites of old