Stick a cat in a microwave? No videogames for you!
Killing an animal is misdemeanor homicide, technically speaking. At the very least, I would want that person to be pyschologically assessed.
There are some sick f***s out there. Browse 4chan enough and you come across this kind of thing sometimes. It's done just for the malicious intent and to shock people. No other reason.
Anyway, these people should be psychologically evaluated. Not just jail time for them.
This kind of behavior very easily spills over to humans. What happens when they get bored killing cats? They start taking it out on people.
I don't see what the videogames have to do with this though. These kids were f****d up far beyond what the games could do to them. But you know what, if they love the videogames, then maybe banning that for them is good too. Actually I'd ban them from using the Internet as well.
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Anyway, these people should be psychologically evaluated. Not just jail time for them.
This kind of behavior very easily spills over to humans. What happens when they get bored killing cats? They start taking it out on people.
I don't see what the videogames have to do with this though. These kids were f**** up far beyond what the games could do to them. But you know what, if they love the videogames, then maybe banning that for them is good too. Actually I'd ban them from using the Internet as well.
i honestly do not like 4chan
check out my website at {redacted by admin - domain taken over and points to a porn site}
When in doubt, ask an autistic. Chances are, they're obsessed with what you need to know.

Autism Speaks will NEVER speak for me
heh. It depends on the board, I mean you shouldn't expect sh*****g dick nipples on say, /a/ (/a/ is SFW) but it's definitely /b/ quality

the stuff on 4 (and other) chans? Some guys do spam CP all over /b/ for the lulz; but some of them honestly collect it for other purposes. It's decreased over time. Same with burning cate on fire ("Zippocat"), I havent' seen that on /b/ recently. The same with 4chan's /d/ board ("alternative hentai"). It's because they honestly like it.
The /i/ boards are that way when they personally attack people (snail-mailing spam, and other more "realistic" harassment things), and when /b/ raids people and does some jackassed things; yes.
I can understand EncyclopediaDramatica (oh i can understand hating parts of that site), yeah those guys are as*holes who help to perpetruate jackassery and "mocking" of people (not all the site is like that but there is problems with bias, etc.) but most of 4chan isn't like /b/ (or even /d/). and even 4chan's /b/ is tamer than it was last year. I wonder how long before a class action lawsuit ends up against ED and/or /b/ finally gets tired of their crap and raids ED (believe me, many /b/tards Do hate ED)
as Quatermass doesn't like me linking to things, I'll just say google "PETA Meet Your Meat" and there's examples of this going on now in Factory Farms. Temple Grandin worked on this and is helping to modernize it but it was bad and some parts are still bad

even though in different cultures, different animals are used as "pets" and "food"? the stereotype of people eating dogs in China is true, it has a history in one of the Chinese provinces. A lot to the times it's mainly done during times of famine.
"Common sense" is EVIL
Thank you.
so it's better if people eat the animal's flesh after torturing it then

I'm not a vegan, but arguably we could use that same logic to other things (what it is "natural" to do).

thank you. It seems that many people who say "kill them as they killed animals" are hipocrites who eat meat.
I am a Star Wars Fan, Warsie here.
Masterdebating on chi-city's south side.......!
True...I think I was speaking too much out of anger there.
But I think that they should get more than they did for such brutual torture.

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Iconoclastic idea I know but why don't you actually do some research and find out - heck, I'll even accept you cheating and using Wikipedia? You don't have to make completely baseless assumptions fed to you by the media, you know.
So long and thanks for all the pish.

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I really don't get that punishment.
Link here
Two Alberta teens who admitted to killing a cat in a microwave oven were sentenced Thursday to one year probation and 100 hours of community service.
The boys, both 16, were also barred from owning pets for two years, and ordered not to possess or play violent video games......

Anyway, these people should be psychologically evaluated. Not just jail time for them.
This kind of behavior very easily spills over to humans. What happens when they get bored killing cats? They start taking it out on people.
I don't see what the videogames have to do with this though. These kids were f**** up far beyond what the games could do to them. But you know what, if they love the videogames, then maybe banning that for them is good too. Actually I'd ban them from using the Internet as well.
i honestly do not like 4chan
You are not supposed to like 4chan, just be aware of it's exsistance and what that exsistance represents. 1-stop shop for sickos everywhere, hey at least that's fewer websites with slightly skewed cartoon titles out there for kids to run into.
Warsie, in reference to your comment about how what is considered a pet in one culture, could be considered food in another. National Geographic had an interesting episode of Taboo about that. I'm not sure what the title was, I think it's called Delicacies. I want to make sure every knows that if you love ginuea pigs DO NOT WATCH THIS SHOW. They use one as an example of the pet or food concept you mentioned. What really was amazing is they showed, how when a gourmet chef prepared it in a certain way, you'd have no idea what animal it was from. It really makes you reconsider the moral issues around eating meat.
@Warsie ... yes, even between cultures there is a big difference between torture and livestock. In nations that consider what we think of as pets as a light snack, that distinction is still made. Personally I dislike the idea of eating cat/dog, but I dont expect a whole nation to think I'm right. And nobody was eating this cat. They were just being sadistic little s**ts.
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
that you can't take part" [Mario Savo, 1964]