Sylkat wrote:
Insanity is right;
Here is a woman raised in Pakistan in a culture which stones women to death for an accusation of adultery, a woman of intelligence and education.......
She finds and marries a man she loves, comes to America, a place of freedom like she has not experienced before, a nice home, a steady income, has a child she loves, and then throws this beautiful life away by killing people she has never met, being shot to death
'Insanity' is an accurate word
Problem with this perspective of the "good life" comprising a husband and child she loves, a nice home, steady income and "freedom" is that it obviously isn't shared by many other thousands of women, most of whom live and die under the strict umbrella of the Sharia. It certainly wasn't for Tashfeen. If it had been so, then then she would have tried to assimilate ASAP. But she continued to cling to her "religion", and was probably deeply contemptuous of the women in America. We also don't know that she was "intelligent" and "educated" -- it looks like she never finished D.Pharm, and dropped out to marry that "prized catch", Rizwan, without completing University. Na, not very intelligent at all.
I also don't think she married him for love OR, even worse, loved her own child. My belief -- and it is just my theory -- is that she married him as a means to an end. They each served the other a purpose. He was looking for a "traditional, burqa-clad, religious wife" (his friend explained to the media that Rizwan had told him that what had attracted him to her on iMilap was her willing to wear a full-length burqa). She had probably already been radicalized when she met him, and merely used him to fulfill her own agenda -- which was to "take the sword of Jihad into Kufar territories". How convenient that he was American ! I bet that she also realized that he was also likely mentally unstable (cue his hated of, and obsession with, Israel) and probably ripe for radicalization himself. She probably would have had nothing to do with him had she not learned that it would be easy to induce him to join her in her "mission". The child was just collateral damage for both of them, unfortunately. I don't think they intended to procreate as becoming a Shaheed was probably their end goal.
The only individual that I feel sorry for in that entire family is that baby. I hope that she never learns about her parents, and grows up to be their anti-thesis with a good education, a broad outlook, and retains her innocence for a long, long, long time. I cannot understand how that monster could have left her baby to carry such a horrific burden for life. I hope she gets adopted out, and raised by sane, stable parents. IMO, none of her relatives seem fit for that job, and I hope she finds a brand new family with good role model parents soon.
Poor little thing.
O villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!
My tables—meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain.
At least I'm sure it may be so in "Denmark".
-- Hamlet, 1.5.113-116