Baltimore: ALL Confederate Statues Have Now Been Removed

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I agree----and, IMO, it's not just "at times"; it's pretty much ALL-the-time----and, it's not just "us", as in Southerners; it's "us", as in Americans!!
The rules CLEARLY state that people aren't suppose to attack others, on here----not to "insult, ridicule, or belittle other members"----but, I guess that only applies to OTHERS (NON-Americans - not putting THEM, down, etc.).
^ Precisely
And some of the TOS's I've gotten over silly s**t I've questioned and not gotten an answer, which speaks volumes...
Yep, I think so, TOO!!
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
I agree----and, IMO, it's not just "at times"; it's pretty much ALL-the-time----and, it's not just "us", as in Southerners; it's "us", as in Americans!!
The rules CLEARLY state that people aren't suppose to attack others, on here----not to "insult, ridicule, or belittle other members"----but, I guess that only applies to OTHERS (NON-Americans - not putting THEM, down, etc.).
It's an old story: the people who shout loudest about tolerance are often the most intolerant; the people who shout loudest about anti-racism are often the most racist; the people who shout loudest about anti-sexism are often the most sexist; the people who shout loudest about civility are often the most abusive.
And how!
I used to work with an extremely liberal white guy who would jump at any chance to complain about racism, both real and imagined, especially against blacks. Most all of it was imagined or straw-manned. He'd go on and on in the most annoying tone you can imagine.
Late one afternoon when he thought he was alone at work I overheard him on the phone telling his *wife
that there was no way he'd trust a "n****r" (his words) with his money. I was in my cube right next door. I leaned my chair back real quick so it would give that little tell-tale squeak to let him know he wasn't really alone. He stopped talking and stood up to peak over the wall. I gave him a sh***y little "you're busted" grin, and the expression in his eyes (all I could see over the top of the wall) was absolutely priceless.
He said nothing to me for a few days but from that day on he didn't go on any more anti-racist rants, or at least not around me.
This was not the first or last time I've encountered racism from so called "tolerant liberals" so it was hardly a surprise.They are also known to express not so thinly veiled homophobia when it has to do with thier families, too.
In fact I grew up in a left leaning household which is what drove me more and more toward conservatism starting at age 14.
* I could tell that it was his wife by the way he'd talk to her in that syrupy lovey dovey tone.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson

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I agree----and, IMO, it's not just "at times"; it's pretty much ALL-the-time----and, it's not just "us", as in Southerners; it's "us", as in Americans!!
The rules CLEARLY state that people aren't suppose to attack others, on here----not to "insult, ridicule, or belittle other members"----but, I guess that only applies to OTHERS (NON-Americans - not putting THEM, down, etc.).
It's an old story: the people who shout loudest about tolerance are often the most intolerant; the people who shout loudest about anti-racism are often the most racist; the people who shout loudest about anti-sexism are often the most sexist; the people who shout loudest about civility are often the most abusive.
TOTALLY!! IMO, ESPECIALLY the "anti-sexist" / feminist bunch----almost all of them, it seems, are, all-the-time, fussin' at men, for being sexist, while what they're doin', is abusive to men; it never ceases to amaze me!!
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)

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3rd Christopher Columbus Statue in NY Vandalized in 2 Weeks, This Time in Central Park
Video from the scene showed red paint apparently splashed on the hands of the statue Tuesday morning.
Graffiti found on the base of the statue read, "Hate will not be tolerated" and "#Somethingscoming."
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
To be honest if Columbus did bother to check his compass and arrived at his real destination of India then other genocidal mariners like Cortez or Pizzaro would have still have arrived and done the same thing. Colombus is lauded as some type of hero played by kindergarten children in plays. His role in discovering America is somewhat hyped.
Farewell and good riddance to Colombus statues

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Something's coming, alright!! Every time this happens, it gives fuel to the radical KKK / White Supremacists, etc. When are people gonna get it through their thick, friggin' skulls, that banning something, only makes it that much more desirable? Leave the statues alone, and the KKK (et al.) will have one less thing, about which to be hateful----simple, as that!!
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)
Sorry, but the kkk and neo-nazis are a disease. I'm not about to let a disease spread in my country, not without putting up a fight. By the logic you're advocating we should just let the middle east terrorists have their way and then they'll be sedated and happy and we can all just get along, unfortunately what the terrorists want is the destruction of the U.S. and themselves in power, the neo-nazi's and KKK want the exact same thing. That's just not gonna fly with me, nor with most of the people on my side of the argument.

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The statues supporters did not participate in anything. Identity politics would better make the point about hypocrisy.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

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I do not think the KKK is going to defend a statue honoring an Italian. Italians are too Catholic for them.
However, the mafia might be getting really pissed.
I do not know how WP will handle the above joke that is offensive to many Italian Americans since I am pointing out it involved a negative stereotype about a group. That said I can probably tell that joke in most places without blowback. It is that double standard that I find offensive.
Whether there should be Confederate Statues or Columbus Statues is becoming beside the point. The regressive left drunk with the success of their Confederate statue campaign and normalizing violence to get rid of offense is moving on to Columbus. Most historical figures held bigoted views so there is no end to targets. Now their mantras is "put in in a museum". But I have no doubt eventually they will go after the museums. Stopping their normalization of violence to decide policy and what language is acceptable is more important than how offensive the statues might be.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
The statues supporters did not participate in anything. Identity politics would better make the point about hypocrisy.
You are 100% correct. That said, no one in this thread is going to change their mind and most of the silent majority has moved on (the view count has remained virtually the same for 2 weeks), so there's no real audience to persuade. Likewise, at around 20 pages we've discussed about every aspect there is to discuss on this topic. The entire debate is in "entertainment" mode right now, so grab a bag of popcorn.

Majorities don't always win: sometimes it's pure logic that wins, sometimes it's he who screams loudest, but more often that not it's those that refuse to give up and just grind it out that are victorious, majority or not.

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This is an autism forum, there is this trait called repetitive behavior.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman

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I do not think the KKK is going to defend a statue honoring an Italian. Italians are too Catholic for them. However, the mafia might be getting really pissed.
LOL I understand what you're saying, but I think to MANY, Columbus still symbolizes the discovery of America----so, to White Supremacists / Nationalists, it would anger them, I think.
I totally agree with this (that they'll go after the museums, then)----and, where will it end?
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)

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Last night, on PBS, I watched the first episode of a series about Francis Scott Key, entitled: "After the Song". I thought: "Oh, God----that'll be the next 'racist', they go-after"----and, sure enough, early this morning, THIS happened:
Police were called at 6:30 a.m. to the intersection of Eutaw Place and West Lanvale Street on a report of vandalism done to the Francis Scott Key Monument.
The incident is under investigation.
Authorities said they are reviewing surveillance footage from the area to help identify a suspect.
No further details were immediately available.

White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)