Another interesting article about old world remedies:
My father, Ed Palkot, has a unique perspective on the current coronavirus pandemic.
He's sheltering in place now in his suburban New York home. And he's 106. He survived the last major global pandemic.
That one infected 500 million people around the world and killed some 50 million, 675,000 in the U.S.
American cities were especially hard-hit, including Pittsburgh, Penn. The city of just over half-a-million at the time saw 4,500 deaths from the virus and 24,000 reported cases. And Dad was one of them.
Edward was 5 years old. According to him, he probably contracted the “dreaded disease” from his “playmates.” Unlike the current COVID-19, the Spanish flu hit younger people harder than the elderly.
“Those who drank whiskey escaped the flu,” Dad recalls his mother Mamie suggesting, “those who did not, succumbed.”
In fact, Dad’s mother and father were fine. Ed, the only child at the time, got the attention.
Pittsburgh's mayor reluctantly followed guidance from Pennsylvania authorities to close public spaces, so the virus came with a vengeance. The city scrambled to set up makeshift hospitals. People crowded in, struggled to breathe, their lungs filling with liquid. There were no respirators then.

At the Spanish flu’s peak, people were dying in the city at the rate of 100 a day.
“The procession of horse-drawn hearses seemed to continue endlessly,” he said. Most of the wakes were at home, not funeral homes. “You learned of a death by a wreathe at the door — purple for older people, white for the young.”
When the death rate increased, Dad recalled, just plain flowers were used.
Source: Reporter's notebook: How my dad, 106, survived the 'other' pandemic - the Spanish flu