jimmy m wrote:
Massive deliveries of urns in Wuhan have raised fresh skepticism of China’s coronavirus reporting.
As families in the central Chinese city began picking up the cremated ashes of those who have died from the virus this week, photos began circulating on social media and local media outlets showing vast numbers of urns at Wuhan funeral homes.
China has reported 3,299 coronavirus-related deaths, with most taking place in Wuhan, the epicenter of the global pandemic. But one funeral home received two shipments of 5,000 urns over the course of two days, according to the Chinese media outlet Caixin.
It’s not clear how many of the urns were filled.
Workers at several funeral parlors declined to provide any details to Bloomberg as to how many urns were waiting to be collected, saying they either did not know or were not authorized to share the number.
Urn deliveries in Wuhan raise questions about China's actual coronavirus death tollThere is a good chance the truth will eventually come out.
Not matter how they try to hide it through government brutality.
China's lies in the past have decimated their credibility.
They have become the laughing stock of the world, in this regard.

I haven't heard much about Hong Kong, lately.
Has the coronavirus blunted the CCP's resolve, in this situation?
One crisis at a time, sort of thing?