20 shooting victims in California active shooter situation -
You mean Christopher Harper-Mercer? The self hating guy whose mom said he had Aspergers and who identified as mixed race and as a white supremacist who believed he would be welcomed by the devil in hell? This wingnut did not sound like a Muslim to me. Do you have any evidence to support this idea? Or is this more Alex Jones type stuff?
http://nypost.com/2015/10/01/oregon-gun ... g-rampage/
This link does not provide any support for the notion that he was a Muslim. On the contrary:
The whole family should be thoroughly investigated. If the story above is true, then Rizwan's brother's SIL should be deported back to Russia - she is a fraud and a scam artist. Rizwan's mother lived with him and Tashfeen in the same house where the two stockpiled their rifles and ammunition, and she knew NOTHING ? The family claims to cooperate with the investigation, but Rafia lawyered up during her interview, and yes, we all know how cooperative her lawyer would have been at that investigation ! Investigation into Rafia's potential role as an accessory to this act of terror must be relentless and thorough. Farooq Sr comes across as a fundamentalist with antisemitic tendencies.
This family and truth seem to share a rather tenuous relationship.
Oh, and BTW, all the bleeding hearts hurting for those poor, innocent, saintly Muslims :
CAIR helping Rizwan's family get custody of baby
According to statement issued by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) – Greater Los Angeles Area office, the council “is working to make sure that the baby is placed with a Muslim foster family while she remains in the custody of San Bernardino County Child Protective Services"
Why ? Would the 6-month-old baby, who is still too young to know anything about religion, be hurt in any way if she were placed with a Christian or a Hindu, or GOD FORBID, a Jewish foster family ?
CAIR has been designated a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates and was named by federal prosecutors as an unindicted co-conspirator in a funding operation linked to the terrorist group Hamas.
Hussam Ayloush, director of CAIR-LA, said the United States is “partly responsible” for the San Bernardino attack by by the jihadist couple.
Yeah, and blame the victims while you are at it.
Intolerant scum... and the rest of the world wonders why followers of the religion of peace are so easy to brainwash into Jihadi ways.
I hope that the baby is being fostered by a Hindu family, and eventually adopted by a Jewish family. Yeah !
O villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!
My tables—meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain.
At least I'm sure it may be so in "Denmark".
-- Hamlet, 1.5.113-116
Yes, imagine if the kid grows up Muslim, like, say, Mohammed Zuhdi Jasser...
From Syria, of course.
From Syria, of course.
The odds of that happening are, unfortunately, very very slim to none. Especially if she is adopted by her aunt and uncle, or if she is adopted by another family that defers to, or is influenced by, the wonderful folks at CAIR (which believes that the United States is partly responsible for the parents' radicalization).
O villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!
My tables—meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain.
At least I'm sure it may be so in "Denmark".
-- Hamlet, 1.5.113-116
Why ? Would the 6-month-old baby, who is still too young to know anything about religion, be hurt in any way if she were placed with a Christian or a Hindu, or GOD FORBID, a Jewish foster family ?
For the same reason a white 6 month old baby would be placed with a Caucasian family
Regrettably, it is looking very much like the whole family has had knowledge all along that something very bad was going on.
Marquez MAY have been a lonely, vulnerable man who was used by these people.
The Russian-born wife MAY have been just a woman desperate to get out of Russia to have a better life in America.
I truly hope so.
At this point, I think that that baby girl would be better in an orphanage than handed over to any member of that family.......
UNTIL they have been thoroughly investigated.
Student Body President, Miskatonic University
This is already happening.
He reports having a fight with his son over the historical Jesus. A fundamentalist would never do that. Antisemitic, certainly, as was clear in the La Stampa interview.
If you were a Muslim, then you might believe that this would imperil the child in the afterlife. Though I think the fundies would say mom & pops status as shuhada (turns out this is the plural of saheed) guarantees the entry into paradise of next of kin... Surely their self sacrifice in the cause of jihad would negate any risk to the child. Oh wait, this is religion, so no need to use logic in contemplating dogma.
Yeah, and blame the victims while you are at it.
Disgusting. This guy should never be allowed to forget that he made this statement.
You mean a good Hindu family like the ones in Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh?
And maybe a nice Jewish family like the ones in Revolt?
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/08/10/world ... arson.html
And why do you discriminate against good Christians like the ones listed here: http://www.salon.com/2015/04/07/6_modern_day_christian_terrorist_groups_our_media_conveniently_ignores_partner/
Every religious group has it's repulsive dark side, murderous fundamentalism in the name of God is not the exclusive property of Muslims. Not by a long, long, bloody measure.
You are correct. There is a war between Western, Democratic values versus Islamic, Radical, Sharia based values. Paris and San Bernardino highlighted this. This Islamic fundamentalism is coming straight from the Middle East.
Curious. What does that say about their morals and ethics (as a generalized group), verses that of atheists(again, grouped) or practitioners of religions that don't just preach "peace" but practice it as well?
The battle between Islamic Fundementalism and Christianity for hundreds of years.
There was no concept of "Fundamentalism" in either Christianity, or in Islam, until the 20th Century.
So this statement is a nonsensical anachronism.
We all know that Christianity and Islam have been at odds ever since the younger faith of Islam was born 13 centuries ago. And we all know that they have been at odds largely precisely because both faiths have a similiar need to militantly spread the faith. So do you have any actual point to make about it?
He reports having a fight with his son over the historical Jesus. A fundamentalist would never do that. Antisemitic, certainly, as was clear in the La Stampa interview.
Jews today, Christians tomorrow... isn't that how the saying goes ?
Pray, how many fundie RSS families do you know of or hear about in the US ? And if you must draw parallels between the RSS and ISIS, how many attacks has the RSS carried out in America or elsewhere ? Or even within India ?
Unlike Islam, Hinduism - or Santana Dharma which is it's proper name - is not a reactionary religion. But after centuries of living with the Islamic, intolerant hordes, what else would you expect but the uprising of fundamental Hindu extremists to deal with the fundamental Muslim ones ? Turn the other bloody cheek, aye ?
And then you bring in Chrisian missionaries, whose alleged mission is to "save the Dalits" from the "oppression" of the "upper castes". In reality, these "missionaries" are nothing but sheer trouble makers who spread their brand of bigotry and hatred, under the guise of combating bigotry and hatred !

How many Hindu "missionaries" do you know who migrate into other lands, and preach wholesale hatred and intolerance and bigotry against the dominant culture and religion ?
I give you carte-blanche. Go tell all the Hindu "Jihadis" and the wanna-be "shuhada" that they are all just as bad as DAESH and CAIR. It should be a long and onerous task for you, aye ? I mean, there are just so many of them ! !
Going back to the question of the child's custody -- if there is anyone in that entire family that is innocent, it is that baby. I would want her to grow up with the family's influence in her life, and certainly far, far, far away from the reach of that "peaceful American organization", CAIR-LA. The only way to ensure this is to place her in a foster family, and eventually have her adopted out by folks who have NADA to do with Islam in general, and CAIR in particular.
Oh, and :
Passenger who shot Muslim cab driver is named.....
O villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!
My tables—meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain.
At least I'm sure it may be so in "Denmark".
-- Hamlet, 1.5.113-116
A few minutes ago I read that the baby girl is in foster care and that no one in her father's family is getting her, or being even considered for custody until a thorough investigation is complete.
I hope that her name is never released to the media.
Does anyone else find it odd that no one in her mother's family has expressed an interest in taking care of the child?
Don't the grandparents care about her?
Student Body President, Miskatonic University
I hope that her name is never released to the media.
Does anyone else find it odd that no one in her mother's family has expressed an interest in taking care of the child?
Don't the grandparents care about her?
Per Pakistani media reports, Malik's parents are based in Saudi Arabia. Tashfeen is one of 5 siblings - 3 girls and 2 boys. No information is available as to her siblings' identities or locations. Her father's family is politically influential in Punjab, and will probably not be allowed into the US even to attend custody hearings, due to the nature of the case against Tashfeen and Rizwan. So that leaves only Rizwan's family in the US to seek custody of the baby. I don't think any of them will clear background checks just yet. If Rizwan's brother and his wife attempted to aid her sister's attempt to misuse the fiance visa provisions to live on in the US, then that's criminal fraud perpetrated against Uncle Sam. He may not be willing to forgive them just yet.
Rizwan's mother is a big ???? -- she lived in the house and claims to have no knowledge. She will probably be under an umbrella of suspicion for years to come, and so will probably not be able to gain custody of the baby. The grandfather is a ??? too. An antisemitic at best, and not the best influence for a child whose parents committed a horrific crime against humanity.
That leaves the two sisters - one of whom is single and very young. She may not even want to take on the burden of caring for an infant niece. The other sister and her husband are wild cards at this point of time. So we'll see. However, if they are under the influence of CAIR - LA and the likes of CAIR's director, then they should *not* get custody of the child.
I remember my children at that age. All I can think when I consider that infant is, "Poor girl."
O villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!
My tables—meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain.
At least I'm sure it may be so in "Denmark".
-- Hamlet, 1.5.113-116
Just like I thought. There are others out there - not just the two that were killed. It's just getting started.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/pos ... m-in-2013/
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
You mean Christopher Harper-Mercer? The self hating guy whose mom said he had Aspergers and who identified as mixed race and as a white supremacist who believed he would be welcomed by the devil in hell? This wingnut did not sound like a Muslim to me. Do you have any evidence to support this idea? Or is this more Alex Jones type stuff?
http://nypost.com/2015/10/01/oregon-gun ... g-rampage/
This link does not provide any support for the notion that he was a Muslim. On the contrary:
Then why the singling out of Christians? Who else is doing that right now?
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
They arrested another radical up in the high desert (still San Bernardino County)
Your Aspie score: 171 of 200
Your Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 40 of 200
Missouri and Kansas is watching this closely:
http://www.abc17news.com/news/fbi-inves ... t/36877514
The radio is saying they are expecting something to possibly happen before Christmas.
Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 153 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical
Darn, I flunked.
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