Are we at the edge of another pandemic? H5N1

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01 Jan 2025, 2:42 am

jimmy m wrote:
Australia is taking the threat seriously.

It must be still going because my supermarket had no eggs on the shelf this week.

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01 Jan 2025, 10:08 am

On 27 June 2024, 9:49 A.M., I summarized the approach to survive a very deadly disease called H5N1 Avian Flu, Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza. I have covered a lot of information over the past several weeks on the next potential pandemic called H5N1. I have come to realize this pandemic will primarily be transmitted by insects, primarily Mosquitoes. Mosquitoes infect humans with a blood to blood transfer between infected to uninfected birds/animals/humans.

There’s a saying that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

H5N1 has spread across many types of birds dealing wave after wave of deaths. In the last few years, it has infected over 500 different species of birds, driving some to near extinction. This virus has established its presence in 108 countries, across five continents. It even transitioned to chickens. But it is on the move and has impacted many types of animals, most recently dairy cattle. It has spread to 70 mammal species globally. It is in our homes (cats and mice). It is on the move and another species is contracting this threat. It is beginning to show up in Pigs as a very deadly Swine Flu. -- Pigs are a "mixing vessels" for influenza viruses, specifically those infecting birds, humans, and other pigs. If H5N1 were to become endemic in U.S. pigs, then those viruses could undergo genetic reassortment, creating entirely novel strains, very deadly human strains.

This virus has been evolving over the past few years. It began with birds and spread to animals and humans. The disease is passing across a maze of viruses in recent years including H5N1, H5N2, H5N3, H5N5, H5N6 and H5N8. But in my opinion the primary threat is H1N1.

H1N1 decimated the human population during the First World War. It went by many names including the Spanish Flu which killed between 50 and 100 million people during the period from 1918-1919. This plague went by many names. The Americans fell ill with "three-day fever" or "purple death." The French caught "purulent bronchitis." The Italians suffered "sand fly fever." German hospitals filled with victims of Blitzkatarrh or "Flanders fever. Sand fly fever is an arthropod-borne viral disease, also known as “Phlebotomus fever”, “mosquito fever”.

From 1918 to 1919, the Spanish flu infected an estimated 500 million people globally. This amounted to about 33% of the world's population at the time. In addition, the Spanish flu killed about 50 million people, about 6 percent of the Earth's population. Since the world population has grown around 5 times in the last 100 years. The threat might impact 2.5 billion people should it materialize today.

How were the victims of H1N1 treated in front line hospitals during 1918/1919? No matter what they called it, the virus attacked everyone similarly. It started like any other influenza case, with a sore throat, chills and fever. Then came the deadly twist: the virus ravaged its victim's lungs. Sometimes within hours, patients succumbed to complete respiratory failure. Autopsies showed hard, red lungs drenched in fluid. A microscopic look at diseased lung tissue revealed that the alveoli, the lungs' normally air-filled cells, were so full of fluid that victims literally drowned. The slow suffocation began when patients presented with a unique symptom: mahogany spots over their cheekbones. Within hours these patients turned a bluish-black hue indicative of cyanosis, or lack of oxygen. When triaging scores of new patients, nurses often looked at the patients' feet first. Those with black feet were considered beyond help and were carted off to die.

In my humble opinion, these diseases are transmitted by insects. An insect bites an infected bird/animal/human and then transmitted the blood directly to another bird/ animal/human. The following is a good approach to limiting the spread in humans.

1. You can protect yourself from mosquito bites in two ways. If you spend a lot of time outdoors you can create protective clothing (boots, clothing and camping gear) that repel mosquitoes by treating them with Permethrin.

2. You can also protect yourself from mosquito bites by applying mosquito repellent on you skin. This will provide short protection (several hours) to drive away mosquitoes. There are a variety of products available. They include DEET, Picaridin, IR3535, Oil of lemon, Para-menthane-diol eucalyptus, and 2-Undecanone.

3. Another product that can help prevent mosquito bites is Metofluthrin. Metofluthrin is a pyrethroid used as an insect repellent. The vapors of metofluthrin are highly effective and capable of repelling up to 97% of mosquitoes in field tests. Metofluthrin is used in a variety of consumer products, called emanators, for indoor and outdoor use. These products produce a vapor that protects an individual or area. Effectiveness is reduced by air movement. Metofluthrin is neurotoxic, and is not meant to be applied directly to human skin.

4. Accidents can happen. What to do immediately after being bitten by a mosquito? Treat the bite with Tecnu Topical Analgesic Anti-Itch Spray (Diphenhydramine HCl 2% ). There is another product that can diminish the effects of being bitten by an infected insect. It is called ChiggereX. This product contains 10% Benzocaine.

5. If you become infected with H5N1 treat the condition immediately using one of four FDA-approved antivirals for influenza: (1) Oseltamivir phosphate (Tamiflu), (2) Zanamivir (Relenza), (3) Peramivir (Rapivab), (4) Baloxavir (Xofluza). These are prescription drugs and will require a doctors prescription. Time is of the essence here. This condition will begin to destroy the human body and make it impossible to treat within a few days. Time is of the essence.

6. Some people are very vulnerable to mosquito bites. These are people with open wounds. Just covering the wounded area with bandages will not protect you. Mosquitoes can smell your blood and you become a prime target. I suffered a small bleed and was attacked by around 50 mosquitoes in less then two hours outdoors. (Luckily I had protected myself with DEET before I went outside and as a result, NOT ONE MOSQUITO WAS ABLE TO BITE ME.) This may also be a problem for women who are going through their menstrual period.

7. Go on the offensive. Wage a war on mosquitoes. In general, mosquitoes live in a hot humid environment. They most commonly infest Ponds, Marshes, Swamps, and Other wetland habitats. So minimize their breeding grounds. Wage war on mosquitoes.

8. Use our friends. What, you didn't realize we have allies in our war on Mosquitoes? We have many friends. Some are birds like woodpeckers, some are other insects like dragonflies, some are fish like gambusia affinis.

9. Wastewater tracking of H5N1 can identify the specific regions in the U.S. where the outbreak is underway. One of these regions is San Francisco, California. This area could be Ground Zero of the outbreak. But we cannot monitor the threat because the funding for Wastewater tracking has been halted. But time has been wasted and H5N1 is on the move and Central Valley in California is in the epicenter.

In the historic past, migrating birds were the long distance transport agents of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1. Seasonally they would move the infectious disease between the northern and southern hemispheres as the seasons changed from summer to winter. But now as humans have developed means of rapid transport, such as jet aircraft, the speed and distance this virus can spread is rapidly accelerated.

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01 Jan 2025, 12:10 pm

I was able to eliminate aggressive tiger mosquitoes by leaving some water in my watering can as a trap.
It takes a week for the eggs to emerge as adults and I water much more often than that. I'd make sure to empty the can every time I watered.

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02 Jan 2025, 12:24 pm

Some more data is coming to light.

Since 1996, HPAI H5N1 influenza viruses have circulated in at least 23 countries. In late 2021, HPAI H5N1 spread from Europe to North America causing sporadic infections among wild birds and poultry farms. In 2022, the virus spread to South America where it devastated birds and marine mammals. In March 2024, USDA scientists identified HPAI H5N1 in U.S. dairy cows, and it subsequently reached herds in 16 states. The virus has been detected in dairy herds in three states over the past 30 days, according to USDA/APHIS. In 2024, the virus has caused 66 confirmed and 7 probable cases of influenza in people in the U.S. and one case in Canada. These human cases have been caused by either the H5N1 type circulating in birds (D1.1) or the type circulating in dairy cows (B3.13).

Source: NIH Officials Assess Threat of H5N1

An update about the individual in Canada who suffered a severe case of H5N1.

A 13-year-old Canadian girl recovered after being hospitalized in critical condition with H5N1 avian influenza, researchers reported.

The girl was hospitalized on Nov. 7 and transferred to BC Children's Hospital the next day, where she was intubated and put on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and treated with three different antivirals, David Goldfarb, MD, of BC Children's Hospital in Vancouver, and colleagues reported in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

The girl had a history of asthma and a body mass index greater than 35. She first presented to an emergency department in British Columbia on Nov. 4 with a 2-day history of conjunctivitis in both eyes and a 1-day history of fever. She was discharged without treatment, but then she developed a cough, vomiting, and diarrhea.

She went back to the ED on Nov. 7 with respiratory distress with hemodynamic instability, Goldfarb's group reported. The next day, she was transferred to the pediatric ICU at BC Children's while on bilevel positive airway pressure. She had respiratory failure, pneumonia in the left lower lobe, acute kidney injury, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia.

Her doctors started oseltamivir (Tamiflu) on Nov. 8, but with signs of respiratory deterioration and chest radiographs consistent with progression to acute respiratory distress syndrome, she was intubated and started on ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) on Nov. 9, with continuous renal replacement starting the day after that.

Physicians added amantadine (Gocovri) on Nov. 9, and baloxavir (Xofluza) on Nov. 11. She received daily plasma exchange for 3 days starting Nov. 14.

Over the next days, her respiratory status improved, and she was able to discontinue ECMO on Nov. 22, with extubation on Nov. 28. The authors didn't provide additional details on her discharge or recovery.

As for testing, the girl's first swab at BC Children's was positive for influenza A but negative for H1 or H3 disease. Further polymerase chain reaction testing for flu, COVID, and respiratory syncytial virus showed a cycle threshold (Ct) value of 27.1, suggesting a relatively high viral load, which prompted further subtyping, revealing H5 disease.

The researchers added that lower respiratory specimens consistently yielded lower Ct values than upper respiratory specimens, suggesting higher viral loads in the lower respiratory tract.

Source: Canadian Teen Recovers From Severe H5N1 Bird Flu Infection

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
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03 Jan 2025, 12:49 pm

Analysis has shown H5N1 is a virus that can cause extremely high mortality rates (50 percent) in humans. But the deadly form kills people in two stages. The first stage is similar to a common cold. But within a week or two this virus produces a very dramatic internal change in humans and death is at the door step. Some scientist are trying to develop a quick means of identifying this strain of H5N1. I came across an article today that might provide a quick assessment tool.

ARUP Offers New Assay To Detect Influenza A (H5) Virus

ARUP Laboratories (a nonprofit enterprise of the University of Utah and its Department of Pathology) today launched a new assay for the detection and subtyping of influenza A (H5) virus. This test will aid in the evaluation of individuals who may have been exposed to highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A virus, also known as H5N1 or bird flu.

ARUP’s laboratory-developed test, Influenza A (H5) Virus by Qualitative NAAT (ARUP test number 3018970), has been validated in collaboration with the CDC. In September 2024, ARUP was selected as one of the CDC’s five formal lab partners in the development of a test for avian influenza A (H5), or bird flu.

A Nucleic Acid Amplification Test, or NAAT, is a type of viral diagnostic test. NAATs detect genetic material (nucleic acids), specifically identify the RNA (ribonucleic acid) sequences that comprise the genetic material of the virus.

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03 Jan 2025, 7:40 pm

China Faces New Virus Outbreak Five Years After Covid Crisis

China is dealing with an outbreak of the human metapneumovirus (HMPV), five years after the Covid-19 pandemic. Reports and social media posts suggest that the virus is spreading rapidly, with some claiming that hospitals and crematories are overwhelmed. Videos shared online show crowded hospitals, with some users saying that multiple viruses, including influenza A, HMPV, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Covid-19, are circulating.

There are even claims that China has declared a state of emergency, though this has not been confirmed. HMPV is known to cause flu-like symptoms and can also present symptoms similar to Covid-19. Health officials are closely monitoring the situation as the virus spreads.

A social media post by an X handle known as 'SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19)' wrote in a post: "China is facing a surge in multiple viruses, including Influenza A, HMPV, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Covid-19, overwhelming hospitals and crematoriums. Children's hospitals are particularly strained by rising pneumonia and "white lung" cases."

Meanwhile, a news report by Reuters has said that China's disease control authority said on Friday that it was piloting a monitoring system for pneumonia of unknown origin, with cases of some respiratory diseases expected to rise through the winter. The move to establish a dedicated system is aimed at helping authorities set up protocols to handle unknown pathogens, in contrast to the lower level of preparedness five years ago when the novel coronavirus that causes Covid-19 first emerged.

China is likely to be affected by various respiratory infectious diseases in winter and spring, Kan Biao, another official, said at the news conference. He said without elaborating that the overall number of cases this year would be smaller than last year.
Recent cases detected include pathogens such as the rhinovirus and human metapneumovirus, with cases of the human metapneumovirus among people under the age of 14 showing an upward trend, especially in northern provinces.

In a recent interview with the state-backed National Business Daily, a respiratory expert at a Shanghai hospital warned the public against blindly using antiviral drugs to fight human metapneumovirus, for which there is no vaccine but whose symptoms resemble those of a cold.

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05 Jan 2025, 11:00 am

ASPartOfMe wrote:
China is dealing with an outbreak of the human metapneumovirus (HMPV), five years after the Covid-19 pandemic. Reports and social media posts suggest that the virus is spreading rapidly, with some claiming that hospitals and crematories are overwhelmed. Videos shared online show crowded hospitals, with some users saying that multiple viruses, including influenza A, HMPV, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and Covid-19, are circulating.

I wrote in a different Wrong Planet thread on 01 Jan 2024, 1:03 pm the following:

During COVID, we were dealing with a virus. But what is happening is that sometimes a virus can lead to bacteria. That is what is happening in China at the moment. They have many people young children and also elderly people dying from a bacterial attack. Normally antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections like pneumonia. But if these antibiotics are misused they can produce antibiotic resistant forms of the disease. When that occurs, the antibiotics will no longer work. That is the problem that has now occurred in China and will travel across the globe.

Antibiotic resistant Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Pneumonia (MPP)
Mycoplasma is a bacterium that can infect different parts of the body. M. pneumoniae is a type of Mycoplasma that can cause respiratory tract infections. The bacteria can damage the lining of the respiratory tract, including the throat, windpipe, and lungs.

M. pneumoniae infections are generally mild and mostly present as a chest cold but may also present as pneumonia. Symptom onset is typically gradual and can include fever, cough, and a sore throat. When an M. pneumoniae infection progresses to pneumonia, it's typically first appears as a less severe form of bacterial pneumonia commonly referred to as "walking pneumonia." But looks can be very deceiving.

People with pneumonia caused by M. pneumoniae can seem better than expected for someone with a lung infection. With mild symptoms, people may not stay home or in bed. Thus, the phrase "walking pneumonia" was coined.

While uncommon, serious complications from infection can occur that require hospital care, including new or worsening asthma, severe pneumonia, and encephalitis (brain disease). M. pneumoniae is a common cause of bacterial infection among people who need hospital care due to community-acquired pneumonia.

A virus infection can produce a bacterial infection that can become very deadly. Antibiotics can be used to treat bacterial infections but the use of antibiotics can produce strains that can become antibiotic resistant. That is what is happening in China. Anyone can go to the market and (without a prescription) obtain antibiotics. They are being used to treat viral infections, even though they cannot work on viruses. They are overused in China and as a result new strains of bacteria are created causing major pandemics in the country.

In the U.S. and other advanced countries, these antibiotics can only be given by prescription from a Medical Doctor. This is to prevent the creation of antibiotic resistant forms of the disease.

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07 Jan 2025, 11:13 am

Thus far there has been two cases of a very deadly form of H5N1 in North America. One occurred in a 13 year old girl in Canada and the other in the U.S. in a 65 year old man in Louisiana. The individual in the U.S. has just died.

But this article misses a very important point, an extremely important point. They said, "its getting more adaptable, but still to emphasize very low risk, because we still have no cases of human-to-human transmission."

But they are missing a very critical point. You do not need human-to-human transmission in order for this virus to produce a massive pandemic. This virus is passed from infected birds/mammals/humans to uninfected humans by insects, primarily mosquitoes. These insects drink the blood from an infected creature and then pass the infected blood directly to an uninfected human. It is a direct blood-to-blood transfer.

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08 Jan 2025, 9:22 am

The following is an update on the girl in British Columbia, Canada who contracted a very deadly case of H5N1.

The bird flu virus that brought a Canadian teen to the “brink of death” may have mutated while inside her body to become more efficient at spreading among humans. The case, and the death of a Louisiana resident over the age of 65 who was hospitalized with a severe H5N1 avian flu infection in December, are stark reminders “that this is not a mild virus,” said Matthew Miller, Canada Research Chair in viral pandemics at McMaster University in Hamilton. The Louisiana fatality marks the first U.S. death from highly pathogenic avian influenza. The B.C. girl’s infection is Canada’s first domestically acquired case of H5N1.

According to a letter published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Dec. 31, the teen was out of intensive care and breathing on her own after spending 12 days connected to ECMO, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, an aggressive form of life-support that pumps blood out of the body and circulates it through a machine that adds oxygen and removes harmful carbon dioxide before sending it back into the body. A specimen collected from the girl’s lower airways eight days after her symptoms began showed three mutations “potentially associated with enhanced virulence and human adaptation,” researchers reported in the New England Journal of Medicine. “It is unclear whether these mutations were present in the infecting virus or emerged during the course of the patient’s illness,” they said.

Source: Bird flu brought a B.C. teen close to death. Here's what we know about H5N1

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09 Jan 2025, 11:11 am

H5N1 is very different then COVID. I came across an article that highlights one of the differences. COVID in general attacks and kills the elderly or those who have pre-existing medical conditions. But H5N1 is very different. It attacks the strongest members of society, the healthiest. The podcast article brings up this important difference.

Meghan Davis a molecular epidemiologist and associate professor at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health communicated about the recent human cases of H5N1 in the United States:

What we're seeing is actually that most of our cases are in some of our healthiest adults, meaning people who can work, and not just work, but work on a farm.

If anyone's ever worked on a farm, you know it's a full contact sport. This is very difficult work. It's often long hours with a lot of physical exertion. So it takes a particularly healthy kind of person to be able to do this, but this is what most of our cases of avian influenza in the United States are, and we're now at over 60 cases.

What you need to know about bird flu

H5N1 is very similar to H1N1 (the Spanish Flu of 1918). It destroys human bodies piece by piece and then kills. It kills the healthiest members of society.

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10 Jan 2025, 11:34 am

There may be an outbreak of H5N1 in humans near Detroit, Michigan. An article released today declared:

11 people in Oakland County had contact with H5N1-infected backyard flock, 2 are now sick

[Humans] Two people are sick and in isolation in Oakland County and nine others are being monitored after they had direct contact with H5N1 bird flu from an infected backyard flock, a spokesperson for Oakland County Executive Dave Coulter told the Free Press on Thursday.

[Birds] The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development announced Thursday that the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus had been confirmed in birds in the Oakland County backyard flock, but it would not disclose specifically where that flock is situated in the 907-square-mile county, how many birds are involved, or whether they include chickens, turkeys or some other type of domestic poultry, citing Public Act 466, which limits what information the agency can release publicly about animals involved in health investigations.

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10 Jan 2025, 11:57 am

Another article today reported an H5N1 bird flu human death in Cambodia.

Cambodian man dies from bird flu

A 28-year-old Cambodian man died from bird flu on Friday after eating sick chickens, the health ministry said. The man from eastern Kampong Cham province, tested positive for H5N1 on Thursday, the health ministry said in a statement. "The patient was in critical situation with fever, coughing and difficulty breathing," before he died on Friday, the ministry said. The latest Cambodian victim had raised poultry at his home and "cooked sick chickens for food", the health ministry in Phnom Penh said.

At least three people, including a two-year-old girl, died from bird flu in the kingdom in 2023 while a nine-year-old boy succumbed to the virus last year.

In July, the World Health Organization warned that its ability to manage the risk to humans posed by the H5N1 bird flu virus was being compromised by patchy surveillance. The WHO called on all countries to step up influenza surveillance and reporting in animals and humans, and for nations to share samples and genetic sequences.

H5N1 is very different virus then COVID. It strikes the young and healthy middle age population very quickly and is extremely deadly.

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14 Jan 2025, 1:30 pm

Dr. Peter Hotez, Professor Baylor College of Medicine, said "and what it comes down to is the reason it is all-hands-on-deck and the people are concerned is that eventually it could cause human-to-human transmission and become a serious epidemic in the United States or eventually a pandemic.

The main point that the author is missing is that you do not need direct human to human transmission to occur for H5N1 to become the next major pandemic. This pandemic can occur when the blood of an infected person is transmitted directly from person to person by insects (primarily mosquitoes).

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14 Jan 2025, 11:06 pm

Trump and Biden officials begin talks on bird flu crisis

Amid an escalating bird flu outbreak spreading in the United States, federal health officials have begun to brief members of the incoming Trump administration about how they’ve responded to the crisis so far.

“We sent them all of the information on our work,” said a Biden administration health official familiar with transition briefings within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

It’s the first indication that the two administrations appear to be working together to prioritize the H5N1 response.

Until now, it was unclear whether the Biden White House and Trump’s incoming health team had discussed bird flu in any transition meetings. A lack of coordination between the two groups would have huge consequences, public health officials and infectious disease experts warn. They worry that the H5N1 virus has the potential to set off another human pandemic.

tates,” said Dr. Cameron Wolfe, an infectious diseases expert and professor of medicine at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina.

Sharing surveillance information and resources is crucial to understanding and getting ahead of emerging viral threats like bird flu, said Howard Koh, a professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, who was assistant secretary of health and human services for health in the Obama administration.

“These teams have a shared responsibility to prioritize continuity of operations. That means maximizing preparedness to the fullest, especially after Covid,” he said. “Anything else is unacceptable.” Koh wasn’t involved with transition teams during his time with the Obama administration.

Neither Trump nor his pick for health and human services secretary, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has publicly suggested how the Trump administration would handle the outbreak. What’s more, Kennedy’s team has signaled it didn’t see value in seeking input from Biden health officials.

In a statement, Katie Miller, a spokesperson for Kennedy, said via text that the American people “don’t want or need the Biden administration to tell us how to do anything.”

“What would career bureaucrats who failed our nation during COVID know how to handle anything,” Miller added. “They have failed beyond measure on every national crisis.”

Need to expand testing, surveillance efforts
Working together, however, can help both teams understand the magnitude of the problem, said ​​Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of infectious diseases at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville, Tennessee, who was speaking generally about bird flu and not about any specific administration.

“A pandemic due to bird flu is a looming threat,” Schaffner said. “As we transition from one administration to another, coordinating public health concepts and policies is of course very important.”

At least 66 people, most of them dairy workers, have been infected. Last week, the Louisiana Health Department reported the country’s first human death from bird flu: that of a 65-year-old man who had exposure to a backyard flock.

Samples of the virus collected from the Louisiana patient showed concerning signs of mutations that could make it more transmissible to humans, although, according to the CDC, the virus hasn’t yet spread from person to person.

An estimated 925 herds of dairy cattle in 16 states have been infected with the H5N1 virus, according to the Agriculture Department. The virus has killed millions of poultry, driving up the price of eggs and causing some shortages.

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15 Jan 2025, 9:30 am

ASPartOfMe, when COVID began to strike the U.S. and the world at the end of 2019, the president was given a lot of false information about the source of the disease, the treatment approach, the most at-risk / the most vulnerable in the U.S. He was mislead by our leading experts.

H5N1 is a very different virus. It will create a very different disease, a very, very deadly disease. Once again the approach used thus far to battle this threat is off target. It will not work, in my humble opinion.

I have defined the approach that will work. It is a 9 step approach.

This threat is very different then COVID. H5N1 (like H1N1) destroys the young and healthy. It moves very, very fast. People unless treated within hours of showing symptoms WILL DIE.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
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15 Jan 2025, 1:34 pm

jimmy m wrote:
ASPartOfMe, when COVID began to strike the U.S. and the world at the end of 2019, the president was given a lot of false information about the source of the disease, the treatment approach, the most at-risk / the most vulnerable in the U.S. He was mislead by our leading experts.

H5N1 is a very different virus. It will create a very different disease, a very, very deadly disease. Once again the approach used thus far to battle this threat is off target. It will not work, in my humble opinion.

I have defined the approach that will work. It is a 9 step approach.

This threat is very different then COVID. H5N1 (like H1N1) destroys the young and healthy. It moves very, very fast. People unless treated within hours of showing symptoms WILL DIE.

I expect the distrust and belief of that COVID was a nefarious conspiracy to carry over if Bird Flu becomes a pandemic in humans. This will result in mitigation measures largely being ignored like the remaining COVID ones are now. Except for a few locales I expect politicians to be too fearful of public reaction to impose any type of mitigation no matter how warranted. Because people have partial immunity and the current variants are weaker the costs of the widespread laissez-faire attitude towered COVID are-no more then a few preventable deaths among the elderly and those with medical issues and some preventable sick days. If Bird Flu becomes a human pandemic and has not weakened you will see people dying in the streets. I wonder even if that happens a lot people will still ignore mitigation recommendations under the assumption it is all a plot to impose fascism.

Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity

“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman