kraftiekortie wrote:
In COVID-19 testing, they always test for the flu first before they test for COVID-19.
According to this article in The New York Times that may be the case most of the time in the USA but not always.
"Almost all of those who spoke with The Times said that they were first given a rapid flu test, whose results come back within 15 minutes or so. When those came back negative, the medical team proceeded to administer a Covid-19 test.
Though Mr. Edwards asked for a flu test, he was told the hospital had shut down flu testing to increase its capacity for Covid-19 tests." ... virus.htmlI can't seem to find any evidence that flu is being routinely tested for in the UK coronavirus testing programme but perhaps it's so routine no one thinks it's worth mentioning.
I noticed that a doctor speaking on fox news said that she would test for flu first and if that tested positive she wouldn't test for coronavirus, and said that "getting both at once would be just bad luck" .... not that she would ever know if anyone had both, by the sound of it.