magz wrote:
EzraS wrote:
funeralxempire wrote:
EzraS wrote:
That is my assessment as well. In 2009 H1N1 was a big scary pandemic. By 2011 it became just a strain of flu and no big deal.
Most of the time Influenza A H1N1 is 'just a strain of flu', but in 1918 and and 2009 it was a big deal due to the specific mutations within that year's strain. Influenza and coronavirus behave differently and applying the one in hopes of modelling the other isn't likely to be accurate. H1N1 and H5N1 are the two that have gotten attention recently because of how they infect humans, birds and pigs, and humans and birds respectively meaning traits that emerge in one of those populations can cross into strains that circulate within the human population, hence the focus on 'bird flu' and 'pig flu'.
Because they mutate at significantly different rates, that plays a role in how each will behave in a host population. I gotta concede I can't recall which one is faster, but I'm tired and high so you can look it up if it's of interest.
All that said, I believe that COVID19 will soon be treated just like a regular circulating illness such as the swine flu and other 21st century pandemics, based on the extensive research and data provided by ouinon2. Whom you should really be adressing regarding that.
Viruses typically evolve towards less deadly over time. With less severe symptoms they are more likely to infect more people. Additionally, human immune systems adapt to them, making them even less deadly.
Yes, it's likely that COVID19 will end up being one of the viruses circulating around and causing common cold. I just don't know how much time it and the population need before it happens. And maybe someone develops a vaccine earlier.
So, just to be pedantic about nomenclature, COVID-19 doesn't cause anything. SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19, and already a portion of cases have no diagnostic difference between 'COVID-19' and common cold. COVID-19 is the illness, SARS-CoV-2 is the virus that causes it. </asd>
Viruses generally evolve to be less deadly, but that's not the end they're being selected for. They're being selected for being able to spread better and cause less of an immune response.
Hypothetically speaking, something that spreads rapidly with a few days to incubate with little or no symptoms and then turns deadly with massive loss of bodily fluids infecting a society that lacks modern hygienic practises and understanding of germs would be able to spread just as fast as one that isn't deadly. It could be compounded by other factors, like funerary practices, but even a society like ours would struggle if the incubation period was longer. As an example; we've been beating HIV with science not evolution (and it only spreads through fluids, it doesn't cause one to leak them spontaneously like my hypothetical).
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.