jimmy m wrote:
domineekee wrote:
isn't it quite possible that we are facing a pandemic so contagious, that all methods to curtail it eventually fail?
If so, do we have a sufficient supply of morphine, fentanyl and tramadol to provide adequate end of life care for all the patients who are currently expected to require in home palliative care?
The mortality rates on this coronavirus appears to be around the 1 percent range. For every hundred people that contract the coronavirus, 99 recover.
There are two other points to be made here:
1. If a country walks away from treating the infected patients, then the mortality rate will increase substantially.
2. When a person contracts the coronavirus and survives, they build up an immunity to becoming reinfected. So the concept of "herd immunity" comes into play.
Don't quote me, but I think Australia has the "best" mortality rate, where it has hit, in regard to the coronavirus.
It would have been even better if not for the "Ruby Princess" fiasco.

domineekee wrote:
ouinon2 wrote:
And in the UK and Germany entire floors of hospitals and acres of field hospital tents and testing facilities in car parks etc are standing empty, the staff still waiting for the huge numbers that were predicted, the "wave", which hasn't materialised.
isn't it quite possible that we are facing a pandemic so contagious, that all methods to curtail it eventually fail?
If so, do we have a sufficient supply of morphine, fentanyl and tramadol to provide adequate end of life care for all the patients who are currently
expected to require in home palliative care?
Added to my "Doom and Gloom" archive, to be brought out when this crisis has passed.

Confused_Sloth wrote:
The bat origins theory of the virus has yet to be verified.
It is the best theory so far, imo.