Emergence of a Deadly Coronavirus
New cases have been fairly stable lately—like 10,000-11,000 a day for New York. Deaths are increasing, though. It’s probably going to be in the 700s for the state. About 385 deaths for NYC. It turned out to be 630 deaths for New York State.
Italy and Spain might have turned a corner. New cases down, but deaths still way high.
Last edited by kraftiekortie on 04 Apr 2020, 8:32 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The national stockpile stores material in the event of an emergency. Because of the coronavirus pandemic some of this material such as N95 mask are being sent out to various states and hospitals. Some of these supplies have aged and deteriorated.
I can related to that. I had purchased a box of 10 N95 masks about 10 years ago and did not pay enough attention to storage. They sat on a shelf in a high humid environment. So when I retrieved them they were very mildewed. I decided to recondition them and after a week or two, the mildew was gone and the mask were useable.
So in the case of the federal government, when their supplies are defective due to aging or storage conditions, these defects in many cases can be reworked and restored.
Over the past decade, I have learned quite a bit about proper storage techniques. So after this pandemic is over and the price of N95s come down, I will buy a few boxes and store them in large mylar bag and then insert an oxygen absorber into the bag and then seal it. That way they will be stored in a nitrogen environment. Mylar will stop any penetration of moisture into the bags. And this material will be stored in a large 6 gallon superpail that will keep rodents and other insects out. Therefore the stored masks should be good for perhaps 30 years.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Last edited by jimmy m on 04 Apr 2020, 7:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Regarding Lupus.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.
“You can enhance the immune system with convalescent plasma therapy,” Oz said, explaining that the process involves giving antibodies made from a recovered coronavirus patient to another who is ill from the virus.
"That seems to jumpstart them," Oz said, referring to the patient's own resources.
Oz said that "high-dose vitamin C" might play a role in building immunity as well, but said the "jury is still out" on the effectiveness.
As far as treatment, Oz said that preventing the virus from getting into the cells by taking hydroxychloroquine is showing promising signs in hospitalized patients.
“That’s the malaria drug, we believe that’s one of the mechanisms which can play a role.”
The Food and Drug Administration has put in place an emergency-use authorization to try these drugs despite the lack of conclusive evidence of their effectiveness. Politico, citing three officials, reported that the move would allow more manufacturers to produce the drugs.
Oz also said a dose of zinc can help. Not only can the coronavirus be blocked from getting into the body’s cells, but it can also be blocked from replication.
Oz cited the drug remdesivir as being a promising method of blocking viral replication. He said the jury is out on whether the drugs lopinavir and ritonavir are effective.
“These are promising therapies. Some of them have not shown the efficacy to the degree we’ve desired but these were designed for other illnesses like HIV and ebola. Now they’re being utilized in a more aggressive fashion in these different trials because, in theory, they should work," he explained.
Oz said the drugs pirfenidone and aviptadil may prevent the inflammatory system from overreacting to the virus and are in the experimental phase.
“The complement storm, so to speak, when the body just can’t keep up with the virus,” Oz said.
Though both of these drugs are “experimental,” they worked on other “horrible infections” and are promising for fighting coronavirus.
Oz also said that Losartan, a blood pressure medication, works at the same receptor that the virus uses to sneak in the body's cells, but said the jury is out and more study is needed.
Meanwhile, in a joint study by the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), the National Strategic Research Institute at the University of Nebraska and others, researchers found genetic material from COVID-19 in air samples both inside and outside of confirmed coronavirus patients’ rooms. The findings offer “limited evidence that some potential for airborne transmission exists," researchers said, though they warned that the findings do not confirm airborne spread.
Source: Dr. Oz goes over list of 'promising' coronavirus treatments
I have said several times that one of the transmission routes is that in low humidity environments (40% RH or lower) the virus particles will dry out and become airborne. As a result one must integrate UVC radiation to sanitize and kill the viruses to stop the transmission of the infection.
Are you aware of the bad reputation that celebrity doctor has among the medical community?
Most NT are driven by the herd. If no one is wearing masks, they do not want to be out of step with the rest of society and will not wear mask. On the other hand if everyone is wearing mask, they will wear mask..
A lot of farcical information being peddled around about NTs and facemasks (not you specifically but by a certain other poster claiming face masks will be mandatory like in Asia)
The Australian government listens to the Commonwealth Deputy Chief Medical Officer Paul Kelly on advice relating to facemasks.
Within the last 24 hrs Professor Kelly pointed to limited supplies of masks, and potential misuse that could make them "more dangerous", as reasons for not advising the widespread use of them.
Coronavirus questions answered
Coronavirus questions answered
Breaking down the latest news and research to understand how the world is living through an epidemic, this is the ABC's Coronacast podcast.
"At the moment, we do not think that is a good idea, partly because of that constraint of supply, but also the effectiveness in relation to people walking around with masks," he said at a press conference.
Professor Kelly said even if there was an unlimited supply of masks, he still would not advise everyone to use them.
"Using a mask incorrectly can actually make it more dangerous.
"For example, if you are not used to wearing a mask, it can become quite uncomfortable … it can become quite itchy underneath the mask."
Professor Kelly said if you touched a surface with the virus, then scratched an itch underneath the mask, you could "increase your risk, rather than decrease your risk" of becoming infected.
So for the foreseeable future no mandatory facemasks for Australia
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-04/ ... s/12122042
At the moment the wearing of cloth face masks is optional by CDC. You can wear them or not. These masks can be fabricated by volunteers scattered throughout the country. My wife is a seamstress and has voluntarily made and donated several dozen. One of the problems she faces is a shortage of supplies to make these mask. She has about a hundred mask ready to manufacturer the moment she gets the elastic material to make the straps. I would suspect a nation like Australia could easily manufacture enough to supply their entire nation within a weeks time by volunteers provided they can obtain the materials needed.
That may be true but most people are not blooming idiots.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Does China still live in the grips of the coronavirus?
Authorities order residents of Jia county to stay home after reports of cases linked to the area’s hospital. All but a few essential businesses and services shut temporarily, according to government notice.
[Jia County or Jiaxian is a county under the administration of Pingdingshan City, in south-central Henan Province, China. It has a population of 600,000.]
Henan province in central China has taken the drastic measure of putting a mid-sized county in total lockdown as authorities try to fend off a second coronavirus wave in the midst of a push to revive the economy.
Curfew-like measures came into effect on Tuesday in Jia county, near the city of Pingdingshan, with the area’s roughly 600,000 residents told to stay home, according to a notice on the country’s official microblog account.
According to the Jia county notice, residents must have special permits to leave their home and must have their temperature taken and wear face masks for those trips.
All businesses have been shut down, except utilities, medical suppliers, logistics companies and food processing firms. All shops except supermarkets, hospitals, food markets, petrol stations, pharmacies and hotels have been closed.
In addition, only people with special permits can go to work and cars can only be used on alternate days, depending on their plate number.
An official of the county’s transport office confirmed the county had been put in virtual isolation.
“It’s better not to come to Jia county now,” the official said. “Nobody can enter or leave.”
Wang Xiao, 23, said she was told by her village on Tuesday afternoon.
She said the authorities urged residents to stock up on vegetables and daily necessities to prepare for the isolation, adding that each family could also assign one member to go out for groceries once every two days.
Source: Chinese county goes into coronavirus lockdown as country tries to get back to work amid fear of second wave
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
I have said several times that one of the transmission routes is that in low humidity environments (40% RH or lower) the virus particles will dry out and become airborne. As a result one must integrate UVC radiation to sanitize and kill the viruses to stop the transmission of the infection.
I got my 2 air filters from the USA but had to buy power cord converters independently.
Both are running fine.
At the moment the wearing of cloth face masks is optional by CDC. You can wear them or not. These masks can be fabricated by volunteers scattered throughout the country. My wife is a seamstress and has voluntarily made and donated several dozen. One of the problems she faces is a shortage of supplies to make these mask. She has about a hundred mask ready to manufacturer the moment she gets the elastic material to make the straps. I would suspect a nation like Australia could easily manufacture enough to supply their entire nation within a weeks time by volunteers provided they can obtain the materials needed.
That may be true but most people are not blooming idiots.
Personally speaking, I think some sort of face covering should be mandatory.
What is happening in Asia, is a good idea, imo.
Perhaps they are smarter than the average Australian?

As I said previously, it is a part of personal responsibility.
When I come back from shopping, I immediately throw the bandana/banana into the washing machine, along with all my outer garments.
I also disinfect my shoes.
I then have a complete shower, making sure I wash my hair, face, neck and ears thoroughly.
You could even put disinfectant on the cloth mask or bandana *before* you put it into the washing.
The recommendation to soak it in weak bleach after it has been washed doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Some Australian idiots may not know what "weak" means.

A Russian doctor who gave President Vladimir Putin a tour of a hospital that is treating coronavirus patients now says he has contracted the sickness.
Denis Protsenko, who works at Hospital No. 40 near Moscow, was photographed shaking hands with Putin last Tuesday while not wearing any protective gear.
“Yes, I have a positive test but feeling pretty good,” Protsenko wrote in a Facebook post today, adding that he is now self-quarantining in his office.

In the age of the coronavirus, photo ops can get you killed.
Is the coronavirus that Protsenko got radioactive?
With Putin, you never know.

10 million surgical masks arrive in Australia.
And that the death doesn't have to involve bacteria, at all?
Overreaction of the immune response is what causes most of the problems. Having fever or lung inflammation is a sign of your immune system overreacting. You do want your immune system to respond, but in a controlled manner.
There is conflicting information regarding bacteria.
Bacteria, fungal infections, and viruses such as the coronavirus can all lead to pneumonia, although the way it develops can vary. For instance, viruses can cause pneumonia directly. But in some cases, if a viral respiratory infection is severe enough, it can damage the lungs and leave them vulnerable to a secondary infection: bacterial pneumonia. This is common with flu, though scientists aren’t exactly sure how often it occurs.
So, bacterial pneumonia can happen with COVID-19. The usage of antibiotics would help with those cases. However, it seems like the main purpose of antibiotic is to tone down the side effects of hydroxychloroquine.
Thanks for that.
Currently in the USA the death rate of confirmed cases is at 2.72% in order to reach 200,000 deaths they pedicted you will need 7,354,000 confirmed cases if the death rate holds. From March 25th to April 4 caaes have gone from 83.8k cases to 311.5k cases how feasible is it that 7 million people out if 330 million will get confirmed as having the virus. The death rate has gone up it was holding at 1.5% for a while.
Freedom is the sovereign right of every American. Death is a preferable alternative to communism
Democracy is freedom, Communism is tyranny
Last edited by Brehus on 04 Apr 2020, 10:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
https://www.vox.com/2020/3/12/21176783/ ... m-syndrome
You are correct that death from COVID-19 doesn't have to involve bacteria.