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06 Apr 2020, 11:35 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
The mortality rate amongst those in the United States who have tested positive is a bit under 3%. By and large, especially in large urban areas with a higher percentage of positive results, only people with relatively severe symptoms are tested.

About 1 in 200 people in the United States have been tested.

If you have no underlying conditions, according to NYC figures, you are very unlikely to die.

The overall death rate in NYC, including those with underlying conditions (who make up more than 90% of the deaths) is 3.75%, based on 2,400 deaths out of 64,000 positive test results within NYC.

Sources: Worldometer,

If you are under 44 years of age, and have no underlying conditions, you are extremely unlikely to die, even if you are hospitalized.

Even if you are over 70, and have no underlying conditions, you are still very unlikely to die from this condition.

The amount of people who have been discharged from hospitals within NYC is about the same as people who are presently hospitalized.

And that is likely to keep changing as time goes on.

Probably to where they finally conclude it's not all that much more deadly than other viruses and that it's not going to grow that much more exponentially than other viruses. There are doctors saying that right now actually from what I understand.


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06 Apr 2020, 11:39 am

I happened to read a passage out of a book today that goes

"People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true."

Guess what that made me think of.

Not that I think it's an intentional lie or hoax.

I just think it will probably end up being wrong.


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06 Apr 2020, 11:43 am

EzraS wrote:
I happened to read a passage out of a book today that goes.  "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything.  Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true." ...
I read somewhere that the word "gullible" is not in the dictionary.


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06 Apr 2020, 11:45 am

EzraS wrote:
I happened to read a passage out of a book today that goes

"People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true."

Guess what that made me think of.

Time for everyone to consult one of the original texts: ... 6/mode/2up

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06 Apr 2020, 11:49 am

Fnord wrote:
As for those doctors taking so long ... someone once made a quote about diplomacy and the prolongation of a crisis...[/color] :wink:

"n e v e r l e t a g o o d c r i s i s g o t o w a s t e"
:?: :?: :?:

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06 Apr 2020, 12:01 pm

Couple Names Newborn Twins Covid and Corona ... a/2250549/


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06 Apr 2020, 12:04 pm

Fnord wrote:
EzraS wrote:
I happened to read a passage out of a book today that goes.  "People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything.  Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true." ...
I read somewhere that the word "gullible" is not in the dictionary.

I bet you're wrong. Hold on, I know there's a dictionary around the house somewhere.


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06 Apr 2020, 12:07 pm

Even though this seems like a bad thing right now, it will probably save a lot of lives in the long-term.

Every flu season will have thousands of less deaths from now on simply because more Americans will get flu shots, practice good hygiene, and take other preventative measures.

Stockpiles of medical supplies will be built to greater levels, and we'll be better prepared the next time an infectious disease hits.

The pandemic is also revealing to the world which nations can be trusted, and which ones produce disinformation.


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06 Apr 2020, 12:17 pm

Thousands of businesses go under.

Millions are without a living.

And all the myriad other things that go with that.

People will be too busy struggling to survive to have flu shots and hand washing on their mind.

Especially when they realize their plight was caused by global hysteria.

If that is how it pans out.

Last edited by EzraS on 06 Apr 2020, 12:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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06 Apr 2020, 12:18 pm

My mom was telling me how where she is right now (Abu Dhabi) the streets get sanitized and washed every night, strict regulations, everything closed, etc.
She said similar case in Pak. But stricter and they check your temperature everywhere hand out hand sanitizers etc including outside pharmacies/airports/necessary businesses (she was there before).

I told her we only just got police cracking down on people and shops are crowded as ever. And the selfish people stock up on supplies so nobody else can get basics. They only recently began imposing a limit on toilet paper.

I don't know why third world countries could get their act together re: airports and here they weren't even checking passengers till VERY recently.

The government think shutting everyone inside is the way to go but they took way too long to respond on their end, with those from incoming and outgoing flights going unchecked.

My sons nurse told me where my XH works/lives, it's very bad and patients from there have gone into coma and died at South Lake Hospital. She is in contact with her colleagues there and she said people of all ages come showing cold or flu symptoms..positive for cobid19... Told to stay home and quarantine..treating symptoms with tylenol cough syrup etc..

Then they return within the week so bad they have to be hospitalized and some even go into coma before dying.

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06 Apr 2020, 12:20 pm

A New Covid-19 Crisis: Domestic Abuse Rises Worldwide ... lence.html

We've only just begun...


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06 Apr 2020, 12:24 pm

EzraS wrote:
Thousands of businesses go under.

Millions are without a living.

And all the myriad other things that go with that.

People will be too busy struggling to survive to have flu shots and hand washing on their mind.

Especially when they realize their plight was caused by global hysteria.

If that is how it pans out.

It was inevitable from the get-go. I remember saying that before. I don't understand the people getting out their boredom by shopping online for unnecessary things. It's going to be Great Depression level or worse. I'm gonna have to be like my grandmother and make the most from very little.

The worst is XH refuses to help with kids even though he is supposed to on weekends as we signed om... and nothing of this affects him as he has a free nanny.
And everytime I ask him to split weekends at we signed on... he says tell your lawyer to file for court...
Knowing, too, that even if I were stupid enough to go to court for basic rights....courts are CLOSED

Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill


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06 Apr 2020, 12:26 pm

The good news is the deaths in NY seem to be leveling off so the steps being taken to slow the virus is starting to work but if they stop the steps too soon the risk of infections and deaths to starting climb at a higher rate again is high.

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06 Apr 2020, 12:26 pm

Syd wrote:
Even though this seems like a bad thing right now, it will probably save a lot of lives in the long-term.

Every flu season will have thousands of less deaths from now on simply because more Americans will get flu shots, practice good hygiene, and take other preventative measures.

Stockpiles of medical supplies will be built to greater levels, and we'll be better prepared the next time an infectious disease hits.

The pandemic is also revealing to the world which nations can be trusted, and which ones produce disinformation.

And also how some govts and states try to politicize an emergency and profit from it... instead of responding immediately and contributing resources to make and distribute necessary medical supplies to help their own people...

Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
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06 Apr 2020, 12:30 pm

blooiejagwa wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Thousands of businesses go under.

Millions are without a living.

And all the myriad other things that go with that.

People will be too busy struggling to survive to have flu shots and hand washing on their mind.

Especially when they realize their plight was caused by global hysteria.

If that is how it pans out.

It was inevitable from the get-go. I remember saying that before. I don't understand the people getting out their boredom by shopping online for unnecessary things. It's going to be Great Depression level or worse. I'm gonna have to be like my grandmother and make the most from very little.

The worst is XH refuses to help with kids even though he is supposed to on weekends as we signed om... and nothing of this affects him as he has a free nanny.
And everytime I ask him to split weekends at we signed on... he says tell your lawyer to file for court...
Knowing, too, that even if I were stupid enough to go to court for basic rights....courts are CLOSED

Blooie keep a record of all these cancellations by your XH, with evidence if possible (email / text screenshots). When and if you do go back to court, I hope he will need to pay for you to have respite services and a full-time caregiver in lieu of his participation as a decent parent with half a heart. I know it's hard, but one day the parenting schedule will be largely irrelevant when your boys are old enough to demonstrate their loyalty to you -- their Super Mother. They won't want to see him regardless of what's ordered. Actions speak louder than court orders.

You go, Girl.

I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.


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06 Apr 2020, 12:30 pm

Also my son's teacher called me today. I am expected to do lessons for him daily online till this is over ... I know XH won't.. I brought it up to her saying maybe dad can take the little brother so I can focus on him for that and she said no I don't think that will be necessary... she clearly expected it to be me... Its funny how people here talk about gender equality but the onus is still on the woman in these situations.. Even if the dad refuses to accommodate or do his part just slightly they still blame me.. Not just this situation but in the past.

Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill