Pepe wrote:
blooiejagwa wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Thousands of businesses go under.
Millions are without a living.
And all the myriad other things that go with that.
People will be too busy struggling to survive to have flu shots and hand washing on their mind.
Especially when they realize their plight was caused by global hysteria.
If that is how it pans out.
It was inevitable from the get-go. I remember saying that before. I don't understand the people getting out their boredom by shopping online for unnecessary things. It's going to be Great Depression level or worse. I'm gonna have to be like my grandmother and make the most from very little.
The worst is XH refuses to help with kids even though he is supposed to on weekends as we signed om... and nothing of this affects him as he has a free nanny.
And everytime I ask him to split weekends at we signed on... he says tell your lawyer to file for court...
Knowing, too, that even if I were stupid enough to go to court for basic rights....courts are CLOSED
<rub hands in glee>
<but santised first>
Archived in my Doom and Gloom archive.

I don't understand your humour.
We need to learn to can and make jam and pickles and have plots in community gardens and our own cows and chickens for every neighbourhood. ..then at least people could get on if things head south..
But I guess everything is illegal or impossible or improbable nowadays with too much red tape to initiate any such venture ...
and you are dependent to a level our grandparents weren't. That's why they were bolder and braver cuz they knew no matter what they could make things work.
You'd probably be sued for something here. My XH's friend wanted to have chickens and a cow and create a space fr it outside and he couldnt because it was illegal even if he provided the space and met all parameters that a farmer would. He had a huge backyardand neighbours were spaced far apart so he honestly thought it was doable.
Years ago when only elder was born.
He was telling all the friends to pitch in and we could distribute milk and eggz amongst ourselves. But there was a law that wouldnt let him.
I wish all such lawyers would just team up and go live on an island by themselves without poultry or cattle.
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill