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06 Apr 2020, 6:01 pm

My opinion is that the reason why only 0.105% of the population is known to be infected by a highly contagious virus that has an R0 ranging from 2 to 3, is because there are actually many millions who have already been infected who's symptoms are either asymptomatic or so mild they went unnoticed. Meaning that the lockdowns put in place late in the game by mid March, are trying to prevent a spread which has already taken place.


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06 Apr 2020, 6:26 pm

Syd wrote:
Even though this seems like a bad thing right now, it will probably save a lot of lives in the long-term.

Every flu season will have thousands of less deaths from now on simply because more Americans will get flu shots, practice good hygiene, and take other preventative measures.

Stockpiles of medical supplies will be built to greater levels, and we'll be better prepared the next time an infectious disease hits.

The pandemic is also revealing to the world which nations can be trusted, and which ones produce disinformation.

Yep, yep, and yep.


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06 Apr 2020, 6:30 pm

blooiejagwa wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Thousands of businesses go under.

Millions are without a living.

And all the myriad other things that go with that.

People will be too busy struggling to survive to have flu shots and hand washing on their mind.

Especially when they realize their plight was caused by global hysteria.

If that is how it pans out.

It was inevitable from the get-go. I remember saying that before. I don't understand the people getting out their boredom by shopping online for unnecessary things. It's going to be Great Depression level or worse. I'm gonna have to be like my grandmother and make the most from very little.

The worst is XH refuses to help with kids even though he is supposed to on weekends as we signed om... and nothing of this affects him as he has a free nanny.
And everytime I ask him to split weekends at we signed on... he says tell your lawyer to file for court...
Knowing, too, that even if I were stupid enough to go to court for basic rights....courts are CLOSED

<rub hands in glee>
<but santised first>

Archived in my Doom and Gloom archive. :mrgreen:


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06 Apr 2020, 6:31 pm

EzraS wrote:
My opinion is that the reason why only 0.105% of the population is known to be infected by a highly contagious virus that has an R0 ranging from 2 to 3, is because there are actually many millions who have already been infected who's symptoms are either asymptomatic or so mild they went unnoticed. Meaning that the lockdowns put in place late in the game by mid March, are trying to prevent a spread which has already taken place.

That R0 of 2 to 3 was touted weeks ago at the outset of this pandemic. It was the range used before it was known that the virus is believed to be able to spread not by droplets, but simply by normal exhalation. I'm not an epidemiologist, but I'm a diagnosed autistic man who believes the real contagion factor of this virus is higher than the 2-3 range.


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06 Apr 2020, 6:37 pm

EzraS wrote:
A couple of things that stuck me listening to the news this morning.

Indefinite lockdowns seem primarily based on Dr. Fauci's prediction models.

All the experts finally agreed, after all this time, that everyone should be wearing a mask.
I mean it took them what a month just to unanimously figure out the face mask issue. And I am supposed to have complete faith in them?



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06 Apr 2020, 6:40 pm

Magna wrote:
EzraS wrote:
My opinion is that the reason why only 0.105% of the population is known to be infected by a highly contagious virus that has an R0 ranging from 2 to 3, is because there are actually many millions who have already been infected who's symptoms are either asymptomatic or so mild they went unnoticed. Meaning that the lockdowns put in place late in the game by mid March, are trying to prevent a spread which has already taken place.

That R0 of 2 to 3 was touted weeks ago at the outset of this pandemic. It was the range used before it was known that the virus is believed to be able to spread not by droplets, but simply by normal exhalation. I'm not an epidemiologist, but I'm a diagnosed autistic man who believes the real contagion factor of this virus is higher than the 2-3 range.

Simply talking spreads saliva around.
Hence the benefit of a simple bandana.


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06 Apr 2020, 6:42 pm

Pepe wrote:
blooiejagwa wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Thousands of businesses go under.

Millions are without a living.

And all the myriad other things that go with that.

People will be too busy struggling to survive to have flu shots and hand washing on their mind.

Especially when they realize their plight was caused by global hysteria.

If that is how it pans out.

It was inevitable from the get-go. I remember saying that before. I don't understand the people getting out their boredom by shopping online for unnecessary things. It's going to be Great Depression level or worse. I'm gonna have to be like my grandmother and make the most from very little.

The worst is XH refuses to help with kids even though he is supposed to on weekends as we signed om... and nothing of this affects him as he has a free nanny.
And everytime I ask him to split weekends at we signed on... he says tell your lawyer to file for court...
Knowing, too, that even if I were stupid enough to go to court for basic rights....courts are CLOSED

<rub hands in glee>
<but santised first>

Archived in my Doom and Gloom archive. :mrgreen:

I don't understand your humour.

We need to learn to can and make jam and pickles and have plots in community gardens and our own cows and chickens for every neighbourhood. ..then at least people could get on if things head south..

But I guess everything is illegal or impossible or improbable nowadays with too much red tape to initiate any such venture ...
and you are dependent to a level our grandparents weren't. That's why they were bolder and braver cuz they knew no matter what they could make things work.

You'd probably be sued for something here. My XH's friend wanted to have chickens and a cow and create a space fr it outside and he couldnt because it was illegal even if he provided the space and met all parameters that a farmer would. He had a huge backyardand neighbours were spaced far apart so he honestly thought it was doable.
Years ago when only elder was born.
He was telling all the friends to pitch in and we could distribute milk and eggz amongst ourselves. But there was a law that wouldnt let him.

I wish all such lawyers would just team up and go live on an island by themselves without poultry or cattle.

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06 Apr 2020, 6:46 pm

blooiejagwa wrote:

I don't understand your humour.

I know.
I find it cute. :wink:


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06 Apr 2020, 6:57 pm

funeralxempire wrote:
Pepe wrote:

A lot of misguided aspies have been polluted/corrupted by neurotypical social values/non-values , groupthink and deceptive practices.
Too many are ego-driven, I have found.

You say that as though we'd somehow be 'purely asd-minded', but it's not 'pollution' or 'corruption' from others, it's innate because no one is purely ASD-minded. Some people are more, some are less, but even people who might appear severe in many categories won't be 'pure' in every regard at all times and even folks who don't meet or even strongly resemble the criteria for diagnosis may still display traits associated with at times.

Actually my elder son is Said by the psychologist people, with the proof on his report and assessments, to present the most autistic autistic case possible. And even he isn't pure. E.g. flooded kitchen today.

Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
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06 Apr 2020, 7:04 pm

Oh I will post something actually relevant and potentially useful: this blog is really the only blog that I regularly read because she talks about Japanese makeup and skincare and cooking. .

Anyway she is a retired nurse (hence a good and trustworthy person for such advice) and she posted this tutorial with pictures on how to make a face mask without sewing: ... d.html?m=1

Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
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06 Apr 2020, 7:24 pm

Magna wrote:
EzraS wrote:
My opinion is that the reason why only 0.105% of the population is known to be infected by a highly contagious virus that has an R0 ranging from 2 to 3, is because there are actually many millions who have already been infected who's symptoms are either asymptomatic or so mild they went unnoticed. Meaning that the lockdowns put in place late in the game by mid March, are trying to prevent a spread which has already taken place.

That R0 of 2 to 3 was touted weeks ago at the outset of this pandemic. It was the range used before it was known that the virus is believed to be able to spread not by droplets, but simply by normal exhalation. I'm not an epidemiologist, but I'm a diagnosed autistic man who believes the real contagion factor of this virus is higher than the 2-3 range.

Which as you are saying is all the more reason why considerably more than 0.105% of the population would be infected.


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06 Apr 2020, 7:35 pm

A Pennsylvania hospital is having to lay off medical workers because there is so little for them to do under the Governor's order to stop all routine procedures. How many other hospitals are doing this?

The Washington Health System in southwestern Pennsylvania has announced they are laying off healthcare staff due to several of their departments temporarily closing under the Gov. Tom Wolf's state mandate that halted elective surgeries and diagnostic procedures. ... oronavirus

So which is it? Is the medical system collapsing across the country because hospitals are flooded with critically ill virus patients? Or are medical workers getting laid off because hospitals are so empty?

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06 Apr 2020, 7:40 pm

CNN says the healthcare system is collapsing so there's your answer. Stop trying to think for yourself.


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06 Apr 2020, 7:58 pm

I know someone who was scheduled for surgery on his foot.
It has been cancelled. If he had some sort of accident and broke bones in his foot, he would get surgery, but since this is non- emergency, he will not, until the current medical crisis is over.
Non life-threatening procedures are cancelled out of necessity.
Put simply, masks, impervious gowns, shoe covers, surgical gloves MUST be used only for emergencies.
The recent lawsuit which abortion clinics won, was not about closing those clinics due to opinions regarding abortion, but rather the same priority;
Protective medical gear delivered to and used in abortion clinics are not in acute facilities when the next car crash victim, shooting victim, cardiac arrest, or emergency c-section arrives in the E.R.

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06 Apr 2020, 8:16 pm

EzraS wrote:
CNN says the healthcare system is collapsing so there's your answer. Stop trying to think for yourself.

Sorry! My receiver from the Criminal Chinese Communist News Network must be malfunctioning. (Probably a virus.)

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06 Apr 2020, 8:26 pm

Darmok wrote:
EzraS wrote:
CNN says the healthcare system is collapsing so there's your answer. Stop trying to think for yourself.

Sorry! My receiver from the Criminal Chinese Communist News Network must be malfunctioning. (Probably a virus.)

I don't have to outrun the ccp.
I just have to be able to outrun you. :mrgreen: