kraftiekortie wrote:
There are certainly quite a few extra hospital admissions and deaths in NYC.
This is no run-of-the-mill “flu.”
As we have seen in Italy, in some towns, the number of deaths is more than 4 times, as compared to last year's number. What does this mean? It means a lot of people died at home, either from COVID-19 or from other illnesses. The health system was overwhelmed, so I don't think they did any postmortem sampling to check who had the virus. now, we are pretty sure this virus is at very least twice as deadly as seaonal flu, and most likely 4 times as deadly.
So, I did a quick calculation. If we take the mortality rate as 0.4% (four times the mortality rate of seasonal flu), then we can infer how many people are truly infected with COVID-19 in Italy. Bear with me a bit. There are currently 16,523 deaths in Italy, according to WorldOMeters. However, this figure lags behind the confirmed cases. So, we have to extrapolate a bit, like by 7 days or so. Italy's death doubling period is currently around 15 days. So in another 7 days the multiplicative factor is around 1.4 (the square root of 2). The number additional deaths not reported in hospitals is a factor 3~4 in heavily hit towns. Let's be conservative and use a factor 2.5 for the entire country. So, we can infer the total number of people in Italy infected with COVID-19 as
16,523*2.5*1.4/0.004 = 14.5 million people
Italy has a population of 60 million people. This means 24% of the population has already been infected. So, there is no surprise to see that "herd immunity" has started to kick in. For COVID-19, given that R0~3, to achieve herd immunity, you need 1-1/R0=67% of people having immunity. I think the 24% figure is consistent with what we see in the situation in Italy: number of cases starting to dwindling down fast, due to partial herd immunity.
In other words, I believe there is some basis to suspect that the true mortality rate of COVID-19 is 0.4%, or four times deadlier that the seasonal flu.