Fnord wrote:
I stopped by my medical provider to pick up a prescription. They directed me to a special parking area where every-other space was blocked off. Then they directed me to a tent where I was questioned about the people I had been in contact with for the previous two weeks. Then they took my temperature, placed an "OK" sticker on my jacket, and told me to wait in line.
As one person would leave the building, another was let in. It took about 5 minutes to get inside. My prescription was waiting for me. I swiped my card, and then keyed in my PIN with a cheap wooden chopstick (which I dropped into a bin on the way out). Then I picked up my prescription, verified the label, thanked the pharmacist, and walked out.
Very neat, very orderly, and very pleasant when compared to previous visits when the place was crawling with screaming runny-nosed kids and their emotionally-frazzled parents. I hope they retain this process after the crisis is over.
Ah, the silver lining.
I think we should also keep the six foot distancing,prevents hugging and needless small talk.
I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi