Emergence of a Deadly Coronavirus
British government are going to rush build an emergence morgue in Lancashire with capacity for a thousand corpses.
(@ BAE Wharton)
Update to Guardian app live feed just now: no article as yet.
Edit: apparently traffic density going down has lead to speeding going up round Manchester area.
Between everyone safely tucked away and all the pregnancies that are going to occur, there will be a significant population explosion. Twice as many people being born than dying. Governments should collectively see if they can get the world population past 10 billion.
I'll play devil's advocate and say there won't be a baby boom. Many couples aren't even able to see each other to conceive if they wanted to. Couples who are already married / living together / sharing a space have probably realised a) they already have enough children (kids are out of school, and a handful), b) they were already on birth control before and afraid to get pregnant / need medical care now, or c) the couple is fighting because of sharing space without privacy.
Of course that's just my opposite opinion, as usual.
One thing's for sure, most babies who are conceived will likely be from couples who are at least married, or in committed relationships rather than accidental pregnancies from a less-committed / not-married partner.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.

and I forgot d) most couples will realise they can't afford a baby between lost jobs and the possibility of steep medical debt for possible COVID treatment / pregnancy costs. It cost a woman I know $100 000 USD to suffer a miscarriage last week (with complications), and my cousin spent $8 000 USD out of pocket just to give birth.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.

That's absurd!
Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.
<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>

That's absurd!
The first woman developed sepsis and it was a very grave situation, but also absurdly expensive.
My cousin's birth was actually many years ago at that price. I have no idea what American childbirth would cost now.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.

and I forgot d) most couples will realise they can't afford a baby between lost jobs and the possibility of steep medical debt for possible COVID treatment / pregnancy costs. It cost a woman I know $100 000 USD to suffer a miscarriage last week (with complications), and my cousin spent $8 000 USD out of pocket just to give birth.
And yet there are approximately 360,000 babies born per day.

and I forgot d) most couples will realise they can't afford a baby between lost jobs and the possibility of steep medical debt for possible COVID treatment / pregnancy costs. It cost a woman I know $100 000 USD to suffer a miscarriage last week (with complications), and my cousin spent $8 000 USD out of pocket just to give birth.
And yet there are approximately 360,000 babies born per day.
I hope they all have insurance, and healthy parents with jobs!
Don't get me wrong, I love babies and would welcome a boom ... but I don't know if it's necessarily going to happen.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.

and I forgot d) most couples will realise they can't afford a baby between lost jobs and the possibility of steep medical debt for possible COVID treatment / pregnancy costs. It cost a woman I know $100 000 USD to suffer a miscarriage last week (with complications), and my cousin spent $8 000 USD out of pocket just to give birth.
And yet there are approximately 360,000 babies born per day.
I hope they all have insurance, and healthy parents with jobs!
Don't get me wrong, I love babies and would welcome a boom ... but I don't know if it's necessarily going to happen.
Even without a baby boom fatal car accidents, other fatal accidents outside the home, the normal amount of deaths from communicable viruses and diseases, and many other things will be reduced significantly. So the ratio of births vs deaths around the world could change by quite a bit in 2020.

and I forgot d) most couples will realise they can't afford a baby between lost jobs and the possibility of steep medical debt for possible COVID treatment / pregnancy costs. It cost a woman I know $100 000 USD to suffer a miscarriage last week (with complications), and my cousin spent $8 000 USD out of pocket just to give birth.
And yet there are approximately 360,000 babies born per day.
I hope they all have insurance, and healthy parents with jobs!
Don't get me wrong, I love babies and would welcome a boom ... but I don't know if it's necessarily going to happen.
Even without a baby boom fatal car accidents, other fatal accidents outside the home, the normal amount of deaths from communicable viruses and diseases, and many other things will be reduced significantly. So the ratio of births vs deaths around the world could change by quite a bit in 2020.
That's a great point! Very true.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.
As sick as it may sound, the world needs close to the same number of people dying as people being born to maintain a balance. That's why nature put a life span on humans. And the average lifespan continually exceeds nature's design. The average lifespan is about 25-30 years longer than it was less than 100 years ago. That's why the population is 8,000,000,000 and counting. People are more afraid of death these days than they were in the past.
This is an old saying that originated in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet. The saying means, "Something is not right, seriously amiss, especially when leading to suspicion of motive."
So while I was sleeping, my mind began to focus on warning labels. In the United States we live in a free society. Generally we do what we want. If someone wants to drink Drano Drain Cleaner, they could probably do it.
But in general, a product like Drano will contain a warning label, such as:
If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. Keep out of reach of children.
Read label before use.
Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor/ physician.
Specific treatment (see supplemental first aid instructions on this label).
IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.
So why would someone drink Drano? Well a young child who cannot read might find a bottle and accidentally drink some. Or someone trying to commit suicide. Or someone trying to commit murder.
What started this thought train was an article in the news about a couple in Arizona that drank fish tank cleaner who believed it was a cure for the coronavirus.
The drug, known as chloroquine phosphate or chloroquine, has been bandied about by President Trump during White House briefings on the coronavirus pandemic as a potential “game changer” in the treatment of Covid-19.
The couple, who officials at Banner Health, a hospital system based in Phoenix, said were in their 60s and were from Maricopa County, quickly experienced side effects that included nausea and vomiting. They were not tested for the coronavirus.
The man died from cardiac arrest and his wife was initially listed in critical condition, according to hospital officials, who said on Monday that the woman had been upgraded to stable condition and was expected to make a full recovery.
Source: Man Fatally Poisons Himself While Self-Medicating for Coronavirus, Doctor Says
What is interesting is that “They were not tested for the coronavirus.” So why did they decide to experiment on themselves?
So in the morning I wanted to see what she claimed they consumed and look at the warning label. So I did an Amazon search. What did I find? Nothing. None of the products listed on Amazon as a fish tank cleaner contained chloroquine phosphate. What does that mean, it means that this particular fish tank cleaner was not common.
I widened my search to the entire Internet. I came across the following product. CHLOROQUINE PHOSPHATE - 10 GRAMS
Rather than being a fish tank cleaner; it is rather a fish tank drug. It is a medication used to treat Ich (Cryptocaryon irritans), Marine Velvet Disease (Amyloodinium), Brooklynella hostilis, & Uronema marinum in fish aquariums.
According to the description “It has been widely used by hobbyists in the early days of the marine aquarium hobby and used in the aquaculture industry since the 70s and 80s. It is typically unavailable to the majority of the reefing community due to it normally being available only through a Veterinarian via a prescription. I feel your pain if you are like me and tried to get Chloroquine phosphate from a veterinarian. It is difficult to obtain.”
So this drug must be prescribed by a veterinarian to obtain legally.
The product contains a TERMS OF USE that reads:
So let us dig a little deeper. According to the following article: Woman who said she drank fish-tank cleaner because of president's advice is not a Trump supporter
"I saw it sitting on the back shelf and thought, 'Hey, isn't that the stuff they're talking about on TV?'" Wanda told NBC News, referring to the chloroquine phosphate in her fish-tank cleaner.
According to another news article: Fact-check: Don’t drink chloroquine fish-tank cleaner to stop coronavirus. It might kill you.
“We saw his press conference. It was on a lot, actually,” she said. “I had it in the house because I used to have koi fish.”
“I just saw it sitting on the back shelf and said, ‘Hey, isn’t that that stuff they’re talking about on TV?’” she said. She and her husband mixed about one teaspoon each with soda and drank the concoction as a preventative measure, she said.
So if she and her husband were not tested for the coronavirus, what possessed them to drink the stuff to self medicate? This is medication requiring a prescription from a Veterinarian and has a caution, “This medication is NOT Intended For Human Consumption!”
Several media organizations that confused the chloroquine medication with chloroquine phosphate used in fish tanks later issued corrections. Some have not, however, and continue to incorrectly insist that the fish tank cleaner could treat coronavirus.
What I find interesting is the way this was covered from a political lens. NBC reporter interviewed the woman and this is what she said:
NBC: "What would be your message to the American public?"
Woman: "Oh my God. Don't take anything. Don't believe anything. Don’t believe anything that the President says & his people...call your doctor.
There are several interesting things here. First off she said, “Call your doctor”. She did not go through her doctor to obtain chloroquine phosphate or chloroquine medication. Perhaps she didn’t even get a prescription for this medication from her Veterinarian. And she definitely ignored any safety warning that this was not for human use. She said that she and her husband each took a teaspoon. I wonder what the dosage rate for a teaspoon equates to? One of the basic principles of toxicology is, “The dose makes the poison”.
The other interesting thing is that she politicized this.
The Washington Free Beacon quickly unearthed evidence that NBC News did not, including Wanda's numerous donations to Democrats as recently as February. In that month, Wanda donated to the PAC 314 Action Fund, which has called itself the "pro-science resistance" to the White House. Federal Election Commission records reviewed by the outlet revealed [Wanda has donated thousands of dollars to Democratic electoral groups and candidates over the past two years], including Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and the pro-choice EMILY's List.
Additionally, Fox News has reviewed a Facebook page apparently belonging to Wanda, which was first identified by the Twitter user Techno Fog. "Your psycho prez is in [t]own, are you going to see him?" Wanda wrote on Facebook on Feb. 19, by way of wishing a friend a happy birthday. Trump was in town at a rally in Phoenix, Ariz., on that day.
So she doesn’t sound like a person who would blindly follow anything that Trump might recommend.
She has some culpability in her husband’s death. As she stated "I saw it sitting on the back shelf and thought, 'Hey, isn't that the stuff they're talking about on TV?'" Wanda told NBC News, referring to the chloroquine phosphate in her fish-tank cleaner. Did she fetch it from the shelf and administer this to her husband?
So I think there might be more to this story. Then a few days ago Techno Fog [an anonymous lawyer who has amassed a large following on Twitter wrote: “Court records show the wife who fed her husband fish cleaner (poison?) has a history of mental illness (paranoia, depression) and had considered divorcing her husband as far back as 2012.”
Source: Nevada Woman Who Drank Fish Tank Cleaner Tried to Divorce Husband, Suffers From Mental Illness
So is this true? Where are the investigative reporters today? Do they even exist?
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Everything else aside--and yes it does seem like it was 'fishy'-- the fact that that anonymous lawyer chose to add on about freaking paranoia and depression and considering divorce and trying to link that to murder is why I hate most lawyers. Sick.
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill
What was the name of the fish medication, jimmy? (If you're comfortable to post it). I've had several aquaria and purchased antibiotic treatments for my fish without ever going to a veterinarian. Many of the drugs have had human-antibiotic / anti-fungal names but were made for fish. When I was in Uni my fish had Ich and I bought a medication off the shelf. I've also used fizzing type products to balance the chemicals in the water (somewhat akin to a fish tank cleaner, I guess). I've been curious all along which one they're talking about. Of course there's no worry that I'll go ahead and consume any. I don't even have fish any more.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.
And on the other side, "Who is this anonymous woman, Wanda (????)"
Reveal both their identities. There are too many anonymous people making unfounded accusations these days. Transparency will uncover the deception. Let the chips fall where they fall.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
I provided a link in the thread to the product. It is called "CHLOROQUINE PHOSPHATE"
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Last edited by jimmy m on 08 Apr 2020, 12:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.