The two natural parties in Haiti are the artists and musicians. Everyone, including Communists and Jihadists, will work to keep them from taking power anywhere.
The UN Scam, government workers can get an even better job through the UN. The governmet they started from can be voted out, and they remain UN employed.
Next, someone gets paid for all of the food and water, transport, storage, and roads, airports, docks, are profitable contracts. UN workers lobby for various factions, just like Congress does in the US. The $600 toilet seat was not a cover for black ops, it was a toilet seat, most likely several hundred, and someone bought the job.
Louisiana rice is sent to Haiti, the UN pays more, plus transport, and Haiti could grow their own, but the UN sells rice for less than production cost. We do the same with corn in Mexico. Keeping people from becoming self supporting gives long term customers for doners.
Grants and loans come with strings, $20,000,000 to buy French goods, and a $50,000,000 loan at high interest. France just had to forgive that loan.
Our man in Haiti is the one who will "Invite" the US to occupy, just in case too many Cubans show up. Besides the locals, the French still try to hold influance. Their space program is in Gyana, they have islands, with French hotels, they vacation there, and sell French goods.
The UN is a way to avoid trade wars, American, British, French, German goods are supplied through the UN to non functional states, it is an outgrowth of WWI and WWII, which were the old way trade was arranged.
Security was contracted to Brazil, and American Missionaries account for most of the 45,000 Americans. Considering that Haitians live on $1 a day, a missionary with a few thousand a month coming in can live like a king, with a half dozen black servants.
It is a serial mission, the first group raises english speaking children who do not fit in to Haiti, who then become employed as the servants of later missions.
This could be an Aspie oppertunity. Haiti is not crowded, just in the cities, there are a lot of rural white sand beaches with palm trees, good fishing, and locals who will work for $1 a day, with no employment laws. The cruise ships have walled resorts, armed guards, and five star service.
The next major quake should be in several hundred years. Currently it is a distressed property. Most of Port a Prince will be leveled, the epicenter, out along the bay, and that is a good location. The third of Haiti that lived there will have to move.
For a while it will be tent city, till the next hurricane, free food and water, but after that, a roof, a job at $1 a day, and food and water, will be the best offer.
Everyone is slow on the rescue, they complained from day one. Disaster response seems to be learned on the job, like Brownie who headed FEMA after being the head of some horse breeders group. No more Katrina's, has turned into a Haiti that is a hundred times worse. Everyone was glad to leave New Orleans, half in ruins. Haiti will be worse.
So a group that would be willing to invest in the rebuild will get a lot of support.
I would not give to the Red Cross, I met them. Most of their aid was run by Scientology, who were recuiting, and through churches, who packed up containers and sent them to their missions.
Haitians will get food, water, clothes, medical care, no one knows what to do for homes, and what they want are jobs, which are in short supply.
Any long term projects will be welcome.