"The researchers used fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) scans to monitor brain activity in 15 people with autistic spectrum disorders and 15 healthy people.
While in the scanner, each person carried out a counting task on the computer.
There were 12 30-second test periods interspersed with three 21-second rest periods, where participants were simply asked to look at a fixed image of a cross.
It was found that the activity during rest periods seen in people who did not have autism was absent in those with the condition."
First of all, I'd like to call into question this groups understanding of autism itself, because of one sentence: "The researchers used fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) scans to monitor brain activity in 15 people with autistic spectrum disorders and 15 healthy people."
Notice how they imply that we are not healthy? This is all 3 strikes against this study in one mighty swing. Now, let's see the test itself. Count numbers, simple enough. Then show cross, alrighty. Sure, an NT would just look, get bored, and go off into la-la land; but that's not how Autistics work. Here's my theories on why autistic brains showed different results:
1. Different parts of brain active when daydreaming.
2. Person's was busy thinking about and analyzing the previous tests, wondering exactly what it was for, and thinking about what was to come.
3. They biasdly used people who were just on the Low-Functioning end of the Spectrum.
4. Person was wondering why they were staring at a cross, and not something more interesting.
The entire study was probably designed with NT's in mind, not considering the differences in thought processes in autistics.
"Such findings will add to our understanding of this spectrum of conditions and it is hoped may also be utilised in the development of effective treatments and other approaches."
Hmph, treatments. When will they realize that most of don't want to be "treated" for some "disease", and would much rather be accepted and treated as humans.
And as per daydreaming, I daydream all the time. In fact, some of my best ideas have come from it (The Passion of the Smurfs...). I can enter a meditative state (or, enhanced daydreaming), either due to empty mindedness or intense focus (I entered into a 5 hour daydrea/meditation while playing Tetris. TETRIS!).
This study is garbage.
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