friedmacguffins wrote:
Pictures of your procedure can't even be shown in public.
auntblabby wrote:
"your"?? why do you say it is my procedure?
friedmacguffins wrote:
Are you in favor of it, or not.
auntblabby wrote:
I do not perform abortions. I do not tell people to get abortions.
I am referring to people, in favor of the procedure.
auntblabby wrote:
I do not presume to be of sufficient moral authority
Look at the literal picture, and tell me whether it is right or wrong. Not a complicated subject.
You're telling me what's right and wrong, right now. What I'm allowed to say, and how.
That's an opinion.
auntblabby wrote:
is your eye free of plank?

Or, people have asked, whether a pro-lifer would take the unwanted children. I have cared for them, personally, and many will adopt, gladly.
People have asked, whether a social conservative would treat the resulting offspring in a sadistic way. I am in favor of limited govt.
I have never been in favor of the procedure, at any time. Yes, my eye is free of plank.
To tear vascular, hormone-saturated tissues from a woman's body is no small speck, particularly, when it so clearly resembles a small human.
Were you aware of the figures on cancer, assuming this dangerous operation all goes according to plan?