friedmacguffins wrote:
friedmacguffins wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
This reveals something about Trump's racial prejudices that he would rather have kept quiet.
Kept quiet about a medical controversy, regarding informed consent.
Now, you're saying that biased people exist, are empowered, and can do wrong.
Blacks and underprivileged people are saying that vaccines -- at least, the ones they get -- are a Tuskeegee experiment.
You considered the idea to be more palatable, in the form of a social justice narrative.
The Tuskegee experiment was about withholding treatment for syphilis, even when it could have been easily taken care of. The whole point was to observe how the disease would ravage a human body, all the while, the black recipients of what they thought was a cure were allowed to suffer insanity and death, simply because they were regarded as less than human by the doctors. It's hardly the same as the non-existent threat of vaccines leading to autism and death.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer