Russian KGB Killed Kennedy
What lead to that accusation?
That was part of the Pizzagate lunacy, where the Clintons, John Podesta, and even Lady Gaga were accused of running a pedophile/cannibal cult out of a D.C. pizza shop. Millions of Trumpanzees believed it was true, including one loon who showed up at the pizza shop with an automatic rifle, and had to be wrestled to the floor before he could hurt anyone.
From what I saw the cannibal theory was based on Hillary's erratic behavior which carried the symptoms of a disease cannibals get called kuru. Which I think was a silly conclusion. But still it did seem like there was something seriously wrong with her. The head spasms, tremors, difficulty walking, collapsing etc.
Those so called tremors never existed. There were instances when she feigned surprise for the sake of humor by turning her head a couple times in quick succession, or shook her head while laughing. Fox and other less than reliable sources would take a couple of instances like that, and replay them in ominous looking slow motion. There was absolutely nothing to it. Seriously, I can only imagine how Republicans would spin FDR's need of a wheel chair if he was alive today!
I researched this on my own and I came to the conclusion that something is/was definitely wrong with her that's being hidden, but not very well.
Lincoln had had Morphan's Syndrome (spelling), FDR had been wheel chair bound from Polio, and JFK had Addison's. None of these conditions had stopped any of these men from being great Presidents. Even if Clinton had something causing tremors, so what?
So what? What if Clinton had/has some sort of degenerative disease that would get steadily worse until she was unable to perform?
You know what Lincoln, FDR and Kennedy had, but what about Clinton?
I can easily answer that question with a question: what if Trump's erratic behavior is due to mental instability, or even the onset of dementia? Should we be allowing a potentially mentally ill man wield power in the world's sole super power?
Unlike Clinton's situation, that's still at least something you can put your finger on.
I'd say the case with Trump would be, has anyone seen a significant change in his behavior in the last 5 or 10 years?

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What lead to that accusation?
That was part of the Pizzagate lunacy, where the Clintons, John Podesta, and even Lady Gaga were accused of running a pedophile/cannibal cult out of a D.C. pizza shop. Millions of Trumpanzees believed it was true, including one loon who showed up at the pizza shop with an automatic rifle, and had to be wrestled to the floor before he could hurt anyone.
From what I saw the cannibal theory was based on Hillary's erratic behavior which carried the symptoms of a disease cannibals get called kuru. Which I think was a silly conclusion. But still it did seem like there was something seriously wrong with her. The head spasms, tremors, difficulty walking, collapsing etc.
Those so called tremors never existed. There were instances when she feigned surprise for the sake of humor by turning her head a couple times in quick succession, or shook her head while laughing. Fox and other less than reliable sources would take a couple of instances like that, and replay them in ominous looking slow motion. There was absolutely nothing to it. Seriously, I can only imagine how Republicans would spin FDR's need of a wheel chair if he was alive today!
I researched this on my own and I came to the conclusion that something is/was definitely wrong with her that's being hidden, but not very well.
Lincoln had had Morphan's Syndrome (spelling), FDR had been wheel chair bound from Polio, and JFK had Addison's. None of these conditions had stopped any of these men from being great Presidents. Even if Clinton had something causing tremors, so what?
So what? What if Clinton had/has some sort of degenerative disease that would get steadily worse until she was unable to perform?
You know what Lincoln, FDR and Kennedy had, but what about Clinton?
I can easily answer that question with a question: what if Trump's erratic behavior is due to mental instability, or even the onset of dementia? Should we be allowing a potentially mentally ill man wield power in the world's sole super power?
Unlike Clinton's situation, that's still at least something you can put your finger on.
I'd say the case with Trump would be, has anyone seen a significant change in his behavior in the last 5 or 10 years?
If his behavior hasn't changed in 5 or 10 years, that's still no argument for mental soundness, as his actions and words attest.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
All that Pizzagate stuff was down to cretins like Alex Jones. What's 'real news' Bill?
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"

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Give some example of that please?
Would that be the same 'real news' that told us Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and could blow us all up in 45 minutes, and who's men met with Al Qaeda in Prague? The same 'real news' that presented a child actor in the first Gulf War, who said that Iraqi soldiers took babies out of incubators and left them to die on the cold floor? The same 'real news' that told us some old guy in a cave on dialysis took down the whole US Defense system? Get a grip.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"
Real news is what the current administration is calling fake news. Very 1984ish.
If you mean CNN, didn't they admit to producing fake news?
Has Trump ever called Reuters, AP, NPR, PBS and the like fake news? If not, then I'd say we have nothing to worry about.

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Real news is what the current administration is calling fake news. Very 1984ish.
If you mean CNN, didn't they admit to producing fake news?
Has Trump ever called Reuters, AP, NPR, PBS and the like fake news? If not, then I'd say we have nothing to worry about.
CNN did the exceptional thing and admitted the bad work of an employee when they simply could have swept it under the rug. That says a lot about CNN's integrity.
Being called fake news by someone as divorced from the truth as Trump should be regarded as a badge of pride.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Real news is what the current administration is calling fake news. Very 1984ish.
If you mean CNN, didn't they admit to producing fake news?
Has Trump ever called Reuters, AP, NPR, PBS and the like fake news? If not, then I'd say we have nothing to worry about.
CNN did the exceptional thing and admitted the bad work of an employee when they simply could have swept it under the rug. That says a lot about CNN's integrity.
Being called fake news by someone as divorced from the truth as Trump should be regarded as a badge of pride.
Well that's one rose colored way of looking at it I suppose. Like I said, if he starts going after nonpartisan non-sensationalistic real news, then I'll become concerned.

Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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Real news is what the current administration is calling fake news. Very 1984ish.
If you mean CNN, didn't they admit to producing fake news?
Has Trump ever called Reuters, AP, NPR, PBS and the like fake news? If not, then I'd say we have nothing to worry about.
CNN did the exceptional thing and admitted the bad work of an employee when they simply could have swept it under the rug. That says a lot about CNN's integrity.
Being called fake news by someone as divorced from the truth as Trump should be regarded as a badge of pride.
Well that's one rose colored way of looking at it I suppose. Like I said, if he starts going after nonpartisan non-sensationalistic real news, then I'll become concerned.
You might have to soon.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
CNN is fake news. It has been pouring out lies about wars for years. It's just the left wing version of FOX.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"
Fake news is a loaded, politicised, partisan term itself, lacking objectivity, and needs to be left out of serious discussions of different perspectives and narratives media outlets.
The nature of objectivity and the ability to think objectively is a complex topic and it gets lost in the noise. News services that take no point of view are more providers of context and incident, news papers and live media give different points of view, perspectives, editorial, and there is nothing wrong with that in itself. It's a spectrum with extremists at both ends, moderates between the the points. There is nothing wrong with points of view, discussions arising from them can be clarifying and useful.
The "fake news" cry has become a parrot call meaning "something I don't like or don't want other people to believe", and has been a distraction (a divisive tool) generated by the perenially divisive Trump to divide, part of the old mega-tactic of "divide and rule". He wants to be a ruler, and chafes that his ambitions are curtailed.
And lets not forget that Obama basically called Fox fake news on several occasions. He wasn't as outspoken about Trump, but it was still pretty much the same message. And most of Obama's criticism of Fox was based on what they had to say about him.
The nature of objectivity and the ability to think objectively is a complex topic and it gets lost in the noise. News services that take no point of view are more providers of context and incident, news papers and live media give different points of view, perspectives, editorial, and there is nothing wrong with that in itself. It's a spectrum with extremists at both ends, moderates between the the points. There is nothing wrong with points of view, discussions arising from them can be clarifying and useful.
The "fake news" cry has become a parrot call meaning "something I don't like or don't want other people to believe", and has been a distraction (a divisive tool) generated by the perenially divisive Trump to divide, part of the old mega-tactic of "divide and rule". He wants to be a ruler, and chafes that his ambitions are curtailed.
Yeah, could just call it blatant lies and/or propaganda.
But some of it literally has been fake news, in fact, most of it is regarding joke channels like CNN who have been endlessly peddling this "Russia hacked the election" tripe for over a year, with zero evidence. People on the opposite end will literally believe anything because they despise Trump and want the stories to be true.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"
And lets not forget that Obama basically called Fox fake news on several occasions. He wasn't as outspoken about Trump, but it was still pretty much the same message. And most of Obama's criticism of Fox was based on what they had to say about him.
Yeah, the whole "Obama's a Kenyan Muslim/Communist" is on par with "Russia hacked the election". People are just generally too biased to see that.
"No one believes more firmly than Comrade Napoleon that all animals are equal. He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"
And lets not forget that Obama basically called Fox fake news on several occasions. He wasn't as outspoken about Trump, but it was still pretty much the same message. And most of Obama's criticism of Fox was based on what they had to say about him.
Yeah, the whole "Obama's a Kenyan Muslim/Communist" is on par with "Russia hacked the election". People are just generally too biased to see that.
Yeah, but Russia actually wanted Trump to win.(Down with NATO!!)
Obama was neither a Communist or a Muslim.
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