VegetableMan wrote:
When asked why there was no exemption for rape victims, the GOP sponsor of the bill explained that woman who have been raped will have access to an abortion -- up until the time she knows she pregnant! That's kind of like an auto dealer saying, "We'll fix your car for free -- up until the time you actually know there's a problem with your vehicle."
s**t like that makes my head hurt!
This is the kind of nonsense that undermines the pro-life argument. Trying to make abortion about personal responsibility is plain stupid. The only defensible argument for outlawing abortion is that abortion is killing a human life. In that case it should not matter whether that human life is a product of rape or not. We don't kill 5 year olds because their fathers were rapists.
In short, if you believe abortion is murder and it should be outlawed you should not have a rape exception, because murdering a child produced by rape is no more valid than murdering a child produced by love. If you don't believe abortion is murder than there's no reason to outlaw it in the first place.
"Ignorance may be bliss, but knowledge is power."