Woman shot in her own home by the police

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17 Oct 2019, 11:47 pm

beneficii wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
EzraS wrote:
When I watched the body cam footage I was asking, where are the red and blue strobes that should be reflecting against the house?

The latest is that police were NOT on a "wellness check", but rather a high alert "open structure" call.

This could explain why they did not have "flashers" on, or announce their presence.

This would also explain why there were so many of them.

They appeared to wrongly assume that a burglary was in progress.

"But the officer who shot her in her own home was sent on a call that police often handle as a potential burglary"

https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/16/us/polic ... index.html

When the cop came up to the house, he could see that the door was not kicked in, the lights were on, toys were on the floor, and people were home. Why instead of announcing himself at that point to see if everything is OK, did he decide to skulk around in the dark?

Remember, this is in Texas, which has a high rate of gun ownership and a castle law. If a competent officer knows people are home, he would not going skulking around the house in the dark because of these factors. A homeowner might think he's an intruder and pull out a gun and shoot him; since the homeowner wouldn't necessarily know he's a cop, the homeowner might be justified.

Likely, their burglary procedure is to first secure the scene in case a burglar is inside.

Possibly, this rookie officer was ordered to do this by someone on the scene.

We still need more information.

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17 Oct 2019, 11:58 pm

LoveNotHate wrote:
beneficii wrote:
LoveNotHate wrote:
EzraS wrote:
When I watched the body cam footage I was asking, where are the red and blue strobes that should be reflecting against the house?

The latest is that police were NOT on a "wellness check", but rather a high alert "open structure" call.

This could explain why they did not have "flashers" on, or announce their presence.

This would also explain why there were so many of them.

They appeared to wrongly assume that a burglary was in progress.

"But the officer who shot her in her own home was sent on a call that police often handle as a potential burglary"

https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/16/us/polic ... index.html

When the cop came up to the house, he could see that the door was not kicked in, the lights were on, toys were on the floor, and people were home. Why instead of announcing himself at that point to see if everything is OK, did he decide to skulk around in the dark?

Remember, this is in Texas, which has a high rate of gun ownership and a castle law. If a competent officer knows people are home, he would not going skulking around the house in the dark because of these factors. A homeowner might think he's an intruder and pull out a gun and shoot him; since the homeowner wouldn't necessarily know he's a cop, the homeowner might be justified.

Likely, their burglary procedure is to first secure the scene in case a burglar is inside.

Possibly, this rookie officer was ordered to do this by someone on the scene.

We still need more information.

So what you mean to say is that the officer was probably just mindlessly following procedure, and when he saw a gun pointed at him he opened fire right after telling the person holding it to put it down. And that makes it OK?

My impression is that he did not follow procedure, and in fact violated multiple procedures in what he did. That I believe is what the Police Chief said.

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18 Oct 2019, 12:29 am

beneficii wrote:
So what you mean to say is that the officer was probably just mindlessly following procedure, and when he saw a gun pointed at him he opened fire right after telling the person holding it to put it down.

I think that's what happened (or he will claim happened).

beneficii wrote:
And that makes it OK?


beneficii wrote:
My impression is that he did not follow procedure, and in fact violated multiple procedures in what he did. That I believe is what the Police Chief said.

The police chief didn't specify what the officer should of done.

We don't know if they're suppose to announce themselves.

We don't know if they're suppose to flash their lights.

We don't know if the officer is suppose to let someone point a gun at him (likely what he will claim).

It seems odd that only this rookie officer is being blamed when many were on the scene.

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18 Oct 2019, 10:31 am

White cop, black victim. Nuff said.

Anarchy is looking better and better. We have too many laws anyway.

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19 Oct 2019, 4:13 am

Wolfram87 wrote:
Moretto wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
but I don't think treating your district like it's an active war zone is conducive to a positive outcome.

Well a lot of urban American neighborhoods resemble exactly that. You Swedes should be grateful you don't know what that's like.

Quite grateful, I assure you. But if that is the case, then 6-9 months is nowhere near enough training to be even remotely competent to handle such areas, and sending in armed, twitchy and barely competent police officers is just going to be an active detriment.

Our military doesn’t even get thst much training why would police? And who’d be doing the policing for 3 years while people train? They can’t hardly keep enough cops as is in a lot of places.

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19 Oct 2019, 4:14 am

Must be tough for democrats, on one hand she’s black, on other hand she’s a evil gun owner

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19 Oct 2019, 6:10 am

Tim_Tex wrote:
White cop, black victim. Nuff said.

Anarchy is looking better and better. We have too many laws anyway.

That's only relevant if you know he wouldn't have shot a white person pointing a gun at him.


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19 Oct 2019, 1:39 pm

Moretto wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
but I don't think treating your district like it's an active war zone is conducive to a positive outcome.

Well a lot of urban American neighborhoods resemble exactly that. You Swedes should be grateful you don't know what that's like.

Tim_Tex wrote:
Apparently, DFW-area cops are the worst.

Sh!t, if I lived there I'd want to kill people too.

I just think it's funny that Americans think they're capable of serious political revolution when there's this much apathy towards "law enforcement" slaughtering innocent people in their own homes in the blink of an eye.

Like, really? THAT's not enough? What the hell is it going to take, then?
If I want someone killed in America, all I have to do is call the police to their home???

People actually do that...ever heard of swatting? It's a 'prank' where someone will get the swat team sent to someones house when there wasn't a crime...I bet it could result in death.

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19 Oct 2019, 1:46 pm

sly279 wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
Moretto wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
but I don't think treating your district like it's an active war zone is conducive to a positive outcome.

Well a lot of urban American neighborhoods resemble exactly that. You Swedes should be grateful you don't know what that's like.

Quite grateful, I assure you. But if that is the case, then 6-9 months is nowhere near enough training to be even remotely competent to handle such areas, and sending in armed, twitchy and barely competent police officers is just going to be an active detriment.

Our military doesn’t even get thst much training why would police? And who’d be doing the policing for 3 years while people train? They can’t hardly keep enough cops as is in a lot of places.

Well what do you suggest? Does seem there is a pretty high amount of civilians being killed by police so it does seem something needs to be done at least.

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19 Oct 2019, 2:06 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
sly279 wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
Moretto wrote:
Wolfram87 wrote:
but I don't think treating your district like it's an active war zone is conducive to a positive outcome.

Well a lot of urban American neighborhoods resemble exactly that. You Swedes should be grateful you don't know what that's like.

Quite grateful, I assure you. But if that is the case, then 6-9 months is nowhere near enough training to be even remotely competent to handle such areas, and sending in armed, twitchy and barely competent police officers is just going to be an active detriment.

Our military doesn’t even get thst much training why would police? And who’d be doing the policing for 3 years while people train? They can’t hardly keep enough cops as is in a lot of places.

Well what do you suggest? Does seem there is a pretty high amount of civilians being killed by police so it does seem something needs to be done at least.

It’s not the length of training but how they train. There’s a guy I’d suggest you watch some of his videos he’s a pro gun liberal who was a cop in 80s and refused to be one again after seeing how they train now,

From what I remember
They have meetings every morning about how it’s them vs us, it’s a war out there and we’re the enemy
Better to shoot civilians then take risk of officer getting shot
Got to habe each other’s back, blue first.(ie snitches get stiches, cops don’t rat on each other)
Cops referring to us as civilians while they also civilians, think they above the law and above us but they aren’t.

He’s also pointed out what any smart person should notice, they become very military like and mostly recruiter former military people. Gone are the blue police uniforms, now it’s all Camo and tactical gear. I got pulled over for speeding with friend(them driving) the officer was dressed like a navy seal with a m4 hung on his chest. We don’t need navy seals enforcing traffic laws. Use to be only swat had that stuff and they were small part of the police only used for extreme situations, now it’s most officers and they use swat tactics for just about anything. As that guy said it’s a job with risk and they signed up knownkng the risks, but now they don’t want to take the risks, so it’s better to kill few expendable civilians then lose officer. But that’s the job they suppose to make that ultimate sacrifice to protect us if need be. Use to be they’d go in marked car, dress blues and knock on doors for stuff, now they show up middle of the night, blacked out, no notifications, dressed for war and kick your door in and shoot anything that moves. All to Lower their risks.

We need to go back to police being police not a sub division of the military.
Military is trained to attack and kill, which is why they had such hard job occupying and acting as police in occupied nations. They aren’t trained to do so. And we’ve turned our police into a military force. They have apcs, machine guns, grenade launchers, some even get tanks. That’s another thing we need to stop. Don’t sell military equipment to police. One small station had 5 guys and had gotten 100 rifles and 100 pistols free from government from military stock. They’ve lessened that but the whole program needs stopped. Police need to be police again. I dont know if they should even recruited former military. Again those people are trained to attack and kill. Not exactly what you want police doing.
They need to go back to protecting us not themselves. Though apart of that means we need to like and respect them and not see them as the enemy either.

Swat should be a specialized unit only. My state use to have one swat team. Now every city has one and all their police officers are basically swat anyways.

But it’s a loop hole, see the government can’t use the military on us soil. So simpLe turn the police into a military.

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19 Oct 2019, 2:23 pm

Not all police forces are trained poorly,but some are and I don't think longer training is the answer.Some states do a better job than others of organizing police acadamies.

I have never read anywhere in the local news of a police officer wrongfully killing a citizen anywhere in New England.Of coarse the Massachusetts state police are busy manipulating time cards in the infamous overtime scandal that's seen many troopers indicted.And the Colonel of the Mass state police resigned in disgrace for his mishandling of the overtime scandal.

That aside I have never heard of any Massachusetts or any New England cops shooting citizens under suspicious circumstances.I have heard Rhode Island cops are especially well trained.Maybe it's time to look at the cops who are doing things right but just don't ask Massachusetts state cops advice on how to sign a time card.

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