Are we about to make a truely fantastic discovery????

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22 Aug 2024, 2:03 am

jimmy m wrote:
Some UAP appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernable means of propulsion. In a small number of cases, military aircraft systems processed radio frequency (RF) energy associated with UAP sightings.

Read Elizondo's book, he refers to these as the five manoeuvrables
There are five, consistent observations we continue to see that are uniquely associated with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAPs. Understanding these characteristics and their application requires us to have a very good understanding of advanced physics at the quantum level.

The five observables can be categorized as follows:

Sudden and instantaneous acceleration: Objects moving in such a manner that they are capable of maneuvering suddenly, deliberately and sometimes in the opposite direction. In some cases, these maneuvers involve a change in direction and acceleration that is well beyond the healthy limitations of any biological system, that we are aware of, to withstand. The anticipated effects of these g-forces on material may even defy our current technological ability to manufacture.
Hypersonic velocities without signatures: Objects that are traveling well above supersonic speeds and yet leave no obvious signature behind. Specific signatures normally include acoustic, heat, and electromagnetic and are traditionally recognized as a sonic boom, vapor contrails, and atmospheric ionization. Currently, even the world’s most advanced military and reconnaissance aircraft have detectible signatures.
Low observability: Regardless if the object is being viewed electro-optically, electromagnetically, or through the naked eye, the inability to gain a clear target picture remains elusive. Descriptions by witnesses are often difficult to describe, while radar returns often come back nonsensical or even jammed. Objects generally appear opaque and semi-metallic in nature, both on camera and live. In many cases it is nearly impossible to actually see the object and instead reports often include what is seen “around” the object.
Trans-medium travel: Objects that have the ability to travel easily in various environments and conditions seemingly without any change in performance capabilities. Our current understanding of physics requires vehicles to be designed specifically according to their application. For this reason, there are stark differences between those vehicles that orbit in space, fly in the atmosphere, and travel in the sea. Objects that can travel in all three mediums using the same design and without compromising performance or degrading lift remains an enigma.
Positive lift: Objects that are apparently resisting the natural effects of Earth's gravity, yet without the normally associated aerodynamic means for lift and thrust. These objects have no obvious signs of propulsion (engines, propellers, exhaust plumes, etc.) or flight surfaces (wings, rudders, ailerons, fins, etc.), but yet they are able to move in a very precise manner in our atmosphere despite not having any of those characteristics.
When you see these five observables all together, then we are forced to scratch our head and come to the conclusion that maybe we don’t know what these things are. We need more data and comprehensive research to do our best to understand what we are seeing.


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22 Aug 2024, 2:22 am

jimmy m wrote:
Elizondo fears the Defense Department never will disclose what it knows about that.

So this article looks like a good book to read. I will need to buy a copy.

One of the reported outcomes of the famous Roswell incident on July 8th 1947 and secrecy over the object that was retrieved was the formation of the CIA on 18th Sept 1947. Ostensibly the CIA was created to deal with external foreign threats but the real threat was further afield than the Soviet Union coming perhaps light years away. this was the birth of the shadow government.

A number of years later outgoing US president Dwight Eisenhower warned Americans of he growing power of the military industrial complex and the formation of a shadow government. this shadow government was given unlimited powers after 9-11 following years of manufactured US foreign expeditions in Korean peninsula, Vietnam, South America and eventually in the middle east and Afghanistan.

Ultimately the success they had (under he guise of national security) over having no oversight over their spending was secret programs (black projects) which may include things like UAP crash retrieval.

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22 Aug 2024, 7:57 am

cyberdad wrote:
Read Elizondo's book, he refers to these as the five manoeuvrables
There are five, consistent observations we continue to see that are uniquely associated with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAPs. Understanding these characteristics and their application requires us to have a very good understanding of advanced physics at the quantum level.

Actually you are moving ahead of me. I need to explain this step by step. The most important step at the moment is exploring the closest alien, the one that resides on Mars, under the surface of Mars. I need to describe what they look like. We have seen thousand of drawings of them. They are all over the internet. Actually, they are real beings. They are very advanced. What do they look like?

Friendly Alien greeting and waving hand

Cosmonaut alien

Friendly Alien making a heart hand gesture

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22 Aug 2024, 8:58 am

So before I move onto describing the next layer, I need to discuss the most important point. It resolves around Alien Abductions. These are humans that have been abducted by Aliens from Mars, taken to Mars, experimented on, and then returned to Earth.

According to Wikipedia

Alien abduction (also called abduction phenomenon, alien abduction syndrome, or UFO abduction) refers to the phenomenon of people reporting what they believe to be the real experience of being kidnapped by extraterrestrial beings and subjected to physical and psychological experimentation. People claiming to have been abducted are usually called "abductees" or "experiencers".

Typical claims involve forced medical examinations that emphasize the subject's reproductive systems. Abductees sometimes claim to have been warned against environmental abuses and the dangers of nuclear weapons, or to have engaged in interspecies breeding.

The article then goes on to say:


While the term "alien abduction" did not achieve widespread attention until the 1960s, modern speculation about some older stories interpreted them as possible cases. UFO researcher Jerome Clark dubbed them "paleo-abductions".

-- In the November 27, 1896, edition of the Stockton, California, Daily Mail, Colonel H. G. Shaw claimed he and a friend were harassed by three tall, slender humanoids whose bodies were covered with a fine, downy hair who tried to kidnap the pair.

-- In the October 1953 issue of Man to Man Magazine, an article by Leroy Thorpe titled "Are the Flying Saucers Kidnapping Humans?" asks the question "Are an unlucky few of us, and perhaps not so few at that, being captured with the same ease as we would net butterflies, perhaps for zoological specimens, perhaps for vivisection or some other horrible death designed to reveal to our interplanetary invaders what makes us tick?"

-- Rogerson writes that the 1955 publication of Harold T. Wilkins's Flying Saucers Uncensored declared that Karl Hunrath and Wilbur Wilkinson, who had claimed they were contacted by aliens, had disappeared under mysterious circumstances; Wilkins reported speculation that the duo were the victims of "alleged abduction by flying saucers".

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22 Aug 2024, 5:57 pm

Sociologist Dr. Ron Westrum commissioned a Roper Poll in order to determine how many Americans might have experienced the abduction phenomenon. Of nearly 6,000 Americans, 119 answered in a way that was interpreted as supporting their ET interpretation of the abduction phenomenon. Based on this figure, Westrum estimated that nearly four million Americans might have been abducted by extraterrestrials. rum estimated that nearly four million Americans might have been abducted by extraterrestrials.

there have been a number of attempts to explain the phenomena.
1. Sleep paralysis -
this theory eminated from skeptic,by Dr Susan Blackmore. She conducted a sleep study where she induced hallucinations of aliens after exposing the children to alien stories (the mechanism by which when participants were in a dream state came out and she found a small positive correlation between children exposed to aliens drawing aliens from dreams.
there are several problems with this proposition, the hallucination did not actually involve children being abducted, rather just visualising greys they were exposed to prior to sleep. Secondly the proposition relies on the assumption that children are exposed to aliens in the media/tv prior to experiencing hallucinations (you can't hallucinate about something you are not exposed to). the problem here is that there are plenty of events where children involved in abduction where there was no exposure to aliens involved (the best example is the mass experience of children in rural Africa which was documented by the late Harvard psychiatrist Prof John Mack). third, Blackmore proposed the children who experienced the hallucinations had higher levels of fantasy prone personality levels. this seems unscientific to me, you can't project a diagnosis on thousands of people without actually testing them. She made assumptions that people who experience abduction are likely to have had imaginary friends in childhood but to me this is creating a template and then putting all people making the claim into a box without actual evidence they had this personality type. ... paralysis/

2. False memory - According to Dr Susan Clancy all abduction experiences are from people who reported having recovered memories of traumatic events

to me this is more absurd than sleep paralysis. the problem is the claim assumes that all people who experience alien abduction have repressed trauma which manifests as false memory of being abducted by alien beings. Clancy (who is a PhD psychologist) did not factor a-priori work by Harvard psychiatrist Prof John Mack who published that of the hundreds of patients he interviewed who reported abductions, none had any prior history of trauma, Again bad science to create a template and then putting people making the claim to fit the template.

A simple fact with alien abduction is the homogeneous nature of the abduction experience which is puzzling. Both hallucinations in sleep paralysis and false memory effect require some level of fantasy prone type personality. the problem here is (particularly children) do not all create cookie cutter dreams/fantasies. Why not monsters, witches, wild animals? even aliens, shouldn't they be all shapes and sizes? why only grey aliens with long spindly limbs and big eyes?

Other theories that abductees are prone to hoaxing or attention seeking are also absurd as consistently the people reporting abduction are experiencing measurable physiological stress and sometimes physical reminders of their abduction.


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22 Aug 2024, 6:09 pm

jimmy m wrote:
Typical claims involve forced medical examinations that emphasize the subject's reproductive systems. Abductees sometimes claim to have been warned against environmental abuses and the dangers of nuclear weapons, or to have engaged in interspecies breeding.

the most tantalising claims come from child abductees who according to skeptics should be most prone to fantasy or manipulation. One incident involving 200+ children having a mass experience of grey aliens was the Ariel school mass sighting in southern Africa. Small children all consistently reporting interaction with exactly the same grey alien beings.

In addition the children (who were as young as 5) reported getting messages in their heads (telepathic) from the beings telling them humans are destroying the earth. I have sat in a classroom of pre-school kids when my daughter was a small. And it is near impossible to get every child to concoct the same fairy tale or fantasy unless they really experienced it.

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23 Aug 2024, 8:53 am

cyberdad wrote:

the most tantalising claims come from child abductees who according to skeptics should be most prone to fantasy or manipulation. One incident involving 200+ children having a mass experience of grey aliens was the Ariel school mass sighting in southern Africa. Small children all consistently reporting interaction with exactly the same grey alien beings.

In addition the children (who were as young as 5) reported getting messages in their heads (telepathic) from the beings telling them humans are destroying the earth. I have sat in a classroom of pre-school kids when my daughter was a small. And it is near impossible to get every child to concoct the same fairy tale or fantasy unless they really experienced it.

Interesting account. Many years ago, I saw a satellite falling to Earth. It was an amazing sight. I thought it was the end of the world. It was a small light that grew bigger and bigger until it reached the size of the Sun. It was daytime. I thought it was the end of the world. I yelled to my friend to come outside and see this. But then it disappeared and all that was left was a twisting trail of what was burned up in out atmosphere. It was a part of a satellite that was reentering Earth's atmosphere.

The other part of the story may actually be a different account that these children witnessed. According to Mack's interviews the creature or creatures then telepathically communicated to the children an environmental message, before returning to the craft and flying away. It is very possible that Grey Aliens were monitoring a spacecraft falling to Earth and briefly communicated with them.

Grey Aliens, yes this is the one that is very important. If I am correct, they reside in the interior of Planet Mars.
I think we have a long history with Grey Aliens. So I will begin to discuss the next level down. Grey Aliens play a very important role in human evolution.

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23 Aug 2024, 12:31 pm

cyberdad, Since you asked, I will begin to discuss and open up the next level down.

There are two books that describe the past, all the way down to around 13.7 billion years ago, the time of the Big Bang.

So in my humble opinion, there are two books that when combined together describe our universe. These are very old books. The first book describes Atlantis.

The only primary sources for Atlantis are Plato's dialogues Timaeus and Critias; all other mentions of the island are based on them. The dialogues claim to quote Solon, who visited Egypt between 590 and 580 BC; they state that he translated Egyptian records of Atlantis. Plato introduced Atlantis in Timaeus, written in 360 BC.

This story goes far back in time to around 13,000 years ago. It describes an event, a disaster, when much of Earth's population was destroyed.

According to Critias, 9,000 years before his lifetime a war took place between those outside the Pillars of Hercules at the Strait of Gibraltar and those who dwelt within them.


This time corresponds to the End of the last ice age on Earth. And in my humble opinion it ended in a massive event. The event was so large that it destroyed many of the civilizations that existed at that time. Some of these civilizations were fairly advanced and had developed capabilities that even now, we have not learned how to replicate.

And during this first global war around 13,000 years ago, this advanced civilization was completely, utterly destroyed.

In a single day and night of misfortune, Atlantis was swallowed by the sea and disappeared, leaving only a vestige of an ocean where it once stood.

This narrative of Timaeus and Critias describes a very ancient story. But there is another book, another very old book that even goes back further in time. It goes back to the time of the Big Bang. And if you join these two stories together, everything begins to make sense.

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23 Aug 2024, 1:52 pm

Get over it already!

We all know that Plato was hangin' with the Beach Boys smokin' ganja one night.

And that Plato invented the never existing continent of Atlantis that night while the Beach Boys invented the equally non existent place "in the Florida Keys" called "Kokomo" that same night. :lol:


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23 Aug 2024, 6:08 pm

jimmy m wrote:
Many years ago, I saw a satellite falling to Earth. It was an amazing sight. I thought it was the end of the world. It was a small light that grew bigger and bigger until it reached the size of the Sun. It was daytime. I thought it was the end of the world. I yelled to my friend to come outside and see this. But then it disappeared and all that was left was a twisting trail of what was burned up in out atmosphere. It was a part of a satellite that was reentering Earth's atmosphere.

Yes in Australia we have clear skies for much of the year (our capital city Canberra has almost 200 days of sunshine per year) and its easy to spot satellites at night. Walking my dog I've spotted Elon Musk's satellite trains and various meteors and (yes) burning satellites falling and then disappearing.


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23 Aug 2024, 6:17 pm

jimmy m wrote:
It is very possible that Grey Aliens were monitoring a spacecraft falling to Earth and briefly communicated with them.

It's plausible that they are not happy about the debri field humans have created since satellites were first launched in 1957. We humans have an awful record when it comes pollution, we seem to not care about the consequences and leave our mess for future generations to clean up. In space the amount of rubbish that's up there is getting out of control ... -clear-fix

So in addition to earth, it might be getting dangerous for our alien "friends" to navigate their way through our atmosphere


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23 Aug 2024, 6:40 pm

jimmy m wrote:
This time corresponds to the End of the last ice age on Earth. And in my humble opinion it ended in a massive event. The event was so large that it destroyed many of the civilizations that existed at that time. Some of these civilizations were fairly advanced and had developed capabilities that even now, we have not learned how to replicate.

And during this first global war around 13,000 years ago, this advanced civilization was completely, utterly destroyed.

In a single day and night of misfortune, Atlantis was swallowed by the sea and disappeared, leaving only a vestige of an ocean where it once stood.

Yes, the original story of Atlantis from Plato was attested to his uncle who knew the Greek sage Solon who (according to Plato) obtained the story from priests in Egypt. Interestingly despite all of Plato's writings being considered obective and factual, his Atlantis story was automatically catalogued by historians as "fiction". A cursory understanding of Egyptian mythology one can find corollary to the Atlantis story and also a global flood. One travels across to the middle east and there is the Noah myth and moving further back the epic of Gilgamesh which involves a global flood. In india there are also flood myths, native Americans, Polynesians, Chinese, actually all cultures. Coincidentally we now know there was an event 13,000 years ago resulting in ice sheets melting and a rise in sea levels which cause global flooding, So the Atlantis story is highly likely to be a memory of an event that took place. Secondly despite consensus advanced civilisation could not predate the magic number of 5000 years ago, there is now growing evidence from excavations in turkey (Gobleke tepe) that advanced civilisations existed in the Anatolian peninsula 13,000 years ago (weirdly archaeologists claim this was built by bored hunter gatherers :roll: ). Megalithic cultures dated as far back as 20,000 years are now being located in Indonesia, Japan, Southern Europe and possibly the pacific. the dating is causing controversy as the current archaeological paradigm/dogma is that advanced human settlements could not pre-date Egypt and Sumeria. Quite absurd, even in India there are emerging submerged harbours under the ocean that are 9000 + years old, the list is quite long. the scenario is that advanced agricultural civilisation did exist prior to some type of flood event and the post-flood survivors picked up the peices and pressed a re-start button based on their memory of civilisation that existed before.


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23 Aug 2024, 6:57 pm

jimmy m wrote:
According to Critias, 9,000 years before his lifetime a war took place between those outside the Pillars of Hercules at the Strait of Gibraltar and those who dwelt within them.

I've posted a number of threads on the original Atlantis story from Critias. Assuming such a civilisation once existed then there's three trains of thought.
1. there was one advanced civilisation exactly in where Gibraltar is now and this was submerged in 9000 BC leaving the rock of Gibraltar,
2. there is this belief that humans were not capable of ocean travel prior to Columbus. Assuming this silly belief is false the location could be beyond the pillars of Hercules so now the Canary Island, North Africa or even the caribean islands become plausible
3. Perhaps Atlantis was one of many advanced civilisations that existed prior to Plato's date of 9000BC. One example is the ancient tamil poems in southern India where there is a firm memory of an advanced civilisation that existed in the Indian ocean that was submerged during the floods and the survivors sailed to India which coincides with the formation of cities in the Indus valley.

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24 Aug 2024, 7:47 am

Around 30 years ago, I created my own website. It was at the beginning of the Internet. I discussed this in depth on this site. But now the Internet is controlled and my website is buried and invisible. So what is the bottom line?

My best understanding or estimate of what happened around 13,000 years ago. The Earth experienced a great cataclysm. Much of the world's population was destroyed. A massive long period comet somewhere around 100 miles across got so close to Earth that it broke up into hundreds of thousands of pieces and then struck the planet. The impact was centered in Canada but the impacts fell over around 2,000 miles in radius. So most of these pieces impacted ice. The particles had so much energy, that the impact blast waves reached down several miles of ice and made small dents on the ground beneath the ice. The energy released by the impact caused the ice pack to break apart into pieces and also released significant heat into the ice that allowed it to flow into the ocean. At the time the world's oceans were much lower then it is today. That is because most of the ocean water had been turned into polar ice. So the release of this ice caused the ocean levels to rise over 300 feet in depth. But the ground layer of earth beneath does not change overnight, so the actual rise of the released water and ice through the entire planet into a great flood event.

So my best guess is that the island nation of Atlantes existed somewhere on one of the Central American islands and is now buried underwater around 300 feet below the surface, hidden by many feet of debris. The story of Atlantes is about a large invasion force from the Americas that traveled across the ocean and was engaged in combat with many of the nations that existed in Europe and Northern Africa. And they were destroying them country by country but then something happened. They fled back home but they never made it. The people of Atlantes and all the nations in the Americas along with the nations of Europe and Northern Africa were all destroyed. It corresponds with another ancient book and is known as The Great Flood.

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24 Aug 2024, 10:31 pm

^^^ Yes since you created your website there's been overwhelming evidence of a comet striking the earth around Canada 13,000 years ago

I was watching a geologist named Randall Carlson who has a podcast. He showed video evidence of miles of geological damage on the plains of Canada and North America caused by a massive flood. the evidence was overwhelming that some type of cataclysm resulted in glacial ice sheets releasing vast quantities of water in a relatively short span of time. there is, however, a band of archaeologists who simply don't accept this theory because it opens up questions of whether in antiquity human civlisations (antediluvian) prior to the great flood (an era called the younger Dryas) existed.

Currently there is little being done about underwater exploration of possible submerged cities that pre-date this flood. Already Lidar remote sensing has revealed cities under the Amazon that means the entire Amazon basin in South America may have once been a megatropolis of multiple cities joined by highways. Some of these highways are sometimes 300m wide, something also observed in roads excavated as far afield as South East asia, Europe and the middle east. Ancient people not only travelled but judging by the number of wide roads, and numerous magalithic stone anchors there was a large volume not unlike the traffic of goods and people today.


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24 Aug 2024, 10:39 pm

jimmy m wrote:
So my best guess is that the island nation of Atlantes existed somewhere on one of the Central American islands and is now buried underwater around 300 feet below the surface, hidden by many feet of debris. The story of Atlantes is about a large invasion force from the Americas that traveled across the ocean and was engaged in combat with many of the nations that existed in Europe and Northern Africa. And they were destroying them country by country but then something happened. They fled back home but they never made it. l

Interestingly all South Americans have an origin myth involving a deity named Quetzalcoatl or Viracocha who sailed from the west by sea and taught the early peoples of south America agriculture, medicine and building which led to the first civilisations (Olmecs and Mayans). Interestingly the Mayans refer in their own writing to people who lived in their lands before they settled. this included beings who were giants (but that's another topic). this founder is associated with a flying serpent.