A moment here.
Last time I checked, and this is in Britain, so I don't know all the specifics about British law, except a few things that I don't need or want to know. But here in America, and specially on the West Coast (Washington through California and Canada {if Canada counts}) but there are stringent laws that go into affect here on this type of situation.
Child pornography last I saw is on the same line as Meth labs, and the like, the fact that you will go to jail for such an occurrence is most assured, however, not only that, but it's labeled as the fact (we're talking Porn here now) that not only will you have to register as a sex offender, but you'll have to notify a neighborhood that has children in it, especially those under the ages of 5, (I don't remember where I read this, but it's accurate, or close to) because those are the ones that are most at risk, according to data figures in Washington (I'm Tacoma area by the way, and this is way prevalent out here....uber) and as such, there are at least a hundred per month, if not more registered offenders living in the greater Tacoma if not Seattle area, probably more in Seattle, because it's Seattle and well....yeah.
It should also be evident here, that if you want to know information on these people, you can. Percentage of how many are male to female, you'll get that. and as far as I've seen, there are more men then women doing this, in the past month, (that I've had time to read) I've seen maybe one woman, out of all men, all by the way, over the ages of 50. Now that doesn't mean that under teh age of 50 aren't doing it, however, those who are over the age of 50, are the ones more inclined to do it, because of access that children might have to their jobs.
THIS is pertinent, because those that I've read about in the past month, have either been teachers (past cases now coming to light, excluding the priests, that's in a file elsewhere that i'm not touching for right now) or day care workers.
The sex ring busts are another thing, those are international, and those are harder, one or two people in possesion may be a small bust if they were part of a ring, but that ring's going to be keep on going, minus two workers, and a handful or more of freed children who probably were coerced into this.
May I once again remind you that most of these pictures that we find on the web, at least the ones that seem questionable, those that look like the people in them are a bit young? That's because those are probably people who payed money to try and escape their living conditions, but as such, were tricked and ended up doing that, something that they have no control over. This relates to prostitution, but I won't go into that, but Child Sex Rings, and Prositution at least in some of the Asiatic countries are related, and as such, there's a reason that it's called Sex Tourism....remember that please, next time you're all having petty arguments. (rogue, I'm talking to you here, especially)
In relation to the man who was autistic who was arrested(back to my original point) If you were to read the bios of any of these offenders, there might be something in there that says ADD or Autism related to that affect. You know what? That doesn't mean Jack diddly. They got caught, they got arrested. AND THEY DIDN"T HIDE BEHIND ASPERGERS OR AUTISM IF THEY HAD IT, and I'll tell you why.
Because unlike America, Britain is a bit less stricter on certain things, but with this, this person's dad I believe, did a coward's approach with an excuse, something that I find on my list of things that are disgusting as uberdisgusting.
What is Britian and UK in general less strict on? I'll tell you: Gay Rights; over there it isn't a big deal, as people are making it in America with the whole Man and Woman not Woman and Woman or Man and Man. over there they're looked on as cool, (No references to Elton John by the way) Crossdressers, not a big deal. transexuals, not a big deal. Where here, stuff like that, is looked upon as they have issues.
To me, this topic should only be three pages in length, because I only read about three pages worth of stuff that I deemed as good arguments (Rogue, you had a few, but not a lot.)
Now Please. Grow Up.
I want peace for all. Simple yet elegant.