Happy Birhday Israel.
I had no stake in Nazi Germany, but hate to see a helpless people brutalised by a Tyrant, no stake in Communist Russia, but the thought of 20 million Christians being put top death erks me.
I hate to see any peoples bullied out of thier own country, starved, thier fruit farms stolen, thier childen killed whilst thier houses are bulldozed while they sleep in them.
Evil needs to be stopped, doesnt matter who does it and what they themselves might have suffered in the past, it doesnt give them the right to do it to others.
Regarding the troubles in the middle east however, Briton does have a stake in it, are own people are murdered on thier way to work just to get us to fight Israels wars for them.
And wait till we take on Iran for them, wait to see the stakes we will all have to pay for Israel!
And in addition, I lost relatives in both world wars, my country lost wealth and empire in those wars, do you know what those wars where about?
Zionists starting to set up thier One World Government in the form of the League of Nations, then the United Nations, and getting Britain to give the land they had promised the Palestinians for helping kick out the Turks, to "those who call themselves Jews but are not Jews" instead.
Animals Beasts ?
Just out of curiosty and maybe someone let me know,
How long would I or anyone else last on this forum if they
called any other people group then Palestinians "Animals" and "Beasts"
What if I referred to Negroes in that way ?
Would I get away with it.
I have a strong dislike of multi-culturalism but even I give
HUMAN BEINGS the dignity of being higher then animals.
Maybe lay of the racism
I will give an explaination for the benefit of other readers,not yourself who appears very bigoted.
The jewish claim to land in the middle east is from a promise God gave to Abraham in the Old Testament,that his seed would inherit a particular section of ground in the middle east.
If the israeli's are not seed of Abraham then why was it so important for them to inhabit that particular piece of land ?
It would seem more reasonable that they recieve a part of say Germany in compensation for crimes against them,commiteed largely by Germans.
If the people inhabiting the israeli state are not the seed of Abraham,then what exactly is their claim in that area ?
By what right do they occupy it ?
To rest on a UN mandate alone is dangerous ground.
Any sensible person with a love of freedom can see that,
for if on the basis of
"Somewhere, at some time, someone, did something bad, to someone that you don't know, and we feel sorry for them so we voted to let them have a big slice of your country"
Then what is the reason the UN can't vote to give say
Ontario in Canada or say Ohio in the USA to the Tibetans.
Or maybe New York,maybe the Zulu's, could be given New Hampshire ?
Maybe Australia could organise a vote to give native americans Zimbabwe ? Why not ?
There's a precedant, that's if the israeli's claim to the middle eastern terriotory is based on force of arms and a UN vote alone,and not decent from the Israelites of old
Good rebuttal. An accusation of prejudice or racism will surely sway things the opposite way.
What makes you think I considered a Palestinian an animal or beast? You should try to read the comment again. There was nothing hinting that I was referring to Palestinians (certainly your mind works that way though). But if a Palestinian, or any other group, decides to pick up arms and bombard Israel into giving up her lands, then he is an animal. They do not deserve to be called humans.
Israel has nothing to do with the bible. It is a land given to the Israelites by UN. If you want to draw parallels that it is biblical, by all means do so. If the UN does not matter, then hell, any nation born afterwards shouldn't matter. Bangladesh reverts back to being East Pakistan, and Now both pakistans should be called India. Yugoslavia reunite! Not now, Kosovo. You had your fun. Go back to where you came from.
You are still proclaiming that the Jews who entered into what is now known as Israel were not "true" Jews. BUT there exists a sizable amount of middle eastern blood in the Jewish community who do live there. Why is it that you dismiss this? Because there are Levites who carry Y-chromosome DNA of Turkic decent? What if their MTDNA is middle eastern? Would you still cry "NO LAND FOR YOU ISRAEL!"?
The Tibetans have TIBET. They just want more autonomy. The Israelis are WILLING to give more autonomy to the Palestinians. How many peace treaties have been proposed? Look at Yasser Arafat's winning of the Nobel Peace Prize. Where's the peace that he brought? A Palestinian shells rockets into Israel how many times in a week? Do you find this acceptable? I am sure you do because they do not deserve the land, those damned Khazars.
When the IDF attacks against militants it is called genocide, they are doing that which the Nazis taught them. When a Palestinian kills Jews, it is for freedom. Why wasn't Hizbullah to blame for beginning the War in 2006? How many descried Israel? How can Israel be expected to be friendly to its hostile neighbors? Even those Israel has signed treaties with would not hesitate to attack it if it was capable of winning.
Animals Beasts ?
Just out of curiosty and maybe someone let me know,
How long would I or anyone else last on this forum if they
called any other people group then Palestinians "Animals" and "Beasts"
What if I referred to Negroes in that way ?
Would I get away with it.
I have a strong dislike of multi-culturalism but even I give
HUMAN BEINGS the dignity of being higher then animals.
Maybe lay of the racism
I will give an explaination for the benefit of other readers,not yourself who appears very bigoted.
The jewish claim to land in the middle east is from a promise God gave to Abraham in the Old Testament,that his seed would inherit a particular section of ground in the middle east.
If the israeli's are not seed of Abraham then why was it so important for them to inhabit that particular piece of land ?
It would seem more reasonable that they recieve a part of say Germany in compensation for crimes against them,commiteed largely by Germans.
If the people inhabiting the israeli state are not the seed of Abraham,then what exactly is their claim in that area ?
By what right do they occupy it ?
To rest on a UN mandate alone is dangerous ground.
Any sensible person with a love of freedom can see that,
for if on the basis of
"Somewhere, at some time, someone, did something bad, to someone that you don't know, and we feel sorry for them so we voted to let them have a big slice of your country"
Then what is the reason the UN can't vote to give say
Ontario in Canada or say Ohio in the USA to the Tibetans.
Or maybe New York,maybe the Zulu's, could be given New Hampshire ?
Maybe Australia could organise a vote to give native americans Zimbabwe ? Why not ?
There's a precedant, that's if the israeli's claim to the middle eastern terriotory is based on force of arms and a UN vote alone,and not decent from the Israelites of old
Good rebuttal. An accusation of prejudice or racism will surely sway things the opposite way.
What makes you think I considered a Palestinian an animal or beast? You should try to read the comment again. There was nothing hinting that I was referring to Palestinians (certainly your mind works that way though). But if a Palestinian, or any other group, decides to pick up arms and bombard Israel into giving up her lands, then he is an animal. They do not deserve to be called humans.
Israel has nothing to do with the bible. It is a land given to the Israelites by UN. If you want to draw parallels that it is biblical, by all means do so. If the UN does not matter, then hell, any nation born afterwards shouldn't matter. Bangladesh reverts back to being East Pakistan, and Now both pakistans should be called India. Yugoslavia reunite! Not now, Kosovo. You had your fun. Go back to where you came from.
You are still proclaiming that the Jews who entered into what is now known as Israel were not "true" Jews. BUT there exists a sizable amount of middle eastern blood in the Jewish community who do live there. Why is it that you dismiss this? Because there are Levites who carry Y-chromosome DNA of Turkic decent? What if their MTDNA is middle eastern? Would you still cry "NO LAND FOR YOU ISRAEL!"?
The Tibetans have TIBET. They just want more autonomy. The Israelis are WILLING to give more autonomy to the Palestinians. How many peace treaties have been proposed? Look at Yasser Arafat's winning of the Nobel Peace Prize. Where's the peace that he brought? A Palestinian shells rockets into Israel how many times in a week? Do you find this acceptable? I am sure you do because they do not deserve the land, those damned Khazars.
When the IDF attacks against militants it is called genocide, they are doing that which the Nazis taught them. When a Palestinian kills Jews, it is for freedom. Why wasn't Hizbullah to blame for beginning the War in 2006? How many descried Israel? How can Israel be expected to be friendly to its hostile neighbors? Even those Israel has signed treaties with would not hesitate to attack it if it was capable of winning.
Why start with the UN? We can go further. All the "Americans" can feck off home to spain/england/holland/ireland for a start. Then all the english have to bugger off back to Saxony, apart from the Celtic ones who can sod off to france. Apart from the ones who have to go back to Denmark. Then we can all migrate the f**k back to middle africa.
As for the rest: I saw a good parallel in a recent newspaper. If hezbollah launches 400 rockets into Israel, suicide bombs 60 buses, then attacks and kills 10 soldiers, kidnapping 3 in the process, Israel retaliates. Multiply all these figures by approx 9 and you scale it up to a nation with the population the size of the UK. So on the same scale thats 32000 rockets, 540 buses, 90 soldiers, 27 kidnapped. What exactly would a reasonable response be? response to be? SitConsider that same math applied to the US.. They lost what? 5000 in 9/11, from a population of how much? To scale, their response was the military equivalent of Israel plain out nuking Syria and Jordan, then firebombing Kansas as well. (Accounting for blue on blue incidents there..)
More sensible then to find a level of accord. The UK and Ireland are starting to get on quite well after a hundred or more years of issue about who owns what, and which religion is better. If we can, then others can.
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
that you can't take part" [Mario Savo, 1964]
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were a FORGERY I hope you know. I can't beleive people can believe such anti-semitic crap with a straight face.
How can this even be compared to nations who have always been. All the listed, have been there, and had disputes, with themselves, outside powers, the neighbors, and settled it by changing names and drawing borders. The Irish are still the Irish.
I do favor a right of return for Europeans, but they do not want to go back, nor do their own people want them.
It seems Europe had a Post War Jewish problem. America has half, and being city people they live in New York, Los Angles, and have yet to bomb Canada or Mexico.
It starts with The British Mandate in Palistine. Feeling beat up the Empire sought somebody they could overcome, and for the glory of England, looked, but found no oil. So it was junk power. The only purpose was it was the main east west road from way back, and hence a place for a British toll booth.
The Palistinians had sided with the British on getting the Turks out, and the price was self rule. If oil had been discovered, they would have gotten the goat herding Saudi deal. But it did not pan out.
So how do they keep what they see as good, blocking an interstate highway and high speed rail from Pakistan to Morrocco, forming an Islamic economic Union, and avioid the cost, and continual lies to Palistinians about when they will get self rule. They traded Turk slave masters for British, and speaking about it made the British look bad, What about the Queen!
So to solve several post war errors, everyone was of the opinion that the Jews had been exterminated before Germany was defeated. Who would have thought Hitler would keep some alive? True half were killed, but the other half lived. Why? Because they could pass for European.
Nobody wanted them. Not many Jews in Europe today. Most are in Israel or the US. We put ours to work.
Europe was still looking for a final solution to the Jewish Problem. Now all this Zionist stuff, what does that mean? We want to quit trying to get along with Europeans, quit, and would rather live in some forsaken hills in the desert in tents.
Good idea, I would not want to live in Europe either. I did live in New York, five years, did meet Jewish Culture, a brash, rude, and open people, who say what they think. I liked them.
I can see returning to Israel and Judea. The problem is, by my records, each was about ten miles square, so the great homeland was 200 square miles of some rather useless dirt and rocks. Thousands were driven out by the Romans, and no way could five million return.
According to the Bible, they always wanted some bottom land, the rich Baal Lands along the coast. Going back into the hills above the Dead Sea was not going to work.
So when the British offered them a home in Palistine they took the deal, and when the British tried to back out, we get the King David Hotel. They were not coming just to be laborers for the British, because the Palistinians would not work for them, and were thinking of asking the Turks to come back.
Trouble was, the British did not have title to the land they were giving away. So when they tried to tell the Palistineians to leave, they were being replaced, they said, who do you think we are, Native Americans?
The United European Nations, with a few colonials for show, were only too happy to reconize Israel, a Jewish homeland, now get out of Europe and go home. It is basically a European Nation, dumped in the desert, with neighbors who were made hostile by the British.
Recognition did not come with, all of your bank accounts that vanished in Europe, Insurance claims not paid, lands, buildings, businesses, that had changed hands while they were off playing in the camps, or even food and seed grain for starting over with nothing.
This was the end of WWII, and one thing that was around was guns, lots, and cheap. Being made Israelies, all of their European passports were cancelled, The plan was they would be overrun and extirminated, too bad. Who would have thought that could happen?
Well it did not turn out that way. Not only did they survive, I get great information of desert farming from there. Our system is based on lots of cheap land, to be exploited, as cheap as possible. They have little, and have to invest in the basic principals of life. As the whole planet is trying to become Dune, I find great value in their work.
They are such evil people that they post their discoveries on desert farming on the web in English and Arabic, and I waste hours reading it. It is being applied in Egypt, Tunisa, Mauritania, where farmers do not really care abotut that city people politics and stuff, lets talk date palms and olives.
Living in the Baal Lands, they have read the Bible, at least the first part, and expected the hill people to attack. So when it happened, the attack had no plan, but defense had been long figured out, and in war, avoid fighting front line troops, break through their lines, capture the rear areas, and they are trapped without resupply. Remember the end run of the first Gulf War, avoid conflict, shoot up the side, turn, and be standing behind them on their only supply route. It is standard.
You may have a problem with Israel, the UN creating countries, or the borders of Greater Israel, but they were attacked, and the land was won in battle, with blood, and in some cases, keeping it is in order. Egypt made peace, and got the Siani back, they are not totally unreasonable.
Palistine was screwed by the British, and keeps demanding their homes back, it is not going to happen. The rest of the neighborhood treats them like the Europeans always did, but without the power to kill them off European States had. So they have lesser enemies now. Life is better.
They remind me of the Mississippi Band of Choctaw. At the end of WWII, they were a beaten down people, living on a resevation, on their own they developed industry, later casinos and resorts, and are now the tenth largest industry in Misissippi, and growing rapidly. The whites who hated them and killed them, stole everything, now work for them. The Chief says he likes white people, because they are dumb and work cheap. They do not take his comments as racist, they know they need education to get higher wages, and the Choctaw are helping them to get there.
The roving bands of armed thugs in the MIddle East remind me of the Klan, poor, dumb, and armed and supported by special interests. They are a terrorist group, nothing more, used by political forces, to keep thier own wages down. They are mostly a danger to themselves, their children, and the neighbors. They are against education and higher pay. They have been told they are all that stands between Christian Fundementalism, Conservitive Values, and being over run buy outside agitators.
They drive out their own brightest and best, so they can keep working for barely enough to live. Their leaders are getting rich keeping pure white gangs to cut pulp wood and farm cotton. Someday they might notice they have been enslaved.
It has never been in the best interest of any occupier to raise the people. The Turkish Empire was long stagnant, British and French Mandates short lived. There were a lot before them. No one has helped the locals, and their own governments are often their worst enemy. They cannot make it work, so they blame their own people.
The real Israel is somewhere back in the hills, and not even goats want it. The population is predominatly European, maybe with a built in tan. They were only European for 1300 years. We got the same, we call them New Yorkers.
I like them being Jewish, they would make annoying Christians. In the last little shoot em up, New Yorkers in Israel were bombing Lebanese from Detroit, who were on vacation. Detroit is the largest Islamic city in America. They are so much trouble no one even knows they are there.
Whoever these other people are who are suppporting the local Klan, Hamas, Hezbola, are trying to keep down the labor cost of the date harvest. Their greatest fear is a rising economy, for they are based on exploiting poor people in basic industries. Their family controls the import of soap or something. So God must stop local soap making.
That they are willing to pay, feed thugs, supply weapons, shows they are making money on something.
So to my friends in the Islamic world I say, why do you reject the gifts of God? Look with open eyes at what has been done, Europe has cast out their best business and education class, and given them to you. America has the other half, and we love New York. It is the driving wheel of our economy.
Some would give you ignorance and poverty, some would give you education and wealth.
You have the makings of a Second New York. Do you have any idea how much New Jersey makes because of New York? Without them our national economy would be much smaller. Not one Jew in New York owns a tank. They are too busy making money, being involved in trade, and that takes trading partners.
Half the value of the olive crop goes to those who pick it. The owner of the grove might seem rich, but look at who gets half with no investment. Trees die, building crumble, economies change, and it is nothing to those who gather. It is everything to those who plant, build. Everything they have will vanish, and they are only as good as coming up with the next deal that works for everybody.
Why does Europe hate them? Because they brought change, which was coming anyhow. Europe is playing lets you and him fight. Notice the proxy Crusade? It is not Israel that is trying to keep you down and divided, it is Europe and your own governments.
Try the American Plan, our Jews work for us, we even let them cross State lines without special permits. They drive our economy, and most important, they are on to all of those Euro tricks. Europe has to get through our Jews to get to us.
When you look upon Israel think, are you saying Allah should not have done this?
The reason we cannot understand the works of Allah is because many wrongs can make a right.
Detroit has the largest Islamic community in North America.
The city tore down the Motown Records building.
From what I hear, only the FBI wants Detroit, at least the city government.
Being from the Baal Lands, shipping and trade, I think they chose the farthist inland Great Lakes port. In Canada it is Montreal.
Islamic people have long been in the US, this anti Islamic stuff is very recent.
Good old Americans, calling Arabs Anti Semites.
Yes it was a bit long, but this place welcomes all people of good heart.
Both cultures have good points, and both have outsiders playing lets you and him fight.
The way forward is together.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were a FORGERY I hope you know. I can't beleive people can believe such anti-semitic crap with a straight face.
Who mentioned the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, try reading about the Balfour treaty, the Treaty of Versaith, Albert Pike, the Rothchilds and Zionism, Laurence of Arabia
The Palestinians had nothing to do with Hitler or the Nazi party. Your current president has more connections to the Nazi party. His grandfather, Prescott Bush, was the director and vice-chairman of the New York banking corporation, which funded the Nazi party from its founding till 1942. The New York banking corporation was shut down under the trade with the enemy act. You can read the Guardian's article about it here, I can assure you that this is fact and not a conspiracy theory.
Btw, I know a couple of Jews, they're decent people. None of us are wishing for any of their deaths, we just want this illegitimate state wiped off. We're not bloodthirsty mongrels. If we wanted them dead, we wouldn't have sheltered them for over 13 centuries.
Also, we don't hate the Jewish faith or any other faith. We just consider them as outdated & corrupt versions of Islam.
http://christianactionforisrael.org/ant ... bnazi.html
I know that anti-Israelites just love conspiracy theories, khazar origins, and holocaust denial. That link's something for them to read.
That's very interesting, thanks, I completely forgot the Bosnian involvement in WWII. I didn't know about the link of the grand Mufti of Jerusalem. However, it still won't change my anti-Zionist view, I'll always be a supporter of the one state solution.
The Quran was written down on leaves by Muhammed's wife, as each verse was revealed to him, and these leaves are still preserved in the Ka'bah. It is forbidden to translate the Quran, only interpret it, and thus, all copies of the Quran are identical, word-for-word. However, there are no pre-Nicaean council versions of the Bible.
The Palestinians had nothing to do with Hitler or the Nazi party. Your current president has more connections to the Nazi party. His grandfather, Prescott Bush, was the director and vice-chairman of the New York banking corporation, which funded the Nazi party from its founding till 1942. The New York banking corporation was shut down under the trade with the enemy act. You can read the Guardian's article about it here, I can assure you that this is fact and not a conspiracy theory.
Btw, I know a couple of Jews, they're decent people. None of us are wishing for any of their deaths, we just want this illegitimate state wiped off. We're not bloodthirsty mongrels. If we wanted them dead, we wouldn't have sheltered them for over 13 centuries.
Also, we don't hate the Jewish faith or any other faith. We just consider them as outdated & corrupt versions of Islam.
http://christianactionforisrael.org/ant ... bnazi.html
I know that anti-Israelites just love conspiracy theories, khazar origins, and holocaust denial. That link's something for them to read.
That's very interesting, thanks, I completely forgot the Bosnian involvement in WWII. I didn't know about the link of the grand Mufti of Jerusalem. However, it still won't change my anti-Zionist view, I'll always be a supporter of the one state solution.
The Quran was written down on leaves by Muhammed's wife, as each verse was revealed to him, and these leaves are still preserved in the Ka'bah. It is forbidden to translate the Quran, only interpret it, and thus, all copies of the Quran are identical, word-for-word. However, there are no pre-Nicaean council versions of the Bible.
You can guarantee that a) these leaves actually exist, b) they are in any state to be legible, c) that at no point ever has anyone screwed up the typography printing a copy. God (and assumably Muhammed) might be pretty infallible, but the rest of humanity surely is not. Oh and d) if you mean translate in the literal sense of "into another language" .. hardly makes it the most accessible text for people. Its a bit rich claiming "OOh westerners are such bastards 'cause they dont know what they're talking about" if we have to learn a completely different language first. Oh and e) apparently people "interpret" the Quran in any way they damn please, because whilst some of those faithful to Islam claim (as you do) that moslems dont officially hate judaism at all, others have clearly stated to my face that the Quran says its fine to like christians or pagans because they have only wandered a little way from the true faith, but all jews must f*****g hang ... (paraphrasing I know, but that was the sentiment expressed.)
For myself, I wonder at anyone who thinks a whole race is evil or needs to be exterminated. Even assuming that some jews DID kill jesus, and that there IS a Zionist conspiracy to conquer the world.. how many jews would really be aware of that? Does that fact make Mel Brooks less funny? Does it make Rachel Weisz less hot? Does it make Eliot Gould a crap actor? I could go on all day here...
As for the bible.. I never claimed it was accurate, right, or actually any good. I would be a fool to do so. In fact I know from experience and ownership that different versions are .. different.
"There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart,
that you can't take part" [Mario Savo, 1964]
The Palestinians had nothing to do with Hitler or the Nazi party. Your current president has more connections to the Nazi party. His grandfather, Prescott Bush, was the director and vice-chairman of the New York banking corporation, which funded the Nazi party from its founding till 1942. The New York banking corporation was shut down under the trade with the enemy act. You can read the Guardian's article about it here, I can assure you that this is fact and not a conspiracy theory.
Btw, I know a couple of Jews, they're decent people. None of us are wishing for any of their deaths, we just want this illegitimate state wiped off. We're not bloodthirsty mongrels. If we wanted them dead, we wouldn't have sheltered them for over 13 centuries.
Also, we don't hate the Jewish faith or any other faith. We just consider them as outdated & corrupt versions of Islam.
http://christianactionforisrael.org/ant ... bnazi.html
I know that anti-Israelites just love conspiracy theories, khazar origins, and holocaust denial. That link's something for them to read.
That's very interesting, thanks, I completely forgot the Bosnian involvement in WWII. I didn't know about the link of the grand Mufti of Jerusalem. However, it still won't change my anti-Zionist view, I'll always be a supporter of the one state solution.
The Quran was written down on leaves by Muhammed's wife, as each verse was revealed to him, and these leaves are still preserved in the Ka'bah. It is forbidden to translate the Quran, only interpret it, and thus, all copies of the Quran are identical, word-for-word. However, there are no pre-Nicaean council versions of the Bible.
You can guarantee that a) these leaves actually exist, b) they are in any state to be legible, c) that at no point ever has anyone screwed up the typography printing a copy. God (and assumably Muhammed) might be pretty infallible, but the rest of humanity surely is not. Oh and d) if you mean translate in the literal sense of "into another language" .. hardly makes it the most accessible text for people. Its a bit rich claiming "OOh westerners are such bastards 'cause they dont know what they're talking about" if we have to learn a completely different language first. Oh and e) apparently people "interpret" the Quran in any way they damn please, because whilst some of those faithful to Islam claim (as you do) that moslems dont officially hate judaism at all, others have clearly stated to my face that the Quran says its fine to like christians or pagans because they have only wandered a little way from the true faith, but all jews must f***ing hang ... (paraphrasing I know, but that was the sentiment expressed.)
For myself, I wonder at anyone who thinks a whole race is evil or needs to be exterminated. Even assuming that some jews DID kill jesus, and that there IS a Zionist conspiracy to conquer the world.. how many jews would really be aware of that? Does that fact make Mel Brooks less funny? Does it make Rachel Weisz less hot? Does it make Eliot Gould a crap actor? I could go on all day here...
As for the bible.. I never claimed it was accurate, right, or actually any good. I would be a fool to do so. In fact I know from experience and ownership that different versions are .. different.
As far as my knowledge goes, those leaves are still preserved inside the holy Ka'bah. Every copy of the Quran is exact, word for word, nowhere in time was there any screw up. The Quran is written in Quranic Arabic, which is the type of Arabic spoken in Mecca in the 6th century. All existing Arabic dialects today are very different, like how different English is from Old English or Saxon. Standard Arabic is based on Quranic Arabic, with differences. It's absolutely forbidden to change any syllable of the Quran from what the prophet preached. It's a very important aspect of Islam. By meaning to say it's forbidden to translate, and open to interpretation, I mean, every copy of the Quran must contain the original text, with the "interpreted" text below or next to it. For example, my copy contains Arabic text on the right side of every page, with english text on the left. We believe it's impossible to translate the Quran, as one word can have different meanings. For example, the word "dahaha" was used to describe that world is "egg-shaped" or "round", but for many centuries, there was a heated debate on its meaning.
The Quran doesn't say that Jews must hang, lol, I almost fell off my chair reading that. It just says that we must not "trust" them, for the obvious reasons that we see today. Oh yeah, we believe Jesus didn't die, that God replaced him with a fake, and that he's up in heaven, will come down to Earth during the day of judgement. Oh yeah, he'll be after the Jews apparently, so it's hands off for us, we're not allowed to harm them, or anyone, for that matter. I don't know if there's a Zionist conspiracy or not, although I think the Rockefeller family is very fishy, if you have to talk about conspiracy theories. If you ask me, the Jews are scapegoats, pawns in a game.
Yeah, the versions of the bible all differ, but there's only one version of the Quran, as stated above.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion were a FORGERY I hope you know. I can't beleive people can believe such anti-semitic crap with a straight face.
Who mentioned the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, try reading about the Balfour treaty, the Treaty of Versaith, Albert Pike, the Rothchilds and Zionism, Laurence of Arabia
Ah, the Rothschild family (or "Jewish Bankers" in general), another typical target of anti-semitic conspiracy theories.
Joined: 18 Dec 2007
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Am Israel Chai topic
This thread is supposed to be about Israel's birthday, not some anti-Israel/anti-Jewish rant.
What I have read here is not criticism of Israeli policies. It is an excuse to spew hatred.
Back off, bigots.
Radiant Aspergian
Awe-Tistic Whirlwind
Phuture Phounder of the Philosophy Phactory
NOT a believer of Mystic Woo-Woo
israel was created because of the "proof from the bible" or so my teacher tells me...and the British because they didn't want another war against against them so it was either: steal their land or war.
They chose to steal their land.
And so ends the conversation.
I am not anti-jew nor anti-israel.
I JUST WISHED THEY'D TALK TO EACH OTHER!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!
...and create two separate states and form a wall to keep back the extremist pro-israelis and extremist pro-Palestinians...
A question also bothers me: the Palestinians now elected a "terrorist group" and Israel won't negotiate with Hamas (a first for Hamas by the way) but before that why the heck didn't they talke peace? Now everyones saying if Hamas goes Israel will create talks but with the bloodshed the Palestinians have gone through (and lets be honest they have suffered more that Israelis) they are hardly gonna back down because they're too angry.
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One thing I can't figure out. No highfalootin morals here, just pragmatism.
How come the Palestinians haven't tried the approach of Ghandi and Martin Luther King?
Can't help but wonder what would have happened, or what would happen now.
They murdered boys in Mississippi. They shot Medgar in the back.
Did you say that wasn't proper? Did you march out on the track?
You were quiet, just like mice. And now you say that we're not nice.
Well thank you buddy for your advice...
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