EzraS wrote:
Syd wrote:
The biggest driving factor of transmission is human behavior. While I understand the psychological benefit of optimism, it can be dangerous to tell everyone that warm weather will drive away the virus. A certain percentage of the masses will then think, "we'll be safe down south," and pile into their trucks and vans to go road tripping to southern states, or hop on planes to take tropical vacations. Thus spreading the virus and setting us back further.
Even traveling to neighboring towns and cities is being discouraged. Hopefully most people will adhere to that until at least late June when it is actually summer. I have canceled plans to visit certain places.
Not here... Im quite shocked at how casual it is overall. Bevause the media makes me thibk ppl are freaking out.
My city has really diligent and proper people and then Im visiting My brothers here and every plaza was packed nobody cared..
Playgrounds are open and fine here... Rifht by my brothers home there were about 6 ppl and dogs and nobody was worried aboyt police...
even though I heard from ppl that in my city they are closed and u get fined 1000 if you take your kids there .. Many Police cars are patrolling around my city by every public place
The main mask-wearing I saw in my brothers city today...
was myself and a couple of elders ...
And I'm only doing it because I was told to strictly by nursing agency since their employees come to my place daily...
where I live most people in my neighbourhood are Chinese speaking and every one of them is diligent and proper about following the recommendations...maybe too much
but I think since the virus began in China the people in my area (most of my neighbours) were more concerned and took initiative from the beginning.
Maybe it affected their relatives in China more so they felt more anxious. Also lots of ppl cancelled their plans to visit China because of this.
However where my brothers live has more elderly people so I thought they would be more concerned overall.
They are also much wealthier here compared to my neighbourhood...
so I thought they would be ok to pay the exorbitant prices for masks or gloves or be worried about dying at least since they must have TVs at home screeching at them
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill