Emergence of a Deadly Coronavirus
A Fox News Conspiracy—Are Coronavirus Death Numbers Inflated?—Attacked By Fauci, Birx
https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackbrewst ... auci-birx/
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/ ... hony-fauci
Jensen then told Ingraham that under the CDC guidelines, a patient who died after being hit by a bus and tested positive for coronavirus would be listed as having presumed to have died from the virus regardless of whatever damage was caused by the bus.
I came up with the same analogy yesterday based on what I had been hearing about this so far.
EzraS - You're ahead of the curve!
People were getting upset with me basically saying the whole thing was over exaggerated as far as dire predictions made by models and that people who died of other causes were being added to the virus death toll. Plus other bungles like it being concluded that they have been putting people on ventilators when it wasn't necessary. Now I am seeing lots of credible reports confirming my suspicions.
A lot of people are irrational and let their emotional needs cloud their objectivity. <shrug>
Nature of the human beast.
The news today may have helped clarify what seemed like such strange behavior – to be relocating to Hawaii, now. Let’s face it, life will never be the same as it was before. Everything has been upended, including life in big cities, like New York. The charm is gone at the moment.
1. A renowned NY real estate agent has been helping his ultra high end customers escape the city and transplant themselves here in Hawaii. Michael Bolla, who has rich and famous clients, has been quietly moving some of them out of multi million dollar Manhattan homes and into rural Hawaii. One just rented a $20k/month home on Maui.
2. The real estate agent himself wasn’t far behind, and is said to now be getting his Hawaii real estate broker’s license. He said, “you are doing everything you can to help people figure out their lives…. Many of my clients are now in their 60’s and 70’s. They understand that they are not going back to life as usual any time soon.”
3. We do know that coming to Hawaii and using a vacation rental as a launching pad is not enough to be considered an intended resident. There could be another thing happening too. Those who have a second home or condo in Hawaii, perhaps otherwise used as a vacation rental when not occupied, are now coming to Hawaii with the idea of making it their new permanent home. Since they already own property in Hawaii, that would be easy to do.
Starting this Saturday, Kauai will largely put the kabosh on situations similar to the one depicted above. Effective April 11, Kauai vacation rentals are closed for the duration of the current emergency. That includes Airbnb and home stays too. Kauai Mayor Derek Kawakami said yesterday that they “must cease all operations.” There is one exception, however, and that allows those currently in a vacation rental to complete the stay they paid for. While Kauai started this policy, we may see it implemented soon on the other islands too.
Source: Next Wave of Intended Hawaii Residents Fleeing Big Cities
You kind of wonder how many of them are carrying along the infection with them. We might see a rise in the infection rate in Hawaii soon!

https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackbrewst ... auci-birx/
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/ ... hony-fauci
I mean, come on folks. You cannot have your cake and eat it, too.
Mass burial captured by drone in New York City as morgues pushed to limit
See, you cannot wish for "herd immunity" (that means to let the virus propagate freely, infecting everybody, theoretically good for the economy), and at the same time wish for low number of deaths. The two wishes are just not compatible.
It is well-known and well-established that there are excess deaths. Not just from people officially labeled as dead from COVID-19, but just from people dying at home. The scary thing is, from some towns in Italy, we know the number of deaths is about 4.5 time higher than last year. New York City's burial activity for people that have no relatives or cannot afford a funeral is also up by a factor 5. There is no point in minimizing the impact of COVID-19. It is simply A LOT deadlier than seasonal flu. In my calculation, it's about 4 times as deadly.
I just don't know why some people have this fantasy that somehow a miracle can happen, that if they don't impose any isolation measures, miraculously the death rate will go down by itself. See, Sweden has that fantastic dream as well. Guess what has happened in the last five days? Oops, both the number of cases and the number of deaths are climbing. The doubling period for the number of deaths went from 5.6 days down to 4.0 days. Anything below 5.0 and people will start to feel the pain. Anything below 4.0 means unsustainable, alarming situation. Sweden is entering that territory. So much for their fantastic dream. See, it's not like you have a choice. The reality on the ground forces every single government to change their attitude. It's all very simple: you cannot have your pie and eat it, too.
"Going forward, for example, grocery stores must post signage that instructs customers to do such things as wear a face mask and to shop quickly
Coronavirus was detected in Massachusetts sewage at higher levels than expected, suggesting there are many more undiagnosed patients than previously known, according to a new study.
Oh so now it's in sewage? Marvellous.

I had two sewage floods in my house in March, and I developed pneumonia.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.
Pakistan gets Chinese underwear as N95 masks
In a rather hilarious and an uncanny incident, China, the now 'fair-weathered' friend of Pakistan, had promised 'top quality' medical aid to Pakistan for fighting the deadly coronavirus infection has ended up sending N95 masks made out of underwear. China actually duped Pakistan as its 'top quality' aid failed to be of any help for Pakistan.
Reporting the news, the anchor of the Pakistani news channel said, "China ne chuna laga diya," which in English means China actually conned us (Pakistan).
This also pointed at the lackadaisical approach of the Pakistani Government as these masks were sent to the hospitals without checking the consignment that came in from China. Pakistan's friend China had promised to send top-quality N-95 masks to the country affected by Coronavirus.
In a Tweet posted by Maj (Retd) Gaurav Arya, it is stated that China sent N95 masks made out of underwear. This was reported by the Pakistan media.
"China promised to send top quality N-95 masks to Pakistan. When the consignment landed, Pakistanis found that China had sent masks made of underwear."
https://www.ibtimes.co.in/pakistan-gets ... sks-816723
There Are Four Lights!
https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackbrewst ... auci-birx/
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/ ... hony-fauci
I mean, come on folks. You cannot have your cake and eat it, too.
Mass burial captured by drone in New York City as morgues pushed to limit
See, you cannot wish for "herd immunity" (that means to let the virus propagate freely, infecting everybody, theoretically good for the economy), and at the same time wish for low number of deaths. The two wishes are just not compatible.
It is well-known and well-established that there are excess deaths. Not just from people officially labeled as dead from COVID-19, but just from people dying at home. The scary thing is, from some towns in Italy, we know the number of deaths is about 4.5 time higher than last year. New York City's burial activity for people that have no relatives or cannot afford a funeral is also up by a factor 5. There is no point in minimizing the impact of COVID-19. It is simply A LOT deadlier than seasonal flu. In my calculation, it's about 4 times as deadly.
I just don't know why some people have this fantasy that somehow a miracle can happen, that if they don't impose any isolation measures, miraculously the death rate will go down by itself. See, Sweden has that fantastic dream as well. Guess what has happened in the last five days? Oops, both the number of cases and the number of deaths are climbing. The doubling period for the number of deaths went from 5.6 days down to 4.0 days. Anything below 5.0 and people will start to feel the pain. Anything below 4.0 means unsustainable, alarming situation. Sweden is entering that territory. So much for their fantastic dream. See, it's not like you have a choice. The reality on the ground forces every single government to change their attitude. It's all very simple: you cannot have your pie and eat it, too.
So far how things have been handled and reported by agencies is becoming highly questionable based on reliable sources. Basically it comes down to making things look worse than they are. Over exaggerated model predictions, deaths being misattributed to covid19, the seriousness of cases being over exaggerated and patients being put on ventilators when it wasn't necessary. The list keeps getting bigger. Approximately 7,500 people normally die each day in America. That's up to 53,000 deaths per week. Now we know what is done with some of those thousands.
suspicious of this corona virus being gene sequenced in a lab .......too many variables ,
novel virus means its novel ( not seen before) as in new. What part of new , does a person not understand . just thinking outside the box .
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
novel virus means its novel ( not seen before) as in new. What part of new , does a person not understand . just thinking outside the box .
That would explain cover ups, mass panic and extreme measures.
One of the main drivers in the spread of the coronavirus is person-to-person density.
Consider two large megacities in the U.S. Those are Los Angeles and New York City. At the present time Los Angeles has minimal infections and the curve is flat. On the other hand New York City has a great number of infections and deaths.
I lived in Los Angeles, California. The metropolitan area of Los Angeles stretches from the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica on the west side to San Bernardino on the east side, a distance of approximately 80 miles. It stretches from the San Fernando Valley on the north side to Mission Viejo on the south side, a distance of around 80 miles. It is a gigantic maze of continuous houses tied together by hundreds of thousands of streets. The population in the greater Los Angeles area is 18.79 million people. In general because of the threat of earthquakes, most building in the city have few stories. As a result there are very few elevators. The city is spread out and the basic means of transportation is the automobile.
New York City on the other hand is a vertical city with many tall buildings. The population in the greater New York metropolitan area is 20.1 million people. They have many tall buildings with crowded elevators. The basic mode of transportation is crowded mass transit - subway, trains, buses.
Los Angeles county has 241 coronavirus deaths so far, whereas New York has 5,820 deaths. Why such a disparity in the number of deaths. From my perspective it is due to person-to-person density. The difference between a horizontal vs. vertical city. The reliance on mass transit. The number of elevators (There are 84,000 elevators in New York but only 20,974 in Los Angeles. New York City is home to over 7,000 completed high-rise buildings of at least 115 feet whereas Los Angeles has over 754 high-rise buildings over 100 feet.)
When people are compacted close together such as on cruise ships, military ships, nursing homes, dormitories, aircraft, buses, subways, trains, sporting events, theaters, stadiums, classrooms, etc. the spread of coronavirus is accelerated.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspec ... ther-warms
The article you cited states:
An early Chinese study suggesting that, for every 1°C rise in temperature, daily coronavirus cases decreased by 36% to 57% when relative humidity was 67% to 85.5% and that, for every 1% increase in relative humidity, daily cases decreased by 11% to 22% when the average temperature was about 5°C to 8.2°C (41°F to 47°F). "But these findings were not consistent across mainland China," they said.
Another Chinese study found that rising temperatures and humidity can slow coronavirus reproduction but identified an R0 of nearly 2, suggesting that it is still highly contagious under these conditions. (The R0 [R-naught] is a reflection of how many people each infected person will infect.)
It is interesting that R0 may be closer to 6 (extremely contagious), so bringing it down to 2 is a major reduction on the infection rate.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
Consider two large megacities in the U.S. Those are Los Angeles and New York City. At the present time Los Angeles has minimal infections and the curve is flat. On the other hand New York City has a great number of infections and deaths.
I lived in Los Angeles, California. The metropolitan area of Los Angeles stretches from the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica on the west side to San Bernardino on the east side, a distance of approximately 80 miles. It stretches from the San Fernando Valley on the north side to Mission Viejo on the south side, a distance of around 80 miles. It is a gigantic maze of continuous houses tied together by hundreds of thousands of streets. The population in the greater Los Angeles area is 18.79 million people. In general because of the threat of earthquakes, most building in the city have few stories. As a result there are very few elevators. The city is spread out and the basic means of transportation is the automobile.
New York City on the other hand is a vertical city with many tall buildings. The population in the greater New York metropolitan area is 20.1 million people. They have many tall buildings with crowded elevators. The basic mode of transportation is crowded mass transit - subway, trains, buses.
Los Angeles county has 241 coronavirus deaths so far, whereas New York has 5,820 deaths. Why such a disparity in the number of deaths. From my perspective it is due to person-to-person density. The difference between a horizontal vs. vertical city. The reliance on mass transit. The number of elevators (There are 84,000 elevators in New York but only 20,974 in Los Angeles. New York City is home to over 7,000 completed high-rise buildings of at least 115 feet whereas Los Angeles has over 754 high-rise buildings over 100 feet.)
When people are compacted close together such as on cruise ships, military ships, nursing homes, dormitories, aircraft, buses, subways, trains, sporting events, theaters, stadiums, classrooms, etc. the spread of coronavirus is accelerated.
That is very sound reasoning. Although the question still remains of, how many of those coronavirus deaths were actually caused by the coronavirus.
This is interesting!
Countries that do not have a BCG vaccination policy saw ten times greater incidence of and mortality from Covid-19, compared with those who do, a forthcoming study from medical researchers in the US and UK, which analysed data from 178 countries, has found.
BCG, or Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, is a vaccine for tuberculosis and is administered at birth in countries that have historically suffered from the disease, such as India. Many rich nations, such as the US, Italy and Holland, have never had a universal BCG vaccination policy.
The study looked at Covid-19 instances and mortality for 15 days between 9 and 24 March in 178 countries and concluded that “incidence of Covid-19 was 38.4 per million in countries with BCG vaccination compared to 358.4 per million in the absence of such a program. The death rate was 4.28/million in countries with BCG programs compared to 40/million in countries without such a program.” Out of the 178 countries studied, 21 had no vaccination program, while the status was unclear in 26 countries. The latter group was treated as not having a policy for the purpose of this study.
“While we expected to see a protective effect of BCG, the magnitude of the difference (almost 10 fold) in incidence and mortality (of Covid-19) between countries with and without a BCG vaccination program was pleasantly surprising,” said Dr Ashish Kamat, a co-author of the paper and professor of Urologic Oncology (Surgery) and cancer research at MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas.
In recent weeks, BCG has emerged as a candidate vaccine for Covid-19, and a 4,000-person clinical trial to test its efficacy against the disease is currently underway in Australia. . But what that means for populations that were inoculated with BCG vaccine in their childhood is not yet clear as SARS-CoV-2 continues to spread around the world, having now infected more than a million people.
“There exists a plethora of evidence from well conducted studies in prestigious peer reviewed journals, as well as through randomized control trials about the effectiveness of BCG vaccine, to confer protective immunity against viral infection,” Dr Kamat said, speaking with ET on the phone from the US.
The question of whether populations that have received BCG vaccination are more resistant to Covid-19 is a critical one as countries put in place lockdowns and economies grind to a halt, hitting people at the economic margins hard, especially in countries such as India. Every day of the ongoing lockdown will cost the Indian economy $4.64 billion, Acuité Research said in a report. But having witnessed the morbid dance of the disease in countries such as Italy, where more than 13,000 people have died, governments are disinclined to take a chance.
“Countries with national program of whole-population BCG vaccination appear to have a lower incidence and death rate from Covid-19. This may be due to the known immunological benefits of BCG vaccination. In the absence of a specific vaccination against Covid-19, population-based BCG vaccination may have a role in reducing the impact of this disease,” says the paper, currently available on ResearchGate, a portal where scientists share studies, and is being reviewed for publication by multiple scientific journals. It’s co-authored by Paul Hegarty and Helen Zafirakis of the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland and Andrew DiNardo at the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas.
Dr Kamat says his institution is now also embarking on its own clinical trial by vaccinating healthcare workers. “We are commencing a study in the near future, initially planned for about 1,000 healthcare workers, but with plans to rapidly expand to multiple sites as the demand increases. We will vaccinate healthcare workers at highest risk first, such as those who work in emergency centers, ICUs and watch for how protective the vaccine proves. Clearly the data will be monitored and will be done under the auspices of regulatory bodies including the FDA.” He added that talks are on with institutions in India to take part in the study.
BCG vaccine is used in early stage immunotherapy in bladder cancer and Dr Kamat is a top authority in that field. He is also the president of the International Bladder Cancer Group.
The study says while there might be confounding factors in the correlation, the trend is striking. “We recognize that these data are observational and based on a single time-point and that there may be several confounding issues such as limited testing and reporting in many countries. However as these data are derived from 178 countries, the trend is striking and supports the mechanistic data that exists for BCG as a protective agent not only for viral and other infections but also against cancer.”
But childhood inoculation doesn’t necessarily mean life-long immunity. “But a PPD (purified protein derivative) test can indicate whether or not a person still has BCG-induced immunity or needs to be revaccinated. This could be used to selectively revaccinate high-risk groups or to decide who among the population might be safer against SARS-CoV-2 and could potentially go back into the workforce, for instance,” Dr Kamat said, adding that any policy decision relating to Covid-19 should wait for what the clinical trials say.
Earlier this week, a study from the New York Institute of Technology also noted that countries with a universal vaccination policy, such as Japan and Brazil, seemed to be impacted less by Covid-19 compared with those that did not, such as Italy, US and The Netherlands.
The results from clinical trials involving BCG vaccination for Covid-19 will be closely watched. “Indians have always been at the forefront of advances in medicine; here it is ironic that one of our oldest immunotherapies (BCG, used in India for decades) might help against the newest threat facing our civilization,” Dr Kamat said.
Source: BCG vaccination policies make a ten times difference in Covid-19 incidence, mortality: New study
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."