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11 Apr 2020, 9:20 am

eikonabridge wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
They almost certainly have death statistics for previous years.

Yearly is publicly available. Monthly or daily are probably harder to find.

Are you going to explain why you bully me so much?


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11 Apr 2020, 9:23 am

eikonabridge wrote:

See, where I live, the elementary schools expanded their STEM program to be STREAM program: Science, Technology, RESEARCH, Engineering, ARTS, and Math. RESEARCH and ARTS skills are considered essential for modern-age children. Kids are learning to do research already from 1st grade onward. (Typing is already taught in kindergarten.

Sadly, critical thinking with research abilities are not often taught to students in the US. I see this a lot when I teach senior level chemistry labs at the college level. In one of my courses, I require groups of students to find a chemical research topic that can be done in the lab in under two months. They even have a list of more than 20 topics that are already set up for them to do. Yet, this is like pulling teeth for some students. They simply do not know how to look something up and think for themselves. If they were grade school level, I would expect that. But, these are students about to graduate from the university and often head on to medical school, pharmacy school or grad school. I have had some of them complain that I “make them think too hard” for my course.

Yes, that above is the bane of my existence as a teacher. I told them to be successful in their future careers that they must be adaptable to changes in the world, as it waits for no one. They must learn to think for themselves or they will at best be treading water the rest of their working lives. To be able to solve the paradox of this virus will require thinking that is way outside of the norm. The solution will not be found by those who do the bare minimum of thinking about it and complaining that it is too hard to do.


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11 Apr 2020, 9:29 am

A lot of intelligent members of WP have said that I am a critical thinker over the years. Especially for my age.


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11 Apr 2020, 9:39 am

The thing that I don't understand is there were people saying there might be different (mutated?) versions and you might catch it again. Even though the other article shared stated that China n Korea saying that was just from releasing patients sooner than they had actually recovered and them having to be re-hospitalized was not indicative that they had caught it AGAIN necessarily.

My brother said that he read of a Chinese nurse who recovered (and only had mild symptoms) but then got it again and died.

Also not to put too fine a point on it but this is a website for people who ostensibly have ASD diagnosed or undiagnosed. ASD also can overlap with other things.

Also it affects ppl differently not just neurologically with the diff. genetic markers that are linked to it...

but circumstances differ.

This forum is a way to interact all types of ways...casually..or however the person wants
..not just as though one is writing their thesis and chatting with fellow, equally adept PhD's.

It takes all sorts to have a forum. JimmyM reminded me of this recently in a gentler way
The elementary school comment was mean and condescending....

I wouldn't assume someone asking for stats is doing it because they think the world revolves around them but as part of a conversation. Conversations can have a lot of repetition and tediousness for some if people aren't thinking along the same lines.

When I was young...
my brother mistakenly assumed my own repetitiveness & cross-questioning to make sure of various things (during a stressful time) was coming from a passive aggressive place of entitlement.

And he went ballistic beating me with a bat while another brother said yeah she deserves it and egged him on.
That happened quite a few times ....and the last time before calling the cops, I even said to them....why would I WANT to intentionally aggravate you knowing how you reacted before?? We just don't think the same so you are reading something else into it.

This reminds me of that.. misinterpretation of intent

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11 Apr 2020, 9:48 am

eikonabridge wrote:
Do you think the world revolves around Ezra?

I always find it funny that the people least capable of doing research, are the ones demanding "evidences." You have a pair of hands. You can do Google yourself.

I was talking to kraftiekortie who knows how to treat people properly. A quality you seem to be lacking in. Asking questions, even questions I already know the answer to, is my method of gauging where a person is at regarding a certain subject.

eikonabridge wrote:
See, where I live, the elementary schools expanded their STEM program to be STREAM program: Science, Technology, RESEARCH, Engineering, ARTS, and Math. RESEARCH and ARTS skills are considered essential for modern-age children. Kids are learning to do research already from 1st grade onward. (Typing is already taught in kindergarten.)

How many of those young kids were diagnosed as level 3 severely autistic like I was?


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11 Apr 2020, 9:54 am

EzraS wrote:
eikonabridge wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Where do I find the statistics?

Do you think the world revolves around Ezra

Why are you such a dick towards me? Do you consider me more easily kicked to the curb than the others? You are not a nice person at all in my experience. Those stick figure kids in your avatar should be crying.

Nahh, my children are happy and smiling every day. I am teaching them to multiply large numbers in their head. See, when I was in college, I had a professor in Linear Algebra, he was able to multiply numbers to 5-digit precision just by staring at them. He taught us to how to invert a matrix by using the Gaussian Elimination method. He inverted a 4-by-4 matrix (5 signficant digits on the input) on the blackboard, in front of the class, to 5 significant digits on the output. This guy never needed a calculator. It was like watching a magic show. He later on got a PhD in statistics from Stanford, and another PhD in economics from MIT. He now runs a research think tank, with money from people like George Soros. I also had a classmate in college, he remembered everybody's phone number after being told just once. He wrote computer programs in assembly code directly in hexadecimals and calculated all the memory offsets in his head. I am nowhere close to those people's abilities. But I have been lucky to get to know them. And that is what I tell myself every day: I have been lucky to have my children.

Regarding bullying. I have posted these two videos many times.

Both people were talking about the same person: Richard Feynman. One was all excited and happy. The other one was bitter and resentful. Do you see where the problem is? Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady, once said: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Gell-Mann gave his consent. Susskind did not, and made a great friend out of Feynman. It's actually not about who is smarter, but about self-esteem and confidence. No one is expected to be good at everything. But anyone can have self-esteem and confidence about themselves, and not be affected by other people's opinion about them. I have been called all kinds of names, I am still here, right?

Jason Lu


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11 Apr 2020, 9:56 am

eikonabridge wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Where do I find the statistics?

Do you think the world revolves around Ezra?

I always find it funny that the people least capable of doing research, are the ones demanding "evidences." You have a pair of hands. You can do Google yourself.

See, where I live, the elementary schools expanded their STEM program to be STREAM program: Science, Technology, RESEARCH, Engineering, ARTS, and Math. RESEARCH and ARTS skills are considered essential for modern-age children. Kids are learning to do research already from 1st grade onward. (Typing is already taught in kindergarten.)

At what age do they teach manners?

Please stop harassing Ezra with personal attacks.

I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.


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11 Apr 2020, 9:59 am

eikonabridge wrote:
EzraS wrote:
eikonabridge wrote:
EzraS wrote:
Where do I find the statistics?

Do you think the world revolves around Ezra

Why are you such a dick towards me? Do you consider me more easily kicked to the curb than the others? You are not a nice person at all in my experience. Those stick figure kids in your avatar should be crying.

Nahh, my children are happy and smiling every day. I am teaching them to multiply large numbers in their head. See, when I was in college, I had a professor in Linear Algebra, he was able to multiply numbers to 5-digit precision just by staring at them. He taught us to how to invert a matrix by using the Gaussian Elimination method. He inverted a 4-by-4 matrix (5 signficant digits on the input) on the blackboard, in front of the class, to 5 significant digits on the output. This guy never needed a calculator. It was like watching a magic show. He later on got a PhD in statistics from Stanford, and another PhD in economics from MIT. He now runs a research think tank, with money from people like George Soros. I also had a classmate in college, he remembered everybody's phone number after being told just once. He wrote computer programs in assembly code directly in hexadecimals and calculated all the memory offsets in his head. I am nowhere close to those people's abilities. But I have been lucky to get to know them. And that is what I tell myself every day: I have been lucky to have my children.

Regarding bullying. I have posted these two videos many times.

Both people were talking about the same person: Richard Feynman. One was all excited and happy. The other one was bitter and resentful. Do you see where the problem is? Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady, once said: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Gell-Mann gave his consent. Susskind did not, and made a great friend out of Feynman. It's actually not about who is smarter, but about self-esteem and confidence. No one is expected to be good at everything. But anyone can have self-esteem and confidence about themselves, and not be affected by other people's opinion about them. I have been called all kinds of names, I am still here, right?

Were your children diagnosed level 3 severely autistic like I was?

You seem to be focusing on how people are supposed to deal with bullies.

You should instead focus on why you act like a bully.

Sorry for the derail folks.


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11 Apr 2020, 10:14 am

In a direct confrontation, the onus for attitude change is not on the person who was mistreated.
If someone has the guts to say how you made them feel and lets you know it was a mistake on your part, you owe it to them to apologize.

But it's true the world is overall more about beating each other down and seeing who can take it.

Which isn't actually moral ...since not everyone is on equal footing nor would the more arrogant tolerate it were it done to them. People do retaliate at times by gaslighting, to avoid acknowledging to themselves, a weakness in character that could be modified easily.

And then we contribute to the trend of submitting to the deterioration of basic decency.

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jimmy m

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11 Apr 2020, 10:15 am

EzraS wrote:
A lot of intelligent members of WP have said that I am a critical thinker over the years. Especially for my age.

You are a critical thinker. Just brush it off!

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."

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11 Apr 2020, 10:48 am

I was thinking about the relationship between mass transit and the number of Coronavirus deaths. So I assembled a very rough table:

Area.......................Mass Transit Ridership........Number Cumulative Coronavirus Deaths
........................................(Annual 2019)...............................(to date)
New York City................2,274,960,100....................................5,633
San Francisco...................123,510,000.......................................13
Los Angeles.......................41,775,100.......................................241

There was one anomaly, Washington D.C. with 237,701,100 mass transit ridership (annual) and only 38 deaths. But I suspect this is due to the fact that many people riding D.C.'s mass transit commute to other states.

Wikipedia: Washington, D.C. has the second highest percentage of public transit commuters in the United States, behind only New York City. Commuters have a major influence on travel patterns in Washington, D.C. 671,678 people are employed in Washington, D.C., with only 28% commuting from within the city. 18.7% of people working in Washington, D.C. commute from Prince George's County, Maryland and 14.8% from Montgomery County, Maryland. 13.2% come from Fairfax County, Virginia, 6% from Arlington County, Virginia, and 3.5% from Alexandria, Virginia. Smaller numbers of commuters come from the outer suburbs, including 2.4% from Anne Arundel County, Maryland, and 2.3% from Prince William County, Virginia, 1.6% from Charles County, Maryland, 1.3% from Howard County, Maryland, and 1% from Loudoun County, Virginia. Of the 260,000 Washington, D.C. residents that were employed as of 2000, 24% commute to jobs in Montgomery, Prince George's, Fairfax, and Arlington Counties, as well as Alexandria. Of those that work in Washington, D.C., 44.8% drive alone to work, 21.2% take Metro, 14.4% carpool/slug, 8.8% use Metrobus, 4.5% walk to work, 2.7% travel by commuter rail, and 0.6% ride their bicycle to work. Of the households in Washington, D.C., 35.4% do not own a car.

So I imagine if you integrated in other variables such as number of international airports, cruise ship hubs, area population, you might find an interesting trend.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."

Last edited by jimmy m on 11 Apr 2020, 11:27 am, edited 2 times in total.


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11 Apr 2020, 10:53 am

jimmy m wrote:
EzraS wrote:
A lot of intelligent members of WP have said that I am a critical thinker over the years. Especially for my age.

You are a critical thinker. Just brush it off!

Based on his writings, I use to think Ezra was a middle age person and left in a young age as default.

I think he is gifted and (hopefully) goes to college and gets into an intellectual endeavor.

Then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on, and you cast your fears aside, and you know you can survive.

Be the hero of your life.


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11 Apr 2020, 10:56 am

Not that it matters....but NYC has “only” about 5,500 deaths. The 7,800 figure is for the entire State of New York.

The 607 figure is probably for the entire state of Illinois, though Chicago probably has most of these deaths.


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11 Apr 2020, 10:57 am

I'm not as familiar with those other cities mass transit systems. But there have been numerous times I have seen New York subways in film, TV shows and documentaries. And the subway stations and trains are ways jam packed.


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11 Apr 2020, 11:02 am

I noticed that San Francisco has relatively high ridership, but a relatively low amount of deaths.

It’s because California did an excellent job of containment.

BART, in San Francisco, is a substantial system. DC’s is really not all that substantial.

LA’s system is minuscule....but the death rate is relatively high. About half the deaths of whole state of California.....and close to that of Chicago.

Last edited by kraftiekortie on 11 Apr 2020, 11:07 am, edited 2 times in total.

jimmy m

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11 Apr 2020, 11:03 am

EzraS wrote:
I'm not as familiar with those other cities mass transit systems. But there have been numerous times I have seen New York subways in film, TV shows and documentaries. And the subway stations and trains are ways jam packed.

And when you pack people in like sardines in a can you create the ideal environment for a major pandemic.

Mass transit is showing one major drawback in the modern world.

They need to redesign mass transit to minimize exposure. Ventilation systems within the cars that cycle air through UVC sanitizers. Screening system for passengers.

Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."