kraftiekortie wrote:
This is the best I can do.
The first number is "patient had underlying conditions"
The second number is "patient had no underlying conditions.
The third number is "underlying conditions unknown."
The fourth number is "total number of deaths."
For the 0-17 age group, for example, there were 3 deaths among people with underlying conditions. Zero deaths among people with no underlying conditions. Zero deaths where "underlying conditions are under investigation." For a total of 3 deaths. It shows up here as "3 0 0 3."
The total number of deaths as of 12:30 PM April 11th:
Underlying conditions: 4276
No underlying conditions: 110
Underlying conditions unk: 1077
Total: 5463
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Daily Data Summary
The data in this report reflect events and activities as of April 11, 2020 at 9:00 AM.
All data in this report are preliminary and subject to change as cases continue to be investigated. These data include cases in NYC residents and foreign residents treated in NYC facilities.
NYC COVID-19 Deaths
Underlying Conditions1
No Underlying Conditions
Underlying Conditions Unknown
Age Group - 0 to 17 3 0 0 3 - 18 to 44 208 23 33 264 - 45 to 64 1103 48 147 1298 - 65 to 74 1079 18 251 1348 - 75 and over 1883 21 646 2550 Sex - Female 1545 24 421 1990 - Male 2539 82 636 3257 - Unknown 192 4 20 216 Borough - Bronx 1165 11 94 1270 - Brooklyn 1090 42 379 1511 - Manhattan 450 14 166 630 - Queens 1354 40 368 1762 - Staten Island 216 3 70 289 - Unknown 1 0 0 1 Total 4276 110 1077 5463
1Underlying illnesses include Diabetes, Lung Disease, Cancer, Immunodeficiency, Heart Disease, Hypertension, Asthma, Kidney
What I was interested in is something that gives the total number of New Your citizens who died in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 etc. Not Covid info. There is mountains of Covid info.
I can easily see that 8,627 New Yonkers are reported to have died from Covid19.
The question is how many New Yonkers died in 2018 and other pre-covid years.
It should be a simple figure like there were 43,000 deaths in New York in 2018.