kraftiekortie wrote:
In general, reinfection is considered to be rare.
People who are recovered are being asked to donate blood and plasma.
The antibodies test will address this issue. This will prove that a person has recovered, and has not been reinfected.
I wonder whether Sophie Gregoire Trudeau donated after she had recovered''''
My cousin who is a doctor told me the initiative to use plasma treatment fr Covid19 was being practiced in their country before most first world countries. I cannot find a aource for that so I guess she is speaking from experience?? I guess she is proud of how a third world country is handling things.
Imran Khan gathered a team of young volunteers called the Corona Tiger Force in the hundreds of thousands... to do all the stuff like distribute equipment food etc..
People created drive thru testing facilities in the major cities from donations purely
My dad said everything they are doing is mainly from people donating.
I think it's crucial in every country for richer ppl to donate to efforts if Govt doesnt have enough
My sister's sister in law who is in her 20s became disabled and paralyzed from a drunk driver a while ago ... I wonder whether she gets any supports now or if everything has been diverted to this and it is just up to family to do it?
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill