Emergence of a Deadly Coronavirus
I’m expecting a sad phone call any day.

She never went out, but did have a physical therapist that came over.We think that’s how she caught it.
Sending prayers that she recovers in good time. Try not to fear the worst. I have a fever, cough and shortness of breath but it's not COVID and I'm taking antibiotics. I hope they can treat her quickly and with the care she deserves.
Sorry I didn't see this earlier, ML.
Thank you.I hope so also.She has already went through so much.
I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi
Maybe a good figure of mortality rate for COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic might be approximated by the results from Indianapolis, Indiana.
Indianapolis currently has 2887 confirmed cases. It seemed a little large to me. It turns out that one of the reasons why it is so large is because the city has large pharmaceutical company called Eli Lilly and Company. They have been providing extensive testing for coronavirus. 14,787 coronavirus test have been performed so far.
On 1 April they expanded drive thru testing. [Previously, they were offering testing to eligible health care workers and first responders. Now, they’re expanding testing to workers in businesses deemed essential by the state who have regular public contact as part of their job and to people in the community showing symptoms who are vulnerable to complications. That includes people who are showing symptoms and are 65 or over. Those under 65 with symptoms and serious underlying illnesses or serious medical conditions are also eligible for the expanded testing.]
So far Indianapolis has 123 deaths. That would produce a mortality rate of 4.3%. But then there are those individuals that don't show any symptoms, asymptomatic carriers. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Robert Redfield told NPR last week that as many as 25% of people who are infected may never develop symptoms. On 7 April, Eli Lilly began a study of 3000 individuals to measure the percentage of asymptomatic carriers in the population.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."

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Most of the time, only people with serious illness, famous persons, healthcare people, and others deemed essential get tested.
The US testing rate is still less than 1%.
How was your test?
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
Nurse told me her company only gave them all 2 masks each for protection since it began. She has been getting masks by buying 2 for 65 dollars and a couple times clients gave her.
She told me she complained to her manager and the manager said,its not up to me,the govt only gave us thIs much.
She said I said to her, 'But u are a big company. You make a lot of profit. How come you are not providing PPE?
The govt is giving extra to all organizations like this fr PPE. Why are u asking us nurses to go buy more PPE?'
This nurse is one of the softest spoken kindest nicest mosr polite people so the way she said it was in a questioning surprised way. If it were me I would be fuming.
She went to a pharmacy where her friend told her they had
gloves n masks in stock that day...
she told me within 20 minutes their stock was all gone.
Then she told me the nursing home down the road... Every single person has confirmed cobid19. The wound care nurse (who comes to my homw Thursdays( told her so. As she visits them too.
I didnt know sge visited them.
I was thinking to forbid that other nursw frm coming her anymore...
as her service is not essential (i havr all the supplies n knowhow she can just see pictutes of His G tube site by my sensing them on Whatsapp)
We as families of nurses n psws coming n going are never told whether the other regular clients have it... N if agency is not providing Adequate PPE hpw can i trust that they r not bringing it to my kid?? The wound care nurse is truly unnecessary.
Then I told her i called Participation House ro ask them where I can drop off my donations and nobody answered and still havent called me bavk though i left messages.
She said that place has many many managers but no management. Which is true--when I called it gave me this loooong list of extensions of managers.
And though they get $$ from government for PPE thet certainly didnt use it
Now they r facing a lawsuit bcuz all these disabled adults are without care ...
because of their mismanagement. Imagine u have corona virus ...
And cannot eat ..you cannot change urself..etc already
N the staff have walked out on u because they werent provided masks n gloves
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill
I moved this here if that is alright because I did not want to bog down a humor thread with my pessimism.
I don't think flat curves are going to help any because next it will be keeping it flat. Nobody is going to want to chance it getting worse again, so I think lockdowns are going to go on of a very long time. Way past June probably. I'm not fighting the idea any longer. Just lamenting the probable reality.
I'm paranoid after hearing about that wound care nurse coming and going from places that have confirmed cases and coming to my home. At least she had stuff on but there is a PSW who has nno PPE who hugs my kids etc and she probably works there too...
I have spoken to this manager and met her many times--she is a right passive-aggressive snob...Just like my X mother in law.
anyway she was very passive aggressive in a call to me a few weeks ago suggesting that families might have it and pass it onto staff by going out and about without protection
i told her i have 2 Boxes of gloves in my car i wear and discard gloves for every little thing
spray disinffectant every where includingg groceries..
mop and clean everything
masks AND stuff to cover my face made of thick woven fabric...
They act like it's always the families/clients who spread it ...
but they don't stop nurses and PSWs who work in homes with confirmed cases, from coming to other homes for hours. and dont inform clients.
AND they expect Nurses and PSWs to purchase their own PPE when it's already tough for individuals to find any in stock
AND they get EXTRA Govt money for this, as well as their own profits to be purchase it themselves.
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill
My brother who is plugged into the medical system in south California says that the general consensus is that restrictions will BEGIN to be lifted in about four weeks, followed by more lifting of restrictions as long as things are going well. Of course, if the number of cases zoom up again, the restrictions would come be imposed again.
The river is the melody
And sky is the refrain - Gordon Lightfoot
Last I heard they were saying May 7th for a slight beginning for Washington State, but I expect that to get bumped to June and so on.
it might be psychosomatic --but ever since the nurse told me about that retirement home and wound care nurse ...
my cough returned (after being gone 2.5 days) my ear is ringing and I got a headache. in fact it came on the second she told me. I went to the other room and couldn't stop coughing.
if it's all in my head, wow. our brains are really something.
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill
The experimental coronavirus treatment leronlimab has shown a “very promising” response in COVID-19 patients with mild-to-moderate symptoms, according to developer CytoDyn.
Leronlimab is a viral-entry inhibitor that targets HIV and breast cancer. The drug has also been attracting attention as a potential coronavirus treatment. In a statement released Monday CytoDyn gave an update on over 30 patients COVID-19 patients recently treated with leronlimab in more than 4 hospitals and clinics across the U.S. Patients have received leronlimab as part of Emergency Investigational New Drug (EINDs) treatments authorized by the FDA and two CytoDyn clinical trials.
“More than 25 patients have been administered leronlimab under EINDs authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA),” the biotech explained. “Rate of response in mild-to-moderate patients under EIND has been very promising with the first five patients treated being removed from oxygen.”
Leronlimab is one of a number of drugs in the spotlight as the world scrambles to contain the coronavirus pandemic. Experts, however, have warned that people should not take drugs unless prescribed by a doctor.
CytoDyn CEO Nader Pourhassan said that the company is working to ramp up its research into leronlimab as a potential coronavirus treatment. “We continue to coordinate around the clock with healthcare professionals across the country to deliver leronlimab to patients and we are in regular contact with the FDA to ensure they receive current patient data,” he said, in the statement. “We are planning to rapidly enroll 75 patients and report the results to the FDA as quickly as possible.”
The Vancouver, Washington-based company said that, as of last week, 12 patients have been treated in a Phase 2 trial for mild-to-moderate COVID-19 indications. However, results are not yet available. The first site cleared to enroll patients in a Phase 2b/3 trial starts Monday, according to the biotech.
More than 25 hospitals have requested to participate in the company’s trials.
The FDA had already granted CytoDyn a “fast-track” designation for two potential uses of leronlimab – as a combination therapy with other medications for HIV patients and for patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer. Leronlimab blocks CCR5 (C-C motif chemokine receptor 5), a cellular receptor important in HIV infection, tumor metastases, and other diseases, according to CytoDyn. “Leronlimab has completed nine clinical trials in over 800 people, including meeting its primary endpoints in a pivotal Phase 3 trial (leronlimab in combination with standard antiretroviral therapies in HIV-infected treatment-experienced patients),” explained CytoDyn, in the statement.
Source: Experimental coronavirus treatment leronlimab shows 'very promising' response in some COVID-19 patients
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
https://www.cp24.com/news/former-cabine ... -1.4892902
She said that some nurses, for example, have been working upwards of 40 hours at a time with a six-hour break to sleep in between stints. Others, she said, are even sleeping in the physiotherapy room at the facility to ensure they remain close should they be needed.
“The morale is terrible because people feel like no one is coming,” she said. “I am not suggesting that people aren’t working behind the scene but to date we haven’t seen anything materialize in terms of on the ground support.”
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill