jimmy m wrote:
Magna wrote:
But numerous scientists have said that the virus is "zoogenic" (ie natural origin).
That is just a theory. China has restricted scientist from investigating the cause. The main problem is that this zoogenic origin theory is related to a specific type of bat called a horseshoe bats.

This type of bat is not located near Wuhan nor is this type of bat sold in the wet market. But it is used in both Chinese virology labs near Wuhan. One of these labs is almost adjacent to the wet market that is blamed for the initial infection.
This thread has been going on for a long time and there are several discussions scattered throughout that explore the possibility that the virus originated in the lab from experimentation on horseshoe bats and then was accidentally released to the general population. Since this virus is known for a high number of asymptomatic infections (people who show no symptoms), it is even possible that the initial spreader may have not even exhibited symptoms.
<humorous mode activated>
I was TOTALLY convinced the coronavirus outbreak was caused by the Wuhan wet markets.
Then I was TOTALLY convinced it was the result of the ccp bio-lab.
Then TOTALLY back to the wet markets.
And now THIS!
I'm in hospital, now, for whiplash.
<humorous mode on standby>
I'll just wait until the coronavirus dust settles.