Baltimore: ALL Confederate Statues Have Now Been Removed
There’s lots of turmoil.
But there’s lots more stability than turmoil.
There won’t be a civil war. People couid vent on the Internet all they want...but when it comes down to it, the vast majority wouldn’t want their livelihood threatened by having to fight a war on their own soil.
In your personal life, how much of this violence do you see outside of protest demonstrations?
Do you see people arguing about race in your local supermarket? Or wearing MAGA hats? Usually, people who attend demonstrations have nothing better to do.
I live life. People just want to provide for their families. They don’t want to fight a real war. They just want to vent anonymously on the Internet should they have a beef.
But there’s lots more stability than turmoil.
There won’t be a civil war. People couid vent on the Internet all they want...but when it comes down to it, the vast majority wouldn’t want their livelihood threatened by having to fight a war on their own soil.
In your personal life, how much of this violence do you see outside of protest demonstrations?
Do you see people arguing about race in your local supermarket? Or wearing MAGA hats? Usually, people who attend demonstrations have nothing better to do.
I live life. People just want to provide for their families. They don’t want to fight a real war. They just want to vent anonymously on the Internet should they have a beef.
Good point about me, I live a very cushy life. But what will I do when I'm exposed to political violence? It can happen. Never say it won't happen. That kind of thinking is dangerous.
And I will continue to call the north out on their BS everytime they put the south down for losing that war. That is my right as an Amuuurican ....for now.

I've always had a high regard for the South. I've met many Southern people, and have found very few of them to be as blatantly racist as some Northerners I have encountered.
There was quite a bit of racism in the mid 1970s in Boston----the white folks there didn't want black folks to be bused to their schools. It was constantly in the news. When I went to junior high, blacks and whites went to the same school---but they were segregated in real life; they were in different home room "groups." In my classes in 7th grade, I don't remember ever seeing a single black student.
The Civil Rights movement provided a boon for the South; it bought reasonable Southerners out of the "closet," so to speak.
Boy do you misunderstand me Fnord! I have no love for slavery or the Antebellum south. I don't want to see us go back to that era. I just hate the north because you guys were f*****g WAR CRIMINALS! A bunch of f*****g sadistic rapists and pryomaniacs with a white savior complex! It's high time you yankee sons of b*****s took a look in the mirror and realized that you weren't any f*****g better than we were! You guys suck just like this entire f*****g country sucks! Oh and you as*holes are so goddamn racist too. Quit denying it! This whole f*****g country is racist!
And I would gladly leave this cesspool of a country IF I COULD! Why don't YOU send me some money to move out of this place? Since you think you're so f*****g smart! I'll gladly leave if you give me the money and a passport! Put your money where your mouth is!
Yeah they won the way America wins every war
By being dirty sons of b*****s who get away with war crimes that any other country would be punished for. Just accept it and quit being a dick.
I'm done wasting my breath on an arrogant smartass thinks-he-knows-it-all like you. Have fun on top of your lonely little mountain.

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After the Civil War General Sherman had a key role in the ethnic cleansing of Indians. This was done by killing off the native Buffalo.
Native Americans Have General Sherman to Thank for Their Exile to Reservations - History Channel
There is a monument and statue for him in Grand Army Plaza, the entrence to Central Park, NYC
William Tecumseh Sherman
There are also Sherman statues in Washington,DC and Muskougee Michican as well as a tree named after him in the Sequoias. The Sherman Tank was named for him.
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
Last edited by ASPartOfMe on 25 Mar 2019, 10:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Native Americans Have General Sherman to Thank for Their Exile to Reservations - History Channel
There is a monument and statue for him in Grand Army Plaza, the entrence to Central Park, NYC
William Tecumseh Sherman
My point exactly.
So? Is there anyone forcing a take-down of ALL war memorials, or just the memorials of the LOSING side?
If you think that Sherman's statue should come down, then go for it. Then so should Lincoln's, Washington's, Jefferson's, Roosevelt's ... is every hero who has ever committed a crime (or enabled a crime) should be de-memorialized, then all of Mount Rushmore should be flattened to the ground.
Look up Lincoln's "Sultana" scandal.
Lincoln dodged responsibility by virtue of being assassinated before a board of inquiry could be convened.
So, yes, take down his monuments and remove his image from every penny in the land. I'll watch.

Joined: 25 Aug 2013
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If you think that Sherman's statue should come down, then go for it. Then so should Lincoln's, Washington's, Jefferson's, Roosevelt's ... is every hero who has ever committed a crime (or enabled a crime) should be de-memorialized, then all of Mount Rushmore should be flattened to the ground.
Look up Lincoln's "Sultana" scandal.
Lincoln dodged responsibility by virtue of being assassinated before a board of inquiry could be convened.
So, yes, take down his monuments and remove his image from every penny in the land. I'll watch.
Right now there is a move to erase figures from history anybody whom might have been a “hater”. At the time of the Charleston terror attack there was talk of removing a General Grant statue in NYC over anti Semitism allegations.
That the Confederacy lost is an ancilliary issue to to the issues of what they were rebelling for.
My view is that one should look at the entirty of the person, the persons accomplishment, and the context as delved into in this thread
Professionally Identified and joined WP August 26, 2013
DSM 5: Autism Spectrum Disorder, DSM IV: Aspergers Moderate Severity
“My autism is not a superpower. It also isn’t some kind of god-forsaken, endless fountain of suffering inflicted on my family. It’s just part of who I am as a person”. - Sara Luterman
Personally, I'd rather that history books would call out even our greatest historical figures as haters, slave-owners, womanizers, pedos, et cetera. Let the people decide how "great" these people really were.
Most of the framers of the Constitution were slave-owners. The phrase "... all men are created equal..." was meant literally. The Electoral College was installed as protection against popular opinion in presidential elections. Abraham Lincoln was an influence peddler who believed in cronyism and the exchange of political favors.
And so forth.

Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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If you think that Sherman's statue should come down, then go for it. Then so should Lincoln's, Washington's, Jefferson's, Roosevelt's ... is every hero who has ever committed a crime (or enabled a crime) should be de-memorialized, then all of Mount Rushmore should be flattened to the ground.
Look up Lincoln's "Sultana" scandal.
Lincoln dodged responsibility by virtue of being assassinated before a board of inquiry could be convened.
So, yes, take down his monuments and remove his image from every penny in the land. I'll watch.
Right now there is a move to erase figures from history anybody whom might have been a “hater”. At the time of the Charleston terror attack there was talk of removing a General Grant statue in NYC over anti Semitism allegations.
That the Confederacy lost is an ancilliary issue to to the issues of what they were rebelling for.
My view is that one should look at the entirty of the person, the persons accomplishment, and the context as delved into in this thread
I could not agree more. Is Martin Luther to be condemned for his Anti-Semitism despite his far more important work as a momentous religious reformer? Is Gandhi's Anti-African racism supposed to erase all memory of liberating India through peaceful means? Historical figures must be accepted, warts and all, as that's what makes us all human.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer